 * File name:RFID.pde
 * Creator:Dr.Leong   ( WWW.B2CQSHOP.COM )
 * Creation date:2011.09.19
 * Modified by: Eng. Robson (robson.eletronico@gmail.com)
 * Modified date: 2013.09.10
 * Modified: Translation from Chinese to English (by google)
 * Functional Description:Mifare1 Anti-collision find cards → → → Select card reader interface
 // the sensor communicates using SPI, so include the library:
#include <SPI.h>

#define	uchar	unsigned char
#define	uint	unsigned int

//Maximum length of the array
#define MAX_LEN 16

//set the pin
const int chipSelectPin = 10;
const int NRSTPD = 5;

//MF522 Command word
#define PCD_IDLE              0x00               //NO action; Cancel the current command
#define PCD_AUTHENT           0x0E               //Authentication Key
#define PCD_RECEIVE           0x08               //Receive Data
#define PCD_TRANSMIT          0x04               //Transmit data
#define PCD_TRANSCEIVE        0x0C               //Transmit and receive data,
#define PCD_RESETPHASE        0x0F               //Reset
#define PCD_CALCCRC           0x03               //CRC Calculate

// Mifare_One card command word
# define PICC_REQIDL          0x26               // find the antenna area does not enter hibernation
# define PICC_REQALL          0x52               // find all the cards antenna area
# define PICC_ANTICOLL        0x93               // anti-collision
# define PICC_SElECTTAG       0x93               // election card
# define PICC_AUTHENT1A       0x60               // authentication key A
# define PICC_AUTHENT1B       0x61               // authentication key B
# define PICC_READ            0x30               // Read Block
# define PICC_WRITE           0xA0               // write block
# define PICC_DECREMENT       0xC0               // debit
# define PICC_INCREMENT       0xC1               // recharge
# define PICC_RESTORE         0xC2               // transfer block data to the buffer
# define PICC_TRANSFER        0xB0               // save the data in the buffer
# define PICC_HALT            0x50               // Sleep

//And MF522 The error code is returned when communication
#define MI_OK                 0
#define MI_NOTAGERR           1
#define MI_ERR                2

//------------------MFRC522 Register---------------
//Page 0:Command and Status
#define     Reserved00            0x00
#define     CommandReg            0x01
#define     CommIEnReg            0x02
#define     DivlEnReg             0x03
#define     CommIrqReg            0x04
#define     DivIrqReg             0x05
#define     ErrorReg              0x06
#define     Status1Reg            0x07
#define     Status2Reg            0x08
#define     FIFODataReg           0x09
#define     FIFOLevelReg          0x0A
#define     WaterLevelReg         0x0B
#define     ControlReg            0x0C
#define     BitFramingReg         0x0D
#define     CollReg               0x0E
#define     Reserved01            0x0F
//Page 1:Command
#define     Reserved10            0x10
#define     ModeReg               0x11
#define     TxModeReg             0x12
#define     RxModeReg             0x13
#define     TxControlReg          0x14
#define     TxAutoReg             0x15
#define     TxSelReg              0x16
#define     RxSelReg              0x17
#define     RxThresholdReg        0x18
#define     DemodReg              0x19
#define     Reserved11            0x1A
#define     Reserved12            0x1B
#define     MifareReg             0x1C
#define     Reserved13            0x1D
#define     Reserved14            0x1E
#define     SerialSpeedReg        0x1F
//Page 2:CFG
#define     Reserved20            0x20
#define     CRCResultRegM         0x21
#define     CRCResultRegL         0x22
#define     Reserved21            0x23
#define     ModWidthReg           0x24
#define     Reserved22            0x25
#define     RFCfgReg              0x26
#define     GsNReg                0x27
#define     CWGsPReg	          0x28
#define     ModGsPReg             0x29
#define     TModeReg              0x2A
#define     TPrescalerReg         0x2B
#define     TReloadRegH           0x2C
#define     TReloadRegL           0x2D
#define     TCounterValueRegH     0x2E
#define     TCounterValueRegL     0x2F
//Page 3:TestRegister
#define     Reserved30            0x30
#define     TestSel1Reg           0x31
#define     TestSel2Reg           0x32
#define     TestPinEnReg          0x33
#define     TestPinValueReg       0x34
#define     TestBusReg            0x35
#define     AutoTestReg           0x36
#define     VersionReg            0x37
#define     AnalogTestReg         0x38
#define     TestDAC1Reg           0x39
#define     TestDAC2Reg           0x3A
#define     TestADCReg            0x3B
#define     Reserved31            0x3C
#define     Reserved32            0x3D
#define     Reserved33            0x3E
#define     Reserved34		  0x3F

