grep+: UVA problems keyword search (v1.1)

grep+ found these files to match your search:

p10094.cpp: //hard, math, combinatorics, 8 queens for large n, good, excellent
p10559.cpp: //hard, very hard, dp, blocks, good, excellent
p775.cpp: //easy, graphs, backtracking, hamiltonian path
p11623.cpp: //hard, careful coding, insane input, UNSOLVED: TLE, of all things!
p10082.cpp: //easy, trivial, input, io, map, wertyu, good
p700.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, chinese remainder theorem, UNSOLVED: need CRT
p636.cpp: //easy, good, short, math, number theory, horner, bases, squares, sqrt
p11648.cpp: //medium, math, geometry
p529.cpp: //hard, backtracking, iterative deepening, branch-and-bound, UNSOLVED: that's hard!
p152.cpp: //medium, misc, geometry, closest neighbours, good
p599.cpp: //medium, graphs, flood fill, bfs, dfs, connected components
p260.cpp: //easy, grids, bfs, dfs, connectivity on a small hexagonal grid
p112.cpp: //easy, io, parsing, lisp trees, recursion, recursive
p10564.cpp: //medium, dp, path recovery, gotcha
p658.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, dijkstra, bitmasks, good, excellent
p10807.cpp: //hard, graphs, backtracking, minimum spanning tree
p983.cpp: //medium, 2d maximum sum
p10592.cpp: //easy, graphs, flood fill, dfs, bfs, image
p856.cpp: //medium, decryption, cryptography, vigenere, weird, bad
p114.cpp: //easy, simulation, pinball, bad
p727.cpp: //multiple input, medium, expression parsing
p10855.cpp: //easy, brute force, rotation by 90
p162.cpp: //medium, simulation, cards, deques, lists, datastructures
p10439.cpp: //medium, geometry, circle through 3 points
p11065.cpp: //hard, brute force, backtracking, branch-and-bound, graphs, maximal independent sets, bitmasks
p10116.cpp: //easy, simulation
p671.cpp: //multiple input, easy, strings, dictionary, spell checker, set, map
p10880.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, factoring
p712.cpp: //easy, trivial, io, trees, good, short
p10279.cpp: //easy, dfs, flood fill, multiple input, simulation
p618.cpp: //medium, simulation, windows, UNSOLVED: weird. WA.
p11314.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, calculus
p10060.cpp: //easy, geometry, area of a polygon, good
p967.cpp: //easy, number theory, sieve of erastosthenes
p699.cpp: //easy, trees, recursive, good
p594.cpp: //easy, trivial, little endian, big endian, good, short, union, swap, example, excelent
p10864.cpp: //medium, geometry, limiting attention to endpoints, flood fill, good
p10041.cpp: //easy, math, median, sort, good, excellent
p576.cpp: //easy, trivial, io, haiku, haiku review, good, excellent, short, good code, scanf
p11559.cpp: //easy, trivial, brute force
p10146.cpp: //medium, misc, trees, strings, dictionary, greedy, good
p132.cpp: //medium, geometry, polygons, left turn, good
p10453.cpp: //medium, palindromes, dp, good
p10404.cpp: //medium, dp, game, minimax, variation of nim
p11498.cpp: //easy, trivial
p11401.cpp: //easy, math
p554.cpp: //easy, encryption, caesar cypher, io, output
p696.cpp: //medium, math, chess, problem 278, knights, good, excellent, short, sneaky
p10626.cpp: //medium, dp, memoization, sneaky, tricky, good
p993.cpp: //easy, number theory
p11051.cpp: //easy, math, good
p193.cpp: //medium, graphs, maximum independent set, heuristics, backtracking
p307.cpp: //hard, backtracking, branch-and-bound, partition, bad, UNSOLVED: TLE, obviously
p837.cpp: //medium, geometry, endpoints, sets, good, excellent
p10586.cpp: //medium, polynomial long division without carries, good
p10425.cpp: //easy, geometry, mobile destroyer, UNSOLVED: WA?!
p442.cpp: //easy, nice, good, io, parsing, exceptions
p209.cpp: //medium, math, careful programming, triangular grid
p10254.cpp: //medium, big int, math, dp, combinatorics, towers of hanoi, good
p783.cpp: //easy, math, short, tiny, UNSOLVED: WA
p903.cpp: //medium, grids, spiral, classic
p10243.cpp: //hard, graphs, dp, minimum vertex cover in a tree, good
p378.cpp: //easy, geometry, line intersection
p11127.cpp: //medium, brute force, backtracking, branch and bound, good
p10050.cpp: //easy, trivial, simulation, math, number theory, modular arithmetic, short
p10091.cpp: //medium, math, dp, graphs, probability, bad, gotcha, UNSOLVED:
p10593.cpp: //hard, dp, squares and rhombi on a grid, good
p611.cpp: //multiple input, medium, simulation, sim, deadlock, ipc, macros, UNSOLVED: WA, huge and ugly
p428.cpp: //easy, geometry, input
p10761.cpp: //easy, output, printf
p793.cpp: //multiple input, easy, union-find, good, excellent
p560.cpp: //medium, number theory, strings, graphs, bfs, big int, brute force, simulation
p373.cpp: //easy, strings, simulation, careful programming, bad, horrible
p10170.cpp: //easy, math, good, excellent, short, tiny, great first problem
p10304.cpp: //medium, dp, trees, optimal binary search tree, bst, huffman, UNSOLVED: too slow, need O(n^2)
p459.cpp: //multiple input, easy, graphs, trivial, dfs
p11577.cpp: //trivial, brute force
p587.cpp: //easy, doubles, treasure, io, printf, getline, scanf, anal input
p11516.cpp: //medium, dp, binary search, scanline, intervals covering points
p259.cpp: //hard, graphs, bipartite matching
p757.cpp: //hard, dp, good, efficiency, fishing
p391.cpp: //medium, parsing, io, dfa, fsm, fsa, bad
p10494.cpp: //medium, math, big int, multiplication and remainder
p10664.cpp: //easy, partition, coins, dp, good
p173.cpp: //easy, parsing, graphs, simulation, bad, UNSOLVED: another messed up graph-based simulation
p253.cpp: //easy, permutation, nice trick
p11082.cpp: //medium, graphs, maximum flow, matrix row and column sums, bad, confusing, the problem setter lies
p10045.cpp: //easy, simulation, strings, echo strings, brute force, short
p11582.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, fibonacci
p591.cpp: //easy, trivial, good, excellent, short
p10187.cpp: //medium, bfs, graphs, shortest path, tricky
p11679.cpp: //easy, brute force
p11056.cpp: //easy, sorting, bad, undefined
p661.cpp: //easy, trivial, simulation
p11087.cpp: //medium, efficiency, fast input
p698.cpp: //easy, parsing, gotcha
p190.cpp: //medium, geometry, circle through 3 points, good, excellent
p648.cpp: //easy, partition, dp, ugly, UNSOLVED: ugly, confusing, stupid and demented
p11375.cpp: //medium, big int, dp, digits
p596.cpp: //medium, geometry, convex hull, graham scan, UNSOLVED: can't be judged
p11753.cpp: //medium, dp, palindromes, lcs, longest common subsequence, clever, good, excellent
p10600.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, kruskal's, 2 smallest spanning trees, good, excellent
p383.cpp: //medium, bfs, graphs
p10523.cpp: //medium, big int, io, addition, multiplication, printf
p928.cpp: //medium, bfs, shortest path, careful coding
p11734.cpp: //easy, trivial, input
p10317.cpp: //medium, math, dp, brute force, partition, coins, UNSOLVED: do this! I'm tired now. Careful with TLE.
