Competitive/Collaborative Programming Class

ICPC Computer Programming Contest Prep

Problem Solving in Computer Science

Spring 2015 -- CSC 2700 Section 01

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 *   Author: Son Pham
 *     Date: March 13, 2013
 *  Purpose: Tries to solve this problem using flood fill. I probably didn't
 *           implement flood fill correctly though.
 *  Problem: 532 Dungeon Master
 * Comments: It took so many tries to get this right...The first mistake was
 *           the assumption that only 30 moves were needed to escape the dungeon.
 *           Then it was time limit exceeded...over and over again... I was too
 *           lazy to dig out my books and notes to find a more efficient
 *           algorithm. Then I realized that my implementation of flood fill
 *           was flawed, so I reworked it with the booleans and now it's good.
 *           I'm pretty certain it could have been implemented better, but this
 *           was my first attempt at implementing a flood fill. I don't know if
 *           I did it right though. But at least my solution finally got accepted!

public class DungeonMaster {

    private static int l;
    private static int r;
    private static int c;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                String read = reader.readLine();
                String[] dungeonSize = read.split("\\s+");
                l= Integer.parseInt(dungeonSize[0]);
                if(l == 0)
                r = Integer.parseInt(dungeonSize[1]);
                c = Integer.parseInt(dungeonSize[2]);
                int[][][] dungeon = new int[l]
                int starti = 0;
                int startj = 0;
                int startk = 0;
                int endi = 0;
                int endj= 0;
                int endk = 0;
                //Read in dungeon
                for(int i = 0; i < l; i++){
                    for(int j = 0; j < r; j++){
                        read = reader.readLine();
                        int index = 0;
                        for(int k = 0; k < c; k++){
                            if(read.charAt(index) == '.')
                                dungeon[i][j][k] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                            else if(read.charAt(index) == '#')
                                dungeon[i][j][k] = -1;
                            else if(read.charAt(index) == 'S'){
                                dungeon[i][j][k] = 0;
                                starti = i;
                                startj = j;
                                startk = k;
                            else if(read.charAt(index) == 'E'){
                                dungeon[i][j][k] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                                endi = i;
                                endj = j;
                                endk = k;
                    read = reader.readLine();
                //Dungeon read in
                //System.out.println(starti+" "+startj+" "+startk);
                processPath(dungeon,starti, startj, startk);
                if(dungeon[endi][endj][endk] < Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                    System.out.println("Escaped in "+dungeon[endi][endj][endk]+" minute(s).");
        }catch(Exception ex){}
    public static void processPath(int[][][] d, int si, int sj, int sk){
        boolean siup = false;
        boolean sidn = false;
        boolean sjup = false;
        boolean sjdn = false;
        boolean skup = false;
        boolean skdn = false;
        if((si-1 >= 0) && (d[si-1][sj][sk] > (d[si][sj][sk]+1))){
            d[si-1][sj][sk] = (d[si][sj][sk]+1);
            sidn = true;
            //System.out.println("d[si-1][sj][sk] = "+(d[si][sj][sk]+1));    
        if((si+1 < l) && (d[si+1][sj][sk] > (d[si][sj][sk]+1))){
            d[si+1][sj][sk] = (d[si][sj][sk]+1);
            siup = true;
            //System.out.println("d[si+1][sj][sk] = "+(d[si][sj][sk]+1));
        if((sj-1 >= 0) && (d[si][sj-1][sk] > (d[si][sj][sk]+1))){
            d[si][sj-1][sk] = (d[si][sj][sk]+1);
            sjdn = true;
            //System.out.println("d[si][sj-1][sk] = "+(d[si][sj][sk]+1));
        if((sj+1 < r) && (d[si][sj+1][sk] > (d[si][sj][sk]+1))){
            d[si][sj+1][sk] = (d[si][sj][sk]+1);
            sjup = true;
            //System.out.println("d[si][sj+1][sk] = "+(d[si][sj][sk]+1));
        if((sk-1 >= 0) && (d[si][sj][sk-1] > (d[si][sj][sk]+1))){
            d[si][sj][sk-1] = (d[si][sj][sk]+1);
            skdn = true;
            //System.out.println("d[si][sj][sk-1] = "+(d[si][sj][sk]+1));
        if((sk+1 < c) && (d[si][sj][sk+1] > (d[si][sj][sk]+1))){
            d[si][sj][sk+1] = (d[si][sj][sk]+1);
            skup = true;
            //System.out.println("d[si][sj][sk+1] = "+(d[si][sj][sk]+1));
            processPath(d, si-1, sj, sk);
            processPath(d, si+1, sj, sk);

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