//4 bytes card serial number, the first 5 bytes for the checksum byte
uchar serNum[5];

uchar  writeData[16]={0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100};  //Initialization 100 dollars
uchar  moneyConsume = 18 ;  //Consumption of 18 yuan
uchar  moneyAdd = 10 ;  //Recharge 10 yuan
//Sector A password, 16 sectors, each sector password 6Byte
 uchar sectorKeyA[16][16] = {{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF},
                             {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF},
                             //{0x19, 0x84, 0x07, 0x15, 0x76, 0x14},
                             {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF},
 uchar sectorNewKeyA[16][16] = {{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF},
                                {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xff,0x07,0x80,0x69, 0x19,0x84,0x07,0x15,0x76,0x14},
                                 //you can set another ket , such as  " 0x19, 0x84, 0x07, 0x15, 0x76, 0x14 "
                                 //{0x19, 0x84, 0x07, 0x15, 0x76, 0x14, 0xff,0x07,0x80,0x69, 0x19,0x84,0x07,0x15,0x76,0x14},
                                 // but when loop, please set the  sectorKeyA, the same key, so that RFID module can read the card
                                {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xff,0x07,0x80,0x69, 0x19,0x33,0x07,0x15,0x34,0x14},

void setup() {
   Serial.begin(9600);                       // RFID reader SOUT pin connected to Serial RX pin at 2400bps
 // start the SPI library:

  pinMode(chipSelectPin,OUTPUT);             // Set digital pin 10 as OUTPUT to connect it to the RFID /ENABLE pin
    digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);          // Activate the RFID reader
  pinMode(NRSTPD,OUTPUT);               // Set digital pin 10 , Not Reset and Power-down
    digitalWrite(NRSTPD, HIGH);


void loop()
  	uchar i,tmp, checksum1;
	uchar status;
        uchar str[MAX_LEN];
        uchar RC_size;
        uchar blockAddr;	//Selection operation block address 0 to 63
        String mynum = "";

		//Find cards, return card type
		status = MFRC522_Request(PICC_REQIDL, str);
		if (status == MI_OK)
                        Serial.println("Card detected");
                        Serial.print(" , ");
                        Serial.println(" ");

		//Anti-collision, return card serial number 4 bytes
		status = MFRC522_Anticoll(str);
		memcpy(serNum, str, 5);
		if (status == MI_OK)
                        checksum1 = serNum[0] ^ serNum[1] ^ serNum[2] ^ serNum[3];
                        Serial.println("The card's number is  : ");
                        Serial.print(" , ");
                        Serial.print(" , ");
                        Serial.print(" , ");
                        Serial.print(" , ");
			Serial.println(" ");

                        // Should really check all pairs, but for now we'll just use the first

                        if(serNum[0] == 88) {
                          Serial.println("Hello Grant");
                        } else if(serNum[0] == 173) {
                          Serial.println("Hello David");
                //Serial.println(" ");
		MFRC522_Halt();			//Command card into hibernation


 * Function Name:Write_MFRC5200
 * Function Description: To a certain MFRC522 register to write a byte of data
 * Input Parameters:addr - register address; val - the value to be written
 * Return value: None
void Write_MFRC522(uchar addr, uchar val)
	digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);

	//Address Format:0XXXXXX0

	digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);

 * Function Name:Read_MFRC522
 * Description: From a certain MFRC522 read a byte of data register
 * Input Parameters: addr - register address
 * Returns: a byte of data read from the
uchar Read_MFRC522(uchar addr)
	uchar val;

	digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW);

	//Address Format:1XXXXXX0
	SPI.transfer(((addr<<1)&0x7E) | 0x80);
	val =SPI.transfer(0x00);

	digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH);

	return val;

 * Function Name:SetBitMask
 * Description: Set RC522 register bit
 * Input parameters: reg - register address; mask - set value
 * Return value: None
void SetBitMask(uchar reg, uchar mask)
    uchar tmp;
    tmp = Read_MFRC522(reg);
    Write_MFRC522(reg, tmp | mask);  // set bit mask