p441.cpp: //easy
p10427.cpp: //easy, short, math, number theory, good
p325.cpp: //medium, fsa, fsm, dfa, parsing, io, float parsing, scientific notation
p327.cpp: //medium, parsing, expressions
p659.cpp: //easy, geometry, ray tracing, circle ray reflection, UNSOLVED: hmmm... WA
p109.cpp: //hard, geometry, convex hull, area of a polygon, point in polygon, long
p501.cpp: //medium, simulation, set, iterators, datastructure
p10226.cpp: //medium, map, datastructure, fast input, fast strings
p11125.cpp: //medium, dp, gotcha
p776.cpp: //medium, flood fill, bfs, optimization
p11524.cpp: //medium, geometry, good
p298.cpp: //easy, graphs, bfs, shortest path
p10227.cpp: //easy, multiple input
p11136.cpp: //medium, multiset, efficiency, insane input
p10393.cpp: //easy, simulation, map, bad
p11701.cpp: //UNSOLVED, easy, math
p11565.cpp: //easy, brute force, evil
p355.cpp: //medium, bad
p10341.cpp: //medium, binary search
p10326.cpp: //easy, math, polynomial multiplication
p10680.cpp: //hard, dp, math, number theory, lcm, last nonzero digit, sieve, primes
p795.cpp: //easy, cryptography, io, sandorf's cypher
p468.cpp: //multiple input, medium, maps, frequency analysis
p138.cpp: //easy, brute force, precomputation, no input
p642.cpp: //easy, short, anagrams, map, sort
p10281.cpp: //easy, io, scanf, printf
p676.cpp: //easy, simulation, maze walk
p11721.cpp: //hard, very hard, graphs, negative-weight cycles, bellman-ford, optimization, UNSOLVED: TLE
p10538.cpp: //medium, brute force, backtracking, magic squares
p422.cpp: //easy, word puzzle
p439.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs
p10188.cpp: //easy, parsing, gotcha, good, excellent
p911.cpp: //medium, number theory, binomial coefficients, good
p10117.cpp: //medium, geometry, cut polygon, cookies in milk
p10357.cpp: //easy, simulation, math
p10288.cpp: //medium, rational, math, probability, expected value, dp, good
p10730.cpp: //medium, math, antiarithmetic permutations
p535.cpp: //medium, geometry, great circle, good, excellent
p914.cpp: //medium, number theory, sieve
p11749.cpp: //medium, gs, bfs, greedy, evil
p11403.cpp: //easy, tedious, simulation, bad
p155.cpp: //easy, recursive, recursion, short
p10052.cpp: //medium, graphs, greedy, bfs, dfs, 4-colouring, 4-colourability, colours, bad, judge is wrong, UNSOLVED: NP-hard with n=300 !!?!?
p10092.cpp: //hard, graphs, bipartite matching, maximum flow
p10055.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, ridiculously easy, gotcha, good, careful reading
p10145.cpp: //multiple input, easy, simulation
p104.cpp: //medium, dp, arbitrage, good
p218.cpp: //hard, geometry, convex hull
p10048.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, minimum spanning tree, union-find, good, excellent
p843.cpp: //hard, backtracking, brute force, cypher, encryption, decryption, UNSOLVED: need better pruning or a different approach
p563.cpp: //hard, escape problem, maximum flow, graphs, efficiency
p10034.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, minimum spanning tree, union-find, kruskal's, prim's, good
p11089.cpp: //medium, recursive, recursion, math
p11503.cpp: //medium, graphs, union-find, classic
p10558.cpp: //medium, dp, UNSOLVED: Derek's problem... 100^3 is too slow.
p10734.cpp: //medium, misc, gcd, brute force, geometry, good, excellent\
p613.cpp: //easy, math, simulation, kronecker
p656.cpp: //medium, simulation, brute force, optimal programs, UNSOLVED: too slow
p11052.cpp: //medium, dp
p346.cpp: //easy, bad, brute force
p10733.cpp: //hard, math, combinatorics, colouring a cube, good, short
p11588.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10530.cpp: //easy, trivial, game, guessing game
p10075.cpp: //medium, graphs, geometry, all-pairs shortest path, floyd-warshall, geodesic distance, great circle, good
p105.cpp: //medium, misc, geometry, skyline, rectangle intersection, cases, good, excellent
p471.cpp: //multiple input, medium, math, number theory, optimization, fast io
p812.cpp: //easy, shortest path-like, good
p10881.cpp: //easy, map, sorting, math
p11175.cpp: //hard, graphs, directed line graph recognition
p537.cpp: //easy, parsing, input, getline, good
p747.cpp: //medium, dp, shortest path, dfs, cute, UNSOLVED: perhaps I gave up too soon
p10724.cpp: //medium, graphs, all-pairs shortest path, floyd-warshall, good, excellent
p153.cpp: //medium, math, permutations, recursive, recursion, good, excellent
p10209.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, inclusion-exclusion principle, short, tiny, good, excellent
p386.cpp: //medium, stable sort, trickys
p667.cpp: //multiple input, hard, geometry, shadows, UNSOLVED: I suck at hard geometry problems.
p628.cpp: //easy, io, ugly, bad, poorly defined, confusing
p11418.cpp: //medium, graphs, bipartite matching
p11500.cpp: //medium, math, probability, iteration, linear system
p10403.cpp: //medium, brute force, coin weighings, optimization, very time-critical!, UNSOLVED: way too slow
p10827.cpp: //hard, maximum submatrix sum on a torus, classic, good, excellent, UNSOLVED: hmm... why WA?
p614.cpp: //medium, graphs, maze, dfs, simulation, pretty output, good
p562.cpp: //easy, partition, np-complete, dp, coins
p744.cpp: //medium, simulation, triangular grids, greedy, careful programming
p11569.cpp: //easy, brute force, backtracking
p401.cpp: //easy, strings
p11506.cpp: //hard, graphs, max flow, min cut
p10826.cpp: //hard, dp, good
p11061.cpp: //medium, dp, probability, precomputation, good
p11744.cpp: //easy, binary arithmetic, simulation
p334.cpp: //medium, graphs, transitive closure, floyd-warshall, bad
p10169.cpp: //medium, math, probabilities, log, UNSOLVED: one of us is on crack
p314.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs, shortest path
p585.cpp: //medium, dp, triangle grid
p11600.cpp: //hard, dp, graphs, probability
p11153.cpp: //hard, dp, traveling salesman, bitmasks
p561.cpp: //medium, misc, math, short, good
p10373.cpp: //medium, knapsack, dp, coins
p11639.cpp: //easy, rectangle intersection
p10703.cpp: //medium, limiting attention to endpoints, space not covered by a union of rectangles, classic, good
p385.cpp: //easy, boring, dna
p433.cpp: //medium, parsing, ugly, long
p11526.cpp: //medium, math, number theory
p321.cpp: //medium, shortest path, bfs, bitmasks
p11044.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, short
p11086.cpp: //medium, sieve, factoring
p10507.cpp: //medium, graphs, simulation
p10129.cpp: //easy, graphs, euler path existence
p836.cpp: //medium, grids, maximum sub-matrix, largest sub-matrix
p10038.cpp: //easy, trivial, datastructure, array
p11408.cpp: //medium, number theory, sieve
p10710.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, modular arithmetic, pseudoprimes, useful, good, excellent
p10228.cpp: //medium, tricky, sneaky, optimization
p345.cpp: //medium, graphs, resistors, resistance, resistor networks, iterativie, good
p861.cpp: //hard, backtracking, non-attacking bishops
p850.cpp: //easy, strings, decryption, cryptography
p10497.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, combinatorics, inclusion-exclusion principle
p10381.cpp: //hard, flood fill, brute force, tricky, good, excellent, UNSOLVED: no idea how to do it
p196.cpp: //medium, simulation, misc, spreadsheet evaluation, good
p10422.cpp: //medium, brute force, backtracking, game
p10616.cpp: //hard, dp, coins, mod, good, excellent
p10684.cpp: //medium, maximum subarray sum, maximum sum, classic, short
p10098.cpp: //easy, next_permutation, sorting, short
p408.cpp: //easy, trivial, number theory, short, 4 lines, gcd
p10000.cpp: //medium, modified bfs, graphs, bfs, longest path
p10293.cpp: //easy, input, parsing, dfa, fsa, fsm, map, word frequency
p11532.cpp: //easy, bitmasks, binary integers, greedy
p477.cpp: //easy, oop, good, geometry, pure virtual functions, see p478
p358.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, binary search, bad, UNSOLVED: probably a precision bug in the judge's data
p369.cpp: //easy, pascal's triangle, math, nice overflow trick
p10286.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, math, geometry
p10790.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, good, excellent
p10863.cpp: //hard, graphs, steiner tree, brute force, bfs, spanning tree, careful reading
p10701.cpp: //easy, trees, preorder, inorder, postorder traversal, classic, good, excellent
p10099.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, minimum spanning tree, prim, kruskal, good, excellent
p11360.cpp: //easy, trivial, simulation
p10464.cpp: //medium, big int, addition, subtraction
p828.cpp: //easy, encryption, decryption, cryptography, sneaky, good
p11115.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, big int, evil
p405.cpp: //easy, simulation
p247.cpp: //medium, graphs, scc, strongly connected components, floyd-warshall, transitive closure
p11004.cpp: //medium, geometry, math, linear algebra
p11058.cpp: //easy, simulation
p10610.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, mst, kruskal's, bfs, doubles, input, getline, good, excellent
p834.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, continued fractions, good, excellent
p10443.cpp: //medium, rock paper scissors
p10717.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, lcm, gcd, brute force
p103.cpp: //medium, lis, longest increasing subsequence, dp
p520.cpp: //medium, binary search
p11547.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10268.cpp: //easy, horner's rule, good, excellent
p598.cpp: //multiple input, easy, combinatorics, subsets, recursion
p654.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, gcd, rational, doubles, rational approximating sequence, bad
p10777.cpp: //easy, math, probability
p445.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10359.cpp: //medium, big int, dp, math, combinatorics, good
p652.cpp: //multiple input, hard, brute force, fifteen, 15, pyatnashki, bad, wrong judge
p178.cpp: //easy, cards, simulation
p143.cpp: //hard, geometry, line intersection, bad, horrible
p714.cpp: //hard, very hard, dp, binary search, copying books, good, excellent
p410.cpp: //medium, brute force, branch and bound, good, excellent
p457.cpp: //multiple input, easy, 1d conway's game of life, simulation
p796.cpp: //medium, graphs, dfs, bridge detection, good, excellent
p487.cpp: //multiple input, medium, graphs, good dfs, enumerating all paths, memoization
p10390.cpp: //easy, simulation, input
p575.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, skew binary, base conversion, horner, short, good, excellent, tiny
p11650.cpp: //easy, careful coding, mirrored clock
p11624.cpp: //medium, bfs, shortest path in a maze
p539.cpp: //medium, graphs, brute force, backtracking, longest path
p11505.cpp: //easy, geometry, simulation
p640.cpp: //medium, short, good, math, number theory, sieve, memoization, dp, no input
p10200.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, primality testing, array integration, rounding
p10419.cpp: //medium, primes, dp, partition, goldbach, UNSOLVED: times out
p10696.cpp: //medium, math, recursive function, short, tiny, good
p11177.cpp: //hard, geometry, binary search, intersection of a convex polygon and a circle, UNSOLVED: no time
p10678.cpp: //easy, trivial, geometry, short, tiny
p545.cpp: //medium, math, big int, good