 * Function Name: ClearBitMask
 * Description: clear RC522 register bit
 * Input parameters: reg - register address; mask - clear bit value
 * Return value: None
void ClearBitMask(uchar reg, uchar mask)
    uchar tmp;
    tmp = Read_MFRC522(reg);
    Write_MFRC522(reg, tmp & (~mask));  // clear bit mask

 * Function Name:AntennaOn
 * Description: Open antennas, each time you start or shut down the natural barrier between the transmitter should be at least 1ms interval
 * Input: None
 * Return value: None
void AntennaOn(void)
	uchar temp;

	temp = Read_MFRC522(TxControlReg);
	if (!(temp & 0x03))
		SetBitMask(TxControlReg, 0x03);

  * Function Name: AntennaOff
  * Description: Close antennas, each time you start or shut down the natural barrier between the transmitter should be at least 1ms interval
  * Input: None
  * Return value: None
void AntennaOff(void)
	ClearBitMask(TxControlReg, 0x03);

 * Function Name: ResetMFRC522
 * Description: Reset RC522
 * Input: None
 * Return value: None
void MFRC522_Reset(void)
    Write_MFRC522(CommandReg, PCD_RESETPHASE);

 * Function Name:InitMFRC522
 * Description: Initialize RC522
 * Input: None
 * Return value: None
void MFRC522_Init(void)


	//Timer: TPrescaler*TreloadVal/6.78MHz = 24ms
    Write_MFRC522(TModeReg, 0x8D);		//Tauto=1; f(Timer) = 6.78MHz/TPreScaler
    Write_MFRC522(TPrescalerReg, 0x3E);	//TModeReg[3..0] + TPrescalerReg
    Write_MFRC522(TReloadRegL, 30);
    Write_MFRC522(TReloadRegH, 0);

	Write_MFRC522(TxAutoReg, 0x40);		//100%ASK
	Write_MFRC522(ModeReg, 0x3D);		//CRC Initial value 0x6363	???

	//ClearBitMask(Status2Reg, 0x08);		//MFCrypto1On=0
	//Write_MFRC522(RxSelReg, 0x86);		//RxWait = RxSelReg[5..0]
	//Write_MFRC522(RFCfgReg, 0x7F);   		//RxGain = 48dB

	AntennaOn();		//Open the antenna

 * Function Name:MFRC522_Request
 * Description: Find cards, read the card type number
 * Input parameters: reqMode - find cards way
 *			 TagType - Return Card Type
 *			 	0x4400 = Mifare_UltraLight
 *				0x0400 = Mifare_One(S50)
 *				0x0200 = Mifare_One(S70)
 *				0x0800 = Mifare_Pro(X)
 *				0x4403 = Mifare_DESFire
 * Return value: the successful return MI_OK
uchar MFRC522_Request(uchar reqMode, uchar *TagType)
	uchar status;
	uint backBits;			//The received data bits

	Write_MFRC522(BitFramingReg, 0x07);		//TxLastBists = BitFramingReg[2..0]	???

	TagType[0] = reqMode;
	status = MFRC522_ToCard(PCD_TRANSCEIVE, TagType, 1, TagType, &backBits);

	if ((status != MI_OK) || (backBits != 0x10))
		status = MI_ERR;

	return status;

 * Function Name: MFRC522_ToCard
 * Description: RC522 and ISO14443 card communication
 * Input Parameters: command - MF522 command word,
 *			 sendData--RC522 sent to the card by the data
 *			 sendLen--Length of data sent
 *			 backData--Received the card returns data,
 *			 backLen--Return data bit length
 * Return value: the successful return MI_OK
uchar MFRC522_ToCard(uchar command, uchar *sendData, uchar sendLen, uchar *backData, uint *backLen)
    uchar status = MI_ERR;
    uchar irqEn = 0x00;
    uchar waitIRq = 0x00;
    uchar lastBits;
    uchar n;
    uint i;

    switch (command)
        case PCD_AUTHENT:		//Certification cards close
			irqEn = 0x12;
			waitIRq = 0x10;
		case PCD_TRANSCEIVE:	//Transmit FIFO data
			irqEn = 0x77;
			waitIRq = 0x30;

    Write_MFRC522(CommIEnReg, irqEn|0x80);	//Interrupt request
    ClearBitMask(CommIrqReg, 0x80);			//Clear all interrupt request bit
    SetBitMask(FIFOLevelReg, 0x80);			//FlushBuffer=1, FIFO Initialization

	Write_MFRC522(CommandReg, PCD_IDLE);	//NO action; Cancel the current command???