p10190.cpp: //easy, division, careful reading, gotcha, good, excellent
p10587.cpp: //medium, scanline, sorting, intervals, classic, good, excellent
p10223.cpp: //medium, precomputation, catalan numbers
p622.cpp: //medium, parsing, expression evaluation, dfa, fsa, fsm, bad, poorly defined
p380.cpp: //easy, simulation
p689.cpp: //medium, strings, palindromes, good, excellent, parsing, grammars
p491.cpp: //hard, math, combinatorics, polyominoes
p729.cpp: //multiple input, easy, subsets, brute force, stefan's tutorial
p10604.cpp: //hard, dp, bitmasks
p100.cpp: //easy, memoization
p10245.cpp: //hard, computational geometry, closest pair of points, classic, gotcha
p191.cpp: //medium, geometry, line segment intersection, rectangle clipping
p10420.cpp: //easy, trivial, getline, io
p10602.cpp: //medium, greedy, sorting
p278.cpp: //easy, trivial, chess, math
p10309.cpp: //hard, greedy, turn the lights off, classic, good, excellent
p11148.cpp: //easy, parsing, gcd
p10510.cpp: //medium, graphs, cactus, strongly connected, cycles, dfs, good, excellent
p10385.cpp: //medium, geometry, ternary search
p127.cpp: //hard, simulation, cards, speed, optimization, insane input
p357.cpp: //easy, coins, dp, good, short
p728.cpp: //medium, careful coding, plotting
p169.cpp: //easy, brute force, bad, horrible, UNSOLVED: bad problem description
p880.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, cantor fractions
p11053.cpp: //medium, math, Pollard rho
p11116.cpp: //easy, geometry, evil
p10529.cpp: //medium, math, probability, falling dominoes, good, excellent
p10191.cpp: //easy, geometry, intervals, longest free interval
p10339.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, lagging clocks, short, tiny
p625.cpp: //multiple input, easy, parsing, dfa, fsm, fsa, io, good, on-the-fly
p11090.cpp: //hard, graphs, shortest path, dp, binary search, good, gotcha
p526.cpp: //medium, dp, lcs, longest common subsequence, string distance, classic
p10452.cpp: //easy, trivial, simulation, following instructions
p10780.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, factorials, classic, good, excellent
p10656.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, wtf?!
p10723.cpp: //medium, dp, shortest common supersequence, gotcha, good, excellent
p10515.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, exponents, euler phi, good, excellent
p10421.cpp: //easy, greedy, critical wave
p11509.cpp: //easy, geometry
p808.cpp: //medium, bee numbers, grids, classic
p108.cpp: //medium, misc, 2d maximum sum, maximum sub-rectangle, short, good, excellent
p10747.cpp: //hard, greedy, maximum-product subsequence, careful programming, good, UNSOLVED: WA: missing a case
p10957.cpp: //medium, brute force, branch and bound, sudoku
p10653.cpp: //easy, bfs, classic, good, excellent
p10598.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, latitude, polar bear walk problem, good, short
p202.cpp: //easy, number theory, long division, decimal expansion
p567.cpp: //easy, shortest path, floyd-warshall, graphs, all pairs shortest path, unweighted
p866.cpp: //medium, geometry, line segment intersection
p11603.cpp: //hard, graphs, all pairs maximum flow, max flow, mst, minimum spanning tree, bottleneck tree
p464.cpp: //easy, map, natural language generation, long
p543.cpp: //easy, number theory, sieve, goldbach
p11172.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10352.cpp: //medium, sorting, strings, simulation, bad, horrible, false description
p719.cpp: //hard, ridiculously hard, strings, misc, glass beads, good, excellent, UNSOLVED:  n*sqrt(n)*log(n) is too slow?!
p11083.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, good
p10436.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, dijkstra
p11520.cpp: //easy, trivial, brute force
p474.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, printf, io
p694.cpp: //easy, math, collatz sequence, 3n+1 problem, problem 100, simulation, memoization, exceptions, cute
p11412.cpp: //easy, brute force, simulation, mastermind, bad
p607.cpp: //medium, dp, good, UNSOLVED: O(n^3) is too slow
p573.cpp: //easy, simulation
p10337.cpp: //easy, dp, classic
p188.cpp: //easy, math, perfect hashing, following instructions, educational, good, excellent
p406.cpp: //easy, number theory, primes, sieve, fast input, fast output, fast io
p11132.cpp: //easy, trivial, bad, horrible
p11043.cpp: //medium, simulation, bitmasks, good
p10340.cpp: //easy, trivial, short
p821.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, floyd-warshall
p414.cpp: // easy, trivial
p10258.cpp: //easy, sorting, simulation, gotcha
p681.cpp: //medium, geometry, convex hull, graham's scan, good, excellent
p251.cpp: //easy, simulation, dp, UNSOLVED: I don't understand sample output.
p10745.cpp: //hard, strings, brute force
p920.cpp: //medium, geometry, sorting, scanline
p400.cpp: //easy, io
p11522.cpp: //medium, math, number theory
p547.cpp: //easy, memoization, dp, number theory, perfect numbers, factors, gotcha
p10669.cpp: //medium, big int, math, binary numbers, good
p404.cpp: //easy, simulation, math, careful reading, gotcha
p10110.cpp: //medium, math, number theory
p10056.cpp: //easy, math, probability, infinite series, short
p11369.cpp: //easy, trivial, greedy, sorting
p11535.cpp: //medium, gray codes, grey codes, bitmasks
p10432.cpp: //easy, geometry, math, polygon in circle, short, tiny
p10683.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, good, short, tiny
p507.cpp: //easy, fast io, 1d maximum sum
p106.cpp: //hard, super hard, math, number theory, dp, pythagorean triples, pythagoras
p10581.cpp: //medium, math, dp, partitions, lexicographic, recursive
p10152.cpp: //medium, sorting, shell sort, map, good, excellent
p11118.cpp: //hard, math, permutations, probability, short
p688.cpp: //medium, geometry, doubles, total area of a set of rectangles, good, excellent
p11110.cpp: //easy, bfs, flood fill
p832.cpp: //easy, trivial, careful reading
p11126.cpp: //hard, dp, memory efficiency
p11307.cpp: //medium, dp, trees
p1001.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, geometry, sphere intersection
p558.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, cycle detection, dfs
p11112.cpp: //easy, confusing
p10406.cpp: //meduim, geometry, line intersection, good
p820.cpp: //hard, graphs, maximum flow, good, excellent
p10303.cpp: //hard, math, big int, combinatorics, catalan numbers, short, good
p10244.cpp: //hard, math, iterative, backtracking, ouroboros numbers, de bruijn sequence, classic
p11552.cpp: //easy, dp
p10033.cpp: //easy, simulation, assembly execution
p10563.cpp: //medium, greedy, UNSOLVED: needs some test cases, but should be right.
p10148.cpp: //hard, greedy, range tree, classic, scanline, sorting, good, excellent, UNSOLVED: segfault!???!?!?
p10123.cpp: //medium, dp, good
p11536.cpp: //medium, scanline
p183.cpp: //medium, recursive, quad trees, bitmaps, good
p122.cpp: //easy, trees, level traversal, bfs, smart solution, good, excellent
p353.cpp: //easy, brute force, strings, palindromes, number of palindromic substrings
p362.cpp: //easy, simulation, queue
p1010.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, Dijkstra's
p10068.cpp: //hard, good, shortest path, dijkstra, path recovery, UNSOLVED: spent 3 day on this little bugger
p10027.cpp: //hard, grammars, bfs, dfs, efficiency, recursive grammar cardinality, UNSOLVED: too slow
p10063.cpp: //easy, permutations, follow the rules, recursion, recursive
p743.cpp: //easy, productions, recursive, turing machines, theoretical cs, languages, exceptions, good
p389.cpp: //easy, horner, math, number theory, io, printf
p10250.cpp: //medium, geometry, parallelograms and squares, short, good, excellent
p10750.cpp: //hard, computational geometry, closest pair of points, classic, good, excellent
p577.cpp: //medium, simulation, windows, geometry, rectangles, long, good
p11047.cpp: //medium, graphs, all-pairs shortest path, floyd-warshall, path recovery, input, getline, bad
p10344.cpp: //medium, permutation, brute force
p10906.cpp: //medium, parsing
p10313.cpp: //medium, good dp
p435.cpp: //hard, dp, coins, partition, banzhaf power index, good, excellent
p10462.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, minimum spanning tree, second mst
p524.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, brute force, recursive
p440.cpp: //easy, number theory, brute force once
p11113.cpp: //hard, big int, division, math, continued fractions, output
p548.cpp: //medium, trees, binary tree reconstruction, bottom-up, good, excellent
p10818.cpp: //hard, graphs, dp, shortest path, hamiltonian path, traveling salesman
p10196.cpp: //easy, game, chess, who is in check?, good
p10044.cpp: //medium, io, scanf, graphs, bfs, erdos numbers
p494.cpp: //easy, trivial, parsing
p909.cpp: //medium, dp, bitpack compression, UNSOLVED: what.
p11636.cpp: //easy, trivial
p825.cpp: //easy, dp, number of right-down paths, good, excellent
p10397.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, kruskal's, good
p467.cpp: //easy, brute force, getline
p11356.cpp: //medium, ugly, dates, calendar, tedious
p766.cpp: //multiple input, hard, math, gcd, binomial coefficients, combinatorics
p11137.cpp: //easy, dp, coins
p10446.cpp: //easy, math, dp, counting the number of time a recursive function is called, bad
p10511.cpp: //hard, maximum flow, ford-fulkerson, efficiency
p10042.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, primes, primality, smith numbers
p840.cpp: //easy, graphs, cycle detection, dfs, bfs, bad
p10707.cpp: //medium, geometry, rotation, flood fill
p11604.cpp: //medium, bfs, bitmasks, ambiguous codings
p11508.cpp: //medium, math, permutations, graphs, good
p10306.cpp: //medium, partition, dp, coins in 2d, good, excellent
p409.cpp: //easy, parsing
p473.cpp: //hard, iterative dp
p10993.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, graphs, bfs
p10689.cpp: //easy, math, fibonacci numbers, linear algebra, successive squaring
p199.cpp: //easy, math, linear algebra, boundary value problems, useful
p10646.cpp: //easy, trivial, simulation, cards
p306.cpp: //hard, math, combinatorics, number theory, permutations, permutation cycles, successive squaring
p10555.cpp: //hard, math, decimal fractions, decimal expansions, tricky, good
p434.cpp: //medium, greedy, misc, good, excellent
p10851.cpp: //easy, trivial, binary numbers, ascii
p444.cpp: //easy
p11549.cpp: //easy, brute force, simulation
p374.cpp: //easy, successive squaring, number theory, math, very short, mod
p10136.cpp: //medium, geometry, io, getline, max points in a circle of fixed radius, good, UNSOLVED: PE? PE?!?!!!?!
p10014.cpp: //medium, math, linear algebra, matrices, linear systems
p627.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, floyd-warshall, bfs
p11452.cpp: //easy, brute force
p10433.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, big int, efficiency, precomputation, good, excellent
p10171.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, dijkstra, bellman-ford, good
p10633.cpp: //easy, math, good, excellent
p10888.cpp: //medium, bfs, shortest path, brute force, weighted matching, hungarian algorithm
p11011.cpp: //easy, recursive, math, simulation
p11677.cpp: //easy, trivial, short
p156.cpp: //easy, anagrams, sorting
p10817.cpp: //hard, dp, bitmasks, good
p387.cpp: //medium, backtracking, bitmasks, puzzle, UNSOLVED: WA?!