	//Writing data to the FIFO
    for (i=0; i<sendLen; i++)
		Write_MFRC522(FIFODataReg, sendData[i]);

	//Execute the command
	Write_MFRC522(CommandReg, command);
    if (command == PCD_TRANSCEIVE)
		SetBitMask(BitFramingReg, 0x80);		//StartSend=1,transmission of data starts

	//Waiting to receive data to complete
	i = 2000;	//i according to the clock frequency adjustment, the operator M1 card maximum waiting time 25ms???
		//Set1 TxIRq RxIRq IdleIRq HiAlerIRq LoAlertIRq ErrIRq TimerIRq
        n = Read_MFRC522(CommIrqReg);
    while ((i!=0) && !(n&0x01) && !(n&waitIRq));

    ClearBitMask(BitFramingReg, 0x80);			//StartSend=0

    if (i != 0)
        if(!(Read_MFRC522(ErrorReg) & 0x1B))	//BufferOvfl Collerr CRCErr ProtecolErr
            status = MI_OK;
            if (n & irqEn & 0x01)
				status = MI_NOTAGERR;			//??

            if (command == PCD_TRANSCEIVE)
               	n = Read_MFRC522(FIFOLevelReg);
              	lastBits = Read_MFRC522(ControlReg) & 0x07;
                if (lastBits)
					*backLen = (n-1)*8 + lastBits;
					*backLen = n*8;

                if (n == 0)
					n = 1;
                if (n > MAX_LEN)
					n = MAX_LEN;

				//Reading the received data in FIFO
                for (i=0; i<n; i++)
					backData[i] = Read_MFRC522(FIFODataReg);
			status = MI_ERR;


    //SetBitMask(ControlReg,0x80);           //timer stops
    //Write_MFRC522(CommandReg, PCD_IDLE);

    return status;

 * Function Name: MFRC522_Anticoll
 * Description: Anti-collision detection, reading selected card serial number card
 * Input parameters: serNum - returns 4 bytes card serial number, the first 5 bytes for the checksum byte
 * Return value: the successful return MI_OK
uchar MFRC522_Anticoll(uchar *serNum)
    uchar status;
    uchar i;
	uchar serNumCheck=0;
    uint unLen;

    //ClearBitMask(Status2Reg, 0x08);		//TempSensclear
    //ClearBitMask(CollReg,0x80);			//ValuesAfterColl
	Write_MFRC522(BitFramingReg, 0x00);		//TxLastBists = BitFramingReg[2..0]

    serNum[0] = PICC_ANTICOLL;
    serNum[1] = 0x20;
    status = MFRC522_ToCard(PCD_TRANSCEIVE, serNum, 2, serNum, &unLen);

    if (status == MI_OK)
		//Check card serial number
		for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		 	serNumCheck ^= serNum[i];
		if (serNumCheck != serNum[i])
			status = MI_ERR;

    //SetBitMask(CollReg, 0x80);		//ValuesAfterColl=1

    return status;

 * Function Name: CalulateCRC
 * Description: CRC calculation with MF522
 * Input parameters: pIndata - To read the CRC data, len - the data length, pOutData - CRC calculation results
 * Return value: None
void CalulateCRC(uchar *pIndata, uchar len, uchar *pOutData)
    uchar i, n;

    ClearBitMask(DivIrqReg, 0x04);			//CRCIrq = 0
    SetBitMask(FIFOLevelReg, 0x80);			//Clear the FIFO pointer
    //Write_MFRC522(CommandReg, PCD_IDLE);

	//Writing data to the FIFO
    for (i=0; i<len; i++)
		Write_MFRC522(FIFODataReg, *(pIndata+i));
    Write_MFRC522(CommandReg, PCD_CALCCRC);

	//Wait CRC calculation is complete
    i = 0xFF;
        n = Read_MFRC522(DivIrqReg);
    while ((i!=0) && !(n&0x04));			//CRCIrq = 1

	//Read CRC calculation result
    pOutData[0] = Read_MFRC522(CRCResultRegL);
    pOutData[1] = Read_MFRC522(CRCResultRegM);