p10741.cpp: //easy, simulation, math, magic cubes, spacial thinking, good, excellent
p645.cpp: //easy, trees, directory structure, io
p10788.cpp: //medium, dp, parsing, parentheses, classic, good
p177.cpp: //medium, misc, fractals, paper folding, output, good, excellent
p10533.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, primes, sieve
p10025.cpp: //multiple input, medium, math, number theory, good
p126.cpp: //medium, dfa, fsa, fsm, io, polynomials, multiplication, good, excellent
p10442.cpp: //medium, parsing, math, bases, horner, tricky
p10583.cpp: //medium, graph, union-find, good
p10454.cpp: //hard, parsing, dp, trees, catalan numbers
p11683.cpp: //easy, linear scan, good
p11069.cpp: //medium, math, dp, short, good
p10700.cpp: //medium, dp, math, maximum expression value among all parenthisations
p276.cpp: //easy, parsing, careful programming, good
p164.cpp: //medium, dp, lcs, longest common subsequence, bad, wrong judge
p465.cpp: //easy, optional big int
p10007.cpp: //medium, math, dp, big int, catalan numbers
p633.cpp: //medium, shortest path, bfs, chess, weird knight moves
p10382.cpp: //medium, geometry, greedy, scanline, sorting, good
p10389.cpp: //hard, graphs, shortest path, dijkstra, good, excellent
p10368.cpp: //medium, minimax, math, number theory, game, euclid's algorithm, gcd
p10040.cpp: //hard, math, backtracking, greedy, ouroboros snake, de bruijn sequence, classic, good
p446.cpp: //easy, io, scanf
p892.cpp: //medium, parsing, isolating words in text
p11128.cpp: //medium, brute force, UNSOLVED: TLE
p10176.cpp: //easy, math, divisibility, horner's rule, io, input, good, excellent, short
p860.cpp: //easy, map, datastructure
p125.cpp: //hard, graphs, bfs, floyd-warshall, number of paths, good, excellent
p10496.cpp: //easy, brute force, hamiltonian path, next_pemutation
p11062.cpp: //
p784.cpp: //easy, flood fill, weird input
p432.cpp: //easy, simulation
p10394.cpp: #include 
p498.cpp: //easy, trivial, horner, polynomial evaluation
p11180.cpp: //easy, base conversion, complex numbers
p10522.cpp: //medium, math, triangle area from heights
p10043.cpp: //hard, grids, geometry, largest rectangle in forest, classic, good, excellent
p11601.cpp: //medium, bit masks, rectangles
p215.cpp: //medium, parsing, spreadsheet evaluation
p10490.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, perfect numbers, precomputation
p227.cpp: // easy, io, getline, bad, simulation
p695.cpp: //medium, brute force, parsing, bad
p10813.cpp: //easy, simulation, bingo
p10450.cpp: //easy, memoization, fibonacci, math
p10049.cpp: //medium, math, dp, binary search, self-describing sequence, good, excellent, short
p709.cpp: //medium, dp, justifying text, word processor, good
p10424.cpp: //easy, trivial
p448.cpp: //easy, io, scanf, parsing, bitwise
p10729.cpp: //hard, graphs, tree isomorphism, UNSOLVED: WA. I don't understand something.
p407.cpp: //medium, dfs
p336.cpp: //easy, bfs, shortest path, bad
p10126.cpp: //easy, map, io, parsing, reading the problem, good
p679.cpp: //easy, math, binary trees, good, short, excellent, recursive, misc
p11742.cpp: //easy, brute force
p579.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, short, clock hand angles, integers, excellent
p10035.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, number theory, misc, number of carries in addition, good, short
p10735.cpp: //hard, graphs, euler cycle, maximum flow, classic, good, excellent
p10189.cpp: //easy, minesweeper, good
p11100.cpp: //easy, greedy, sorting
p119.cpp: //easy, trivial, good, excellent
p601.cpp: //easy, graphs, dfs, path game, memoization, dp
p429.cpp: //multiple input, medium, shortest path, bfs
p10141.cpp: //easy, trivial, io, getline, good, excellent, useless input
p151.cpp: //medium, misc, josephus, brute force, precomputation
p255.cpp: //hard, misc, game, simulation, good, careful coding
p10606.cpp: //hard, math, big int, square root, UNSOLVED: insane input
p756.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, crt, chinese remainder theorem, short
p753.cpp: //multiple input, hard, graphs, maximum flow
p11450.cpp: //easy, dp, coins
p572.cpp: //easy, dfs, flood fill
p275.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, decimal expansions, fractions, classic, good, excellent
p10539.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, primes, sieve, prime powers, binary search, good, excellent
p10849.cpp: //easy, trivial, chess, bishop moves
p10219.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, combinatorics, short, binomial coefficient, n choose k, good
p847.cpp: //easy, minimax, memoization, game
p419.cpp: //easy, greedy, simulation, dates, UNSOLVED: boring.
p11762.cpp: //medium, dp, sieve
p902.cpp: //medium, map, strings, efficiency
p10017.cpp: //medium, math, recursion, recursive, towers of hanoi
p10157.cpp: //hard, math, dp, big int, parenthesized expressions, good, UNSOLVED: BigInt is too slow; long double is too wrong.
p544.cpp: //medium, graphs, one-path maximum flow, modified kruskal
p11415.cpp: //medium, sieve, number theory, binary search
p11022.cpp: //medium, dp
p10489.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, math, number theory, modular arithmetic
p451.cpp: //multiple input, easy, poker
p10831.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, modular square root, legendre symbol
p10067.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs, shortest path, implicit graph
p11183.cpp: //hard, very hard, graphs, minimum weight arborescence
p500.cpp: //multiple input, UNSOLVED: can't test this, no input given.
p458.cpp: //easy, trivial, good, encryption, easiest ever
p10801.cpp: //medium, graphs, single-source shortest path, bellman-ford, dijkstra
p11170.cpp: //easy, math
p10731.cpp: //medium, graphs, simulation, sorting, floyd-warshall, transitive closure, UNSOLVED: WA. I hate Gordon's problems.
p10259.cpp: //medium, dp, graphs, topological sort, bfs, dfs, careful reading, good, excellent
p10310.cpp: //easy, printf, io, doubles
p10360.cpp: //hard, smart brute force, grids, array integration, good
p485.cpp: //medium, big int, pascal's triangle
p10784.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, binary search, good, excellent
p10822.cpp: //medium, graphs, dfs, greedy, adjacency list
p908.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, minimum spanning tree, dfs, bad
p10872.cpp: //hard, math, combinatorics, dp, short, tiny
p200.cpp: // medium, graph, transitive closure, trick
p135.cpp: //hard, math, algebra, greedy
p10877.cpp: //medium, rolling dice, bad
p10853.cpp: //medium, math, nim with lower limits, good, excellent, UNSOLVED: working on it...
p10022.cpp: //medium, math, triangular grid
p10552.cpp: //easy, datastructure, graphs, ancestors, genealogy, UNSOLVED: WA
p10199.cpp: //medium, graphs, critical vertices, union-find, good, excellent
p11309.cpp: //easy, trivial, brute force
p11525.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, permutations, datastructures, bst
p677.cpp: //easy, graphs, k-paths, false matrix powers, forgetting dfs, good
p290.cpp: //medium, big int, addition
p11355.cpp: //medium, geometry, polar coordinates, scanline
p759.cpp: //medium, roman numerals, good, excellent, useful
p10107.cpp: //medium, online median, on-line median, good
p10577.cpp: //medium, geometry, circle through 3 points
p844.cpp: //easy, simulation, game, good
p10875.cpp: //medium, parsing, io, tricky, careful reading, evaluating expressions
p748.cpp: //medium, big int, multiplication, exponentiation, good
p10611.cpp: //easy, binary search, good
p10652.cpp: //medium, geometry, convex hull, polygon area, area of a polygon
p10428.cpp: //hard, math, calculus, binary search, polynomial equations, classic
p302.cpp: //medium, graphs, euler path, input, good
p141.cpp: //brute force, memoization, game, simulation
p634.cpp: //medium, geometry, point in polygon, funny
p10051.cpp: //medium, dp, clean dp, good
p10249.cpp: //hard, greedy, good, excellent
p11404.cpp: //hard, dp, iterative dp, palindromes, recovery, efficiency
p300.cpp: //easy, math, maya calendar, careful coding
p10142.cpp: //medium, datastructures, elections, stv, single transferable voting, efficiency
p305.cpp: //medium, brute force, precomputation
p10080.cpp: //hard, graphs, bipartite matching, maximum flow
p175.cpp: //medium, input, parsing
p211.cpp: //medium, backtracking, carreful programming, good
p11574.cpp: //medium, geometry, line circle intersection, circle line intersection
p270.cpp: //hard, geometry, maximum number of collinear points, efficiency, hashtable, classic, good
p11124.cpp: //medium, parsing, quick select, randomized select, kth_element, nth_element, good, excellent
p767.cpp: //multiple input, easy, graphs, bfs, shortest path
p11108.cpp: //easy, brute force
p10131.cpp: //medium, dp, longest increasing subsequence, lis, good
p674.cpp: //easy, coins, classic dp, good dp, good, short
p10474.cpp: //easy, datastructure, integrated array
p10451.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, regular polygons
p11556.cpp: //easy, trivial, short
p10423.cpp: //easy, math, number theory
p10396.cpp: //medium, math, brute force, precomputation
p11055.cpp: //easy, math, good, permutations, good, excellent
p11770.cpp: //medium, graphs, scc, arborescence, strongly connected components
p11550.cpp: //easy, trivial, graph theory
p393.cpp: //hard, graphs, shortest path, geometry, line segment intersection
p10305.cpp: //medium, sorting, transitive closure, floyd-warshall, dag ordering, dag sorting
p644.cpp: //easy, huffman, brute force, prefix
p312.cpp: //medium, misc, crossword cell numbering
p10483.cpp: //medium, math, misc
p639.cpp: //medum, brute force, big manipulation
p10122.cpp: //hard, graphs, geometry, binary search, bipartite matching, bpm, UNSOLVED: wah-wah!
p10047.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs, shortest path, maze, good
p11407.cpp: //medium, dp, coins, math, number theory
p10642.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, cantor's diagonalization
p10127.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, horner's rule, all ones multiples, short, tiny, good, excellent
p10754.cpp: //medium, math, successive squaring, linear algebra, number theory
p630.cpp: //multiple input, easy, anagrams, sort, map, short
p10609.cpp: //medium, geometry, fractals
p488.cpp: //easy, trivial, output
p10232.cpp: //medium, combinatorics, permutations, binomial coefficients, good
p10528.cpp: //easy, music, major scales
p10221.cpp: //easy, geometry, bad
p348.cpp: //medium, dp, matrix chain multiplication, classic, good, excellent
p10721.cpp: //medium, dp, good, combinatorics
p288.cpp: //hard, big int, successive squaring
p10850.cpp: //easy, simulation, graphs
p352.cpp: //easy, trivial, dfs, flood fill
p158.cpp: //medium, calendar, simulation, stable sort, binary search, bad, horrible
p462.cpp: //easy, cards 
p10705.cpp: //medium, math, binary numbers, good
p221.cpp: //medium, geometry, painting, sorting, scanline, limiting attention to endpoints
p455.cpp: //multiple input, easy, trivial, strings, see 10298
p381.cpp: //easy, simulation
p11185.cpp: //
p11072.cpp: //hard, geometry, convex hull, sorting, UNSOLVED: probably dies on some boundary case.
p593.cpp: //medium, graphs, simulation, networks, UNSOLVED: too slow
p988.cpp: //easy, graphs, number of paths in a dag, memoization
p711.cpp: //hard, dp, partition, good, excellent
p623.cpp: //medium, big int, factorial
p924.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs, shortest path, good, excellent, gotcha
p962.cpp: //medium, brute force, precomputation, good, excellent
p10803.cpp: //easy, graphs, all-pairs shortest path, floyd-warshall
p10520.cpp: //easy, memoization, dp
p813.cpp: //hard, geometry, rotation in 3D, UNSOLVED: strange. I got this during the contest...