 * Function Name: MFRC522_SelectTag
 * Description: election card, read the card memory capacity
 * Input parameters: serNum - Incoming card serial number
 * Return value: the successful return of card capacity
uchar MFRC522_SelectTag(uchar *serNum)
    uchar i;
	uchar status;
	uchar size;
    uint recvBits;
    uchar buffer[9];

	//ClearBitMask(Status2Reg, 0x08);			//MFCrypto1On=0

    buffer[0] = PICC_SElECTTAG;
    buffer[1] = 0x70;
    for (i=0; i<5; i++)
    	buffer[i+2] = *(serNum+i);
	CalulateCRC(buffer, 7, &buffer[7]);		//??
    status = MFRC522_ToCard(PCD_TRANSCEIVE, buffer, 9, buffer, &recvBits);

    if ((status == MI_OK) && (recvBits == 0x18))
		size = buffer[0];
		size = 0;

    return size;

 * Function Name: MFRC522_Auth
 * Description: Verify card password
 * Input parameters: authMode - Password Authentication Mode
                 0x60 = A key authentication
                 0x61 = Authentication Key B
             BlockAddr--Block address
             Sectorkey--Sector password
             serNum--Card serial number, 4-byte
 * Return value: the successful return MI_OK
uchar MFRC522_Auth(uchar authMode, uchar BlockAddr, uchar *Sectorkey, uchar *serNum)
    uchar status;
    uint recvBits;
    uchar i;
	uchar buff[12];

	//Verify the command block address + sector + password + card serial number
    buff[0] = authMode;
    buff[1] = BlockAddr;
    for (i=0; i<6; i++)
		buff[i+2] = *(Sectorkey+i);
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
		buff[i+8] = *(serNum+i);
    status = MFRC522_ToCard(PCD_AUTHENT, buff, 12, buff, &recvBits);

    if ((status != MI_OK) || (!(Read_MFRC522(Status2Reg) & 0x08)))
		status = MI_ERR;

    return status;

 * Function Name: MFRC522_Read
 * Description: Read block data
 * Input parameters: blockAddr - block address; recvData - read block data
 * Return value: the successful return MI_OK
uchar MFRC522_Read(uchar blockAddr, uchar *recvData)
    uchar status;
    uint unLen;

    recvData[0] = PICC_READ;
    recvData[1] = blockAddr;
    CalulateCRC(recvData,2, &recvData[2]);
    status = MFRC522_ToCard(PCD_TRANSCEIVE, recvData, 4, recvData, &unLen);

    if ((status != MI_OK) || (unLen != 0x90))
        status = MI_ERR;

    return status;

 * Function Name: MFRC522_Write
 * Description: Write block data
 * Input parameters: blockAddr - block address; writeData - to 16-byte data block write
 * Return value: the successful return MI_OK
uchar MFRC522_Write(uchar blockAddr, uchar *writeData)
    uchar status;
    uint recvBits;
    uchar i;
	uchar buff[18];

    buff[0] = PICC_WRITE;
    buff[1] = blockAddr;
    CalulateCRC(buff, 2, &buff[2]);
    status = MFRC522_ToCard(PCD_TRANSCEIVE, buff, 4, buff, &recvBits);

    if ((status != MI_OK) || (recvBits != 4) || ((buff[0] & 0x0F) != 0x0A))
		status = MI_ERR;

    if (status == MI_OK)
        for (i=0; i<16; i++)		//Data to the FIFO write 16Byte
        	buff[i] = *(writeData+i);
        CalulateCRC(buff, 16, &buff[16]);
        status = MFRC522_ToCard(PCD_TRANSCEIVE, buff, 18, buff, &recvBits);

		if ((status != MI_OK) || (recvBits != 4) || ((buff[0] & 0x0F) != 0x0A))
			status = MI_ERR;

    return status;

 * Function Name: MFRC522_Halt
 * Description: Command card into hibernation
 * Input: None
 * Return value: None
void MFRC522_Halt(void)
	uchar status;
    uint unLen;
    uchar buff[4];

    buff[0] = PICC_HALT;
    buff[1] = 0;
    CalulateCRC(buff, 2, &buff[2]);

    status = MFRC522_ToCard(PCD_TRANSCEIVE, buff, 4, buff,&unLen);