p584.cpp: #include 
p10054.cpp: //medium, graphs, euler cycle, good, excellent
p566.cpp: //medium
p735.cpp: //easy, brute force
p10079.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, cutting pizza with straight lines, triangular numbers, short, tiny, good, excellent
p751.cpp: //dp, memoization, game, triangle war, dots and boxes
p10391.cpp: //medium, strings, datastructures, set, dictionary, efficiency, good
p927.cpp: //medium, math, tricky, good, short
p538.cpp: //medium, misc, transfering money to balance debts, greedy, good
p384.cpp: //easy, recursive parsing, syntax
p565.cpp: //medium, satisfiability, sat, np-complete, bit arithmetic, optimization
p657.cpp: //easy, dfs, flood fill, good
p532.cpp: //easy, bfs, graphs, maze, labyrinth, single-source shortest path
p11713.cpp: //easy, trivial
p11292.cpp: //easy, trivial, greedy
p10140.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, sieve on a range
p339.cpp: //easy, simulation, same game, bad, UNSOLVED: idunno
p10667.cpp: //medium, geometry, largest empty rectangle, classic, good
p10070.cpp: //easy, math, modular arithmetic, horner's rule, leap years, short, gotcha, good
p10400.cpp: //medium, dp, good, optimal expression without operator precedence, tricky, efficiency
p10144.cpp: //medium, math, logic, misc, good, excellent
p11057.cpp: //easy, set, datastructures, bad, undefined
p10617.cpp: //medium, dp, palindromes, strings, memoization, classic, good, excellent
p10885.cpp: //hard, math, geometry
p11430.cpp: //medium, math, probability, combinatorics
p10702.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path of a given length, matrix multiplication, dp, good
p846.cpp: //medium, math, steps, good, excellent
p11515.cpp: //easy, brute force, bad
p486.cpp: //easy, trivial, tedious, natural language numbers
p299.cpp: //easy, brute force, bubble sort
p10016.cpp: //medium, brute force
p10591.cpp: //easy, number theory, horner's rule, map, set
p602.cpp: //medium, calendar, annoying, pain in the ass, good
p11608.cpp: //easy, trivial, simulation
p760.cpp: //hard, dp, lcs, longest common subsequence with recovery, good, UNSOLVED: need smarter backtracking
p184.cpp: //medium, geometry, collinear points in a set, good
p159.cpp: //easy, good, excellent, gotcha, output
p11594.cpp: //hard, graphs, all pairs maximum flow, max flow, gomory-hu trees
p10072.cpp: //hard, graphs, weighted bipartite matching, hungarian algorithm
p974.cpp: //easy, math, brute force
p10672.cpp: //medium, trees, recursion, recursive, good, excellent
p117.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, dijkstra, bellman-ford, euler tour, euler path, dominoes, good, excellent, tricky
p10203.cpp: //easy, graphs, tricky, short, good, excellent
p398.cpp: // easy, io
p10714.cpp: //easy, math, ants, good, excellent, short
p882.cpp: //medium, dp, precomputation, dropping plates, mailboxes, classic, good excellent
p11077.cpp: //hard, math, combinatorics, permutations, UNSOLVED: something's weird
p617.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, traffic lights, line segment intersection, doubles, good, output
p11747.cpp: //medium, mst, minimum spanning tree, kruskal's
p195.cpp: //easy, permutations, sort, next_permutation, comparator, short, read carefully
p10300.cpp: //easy, trivial, short
p10323.cpp: //easy, stupid, bad, wrong judge
p10311.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, sieve, primes, primality testing, good, excellent
p172.cpp: //medium, parsing, expressions, bad
p608.cpp: //easy, brute force, math, coins, weighing, counterfeit coins, good
p11710.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, minimum spanning tree
p10023.cpp: //multiple input, math, big int, square root
p11310.cpp: //easy, dp
p11091.cpp: //hard, very hard, math, successive squaring, matrix, matrices, linear algebra, efficiency
p10819.cpp: //medium, knapsack, dp, coins
p181.cpp: //medium, cards, simulation, long
p168.cpp: //medium, graphs, input, simulation, gotcha, bad
p146.cpp: //medium, short, permutations, next_permutation, good, excellent
p705.cpp: //medium, bfs, dfs, careful coding, annoying, slash maze
p10364.cpp: //hard, backtracking, branch and bound, partition, good, excellent
p356.cpp: //easy, geometry, brute force
p10095.cpp: //hard, geometry, smallest enclosing sphere, smallest enclosing disk
p272.cpp: //easy, trivial, parsing, short, tiny
p10551.cpp: //easy, math, horner's rule, number theory, good
p10806.cpp: //hard, graphs, minimum cost maximum flow, min cost max flow
p10004.cpp: //easy, graphs, dfs
p198.cpp: //hard, parsing, expressions, ebnf, grammars, careful programming, long, good
p11049.cpp: //medium, graphs, grids, single-source shortest path, path recovery
p726.cpp: //easy, cryptography, cryptanalysis, frequency analysys, misc, good, useful
p762.cpp: //easy, graphs, bfs, shortest path, good, excellent, neat gotcha
p11504.cpp: //medium, strongly connected components, scc
p10090.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, extended gcd, euclid's algorithm, UNSOLVED: It's right, bitch!
p10342.cpp: //hard, graphs, second shortest path, dijkstra
p10086.cpp: //hard, dp, good, excellent
p673.cpp: //easy, trivial, parentheses, stack, grammars, parsing, gotcha, good
p10009.cpp: //multiple input, medium, graphs, shortest path, floyd-warshall, careful reading, good
p10992.cpp: //medium, math, mod, divisibility, gotcha
p10841.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path
p154.cpp: //easy, trivial, input, getline
p10100.cpp: //medium, dp, lcs, longest common subsequence, bad, horrible, retarded, demented
p569.cpp: //medium, geometry, horseshoes, circles, printf, UNSOLVED: ugly
p10235.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, number theory, primes, sieve, gotcha, good
p557.cpp: //hard, math, probability, binomial coefficients, efficiency, short, good
p11678.cpp: //easy, brute force
p852.cpp: //easy, flood fill, game, go, bad
p11507.cpp: //medium, 3d geometry, simulation
p865.cpp: //easy, trivial
p697.cpp: //easy, trivial, io, printf, stupid, annoying, I hate these, short
p10550.cpp: //easy, trivial, combination lock
p11060.cpp: //medium, graphs, transitive closure, floyd-warshall, sorting, tricky, good, excellent
p147.cpp: //medium, dp, coins, good, short
p443.cpp: //medium, number theory
p10650.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, sieve
p452.cpp: //medium, graphs, topological sort, dp, efficiency, crazy input
p10862.cpp: //medium, big int, math, dp
p10208.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, fermat's theorem, sum of squares, primes, sieve, factorials, good
p12765.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10275.cpp: //hard, big int, log, successive squaring, bad, UNSOLVED: confusing and difficult. TLE
p10783.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, good
p10301.cpp: //easy, graphs, union-find, bfs, dfs, geometry, largest connected component
p570.cpp: //easy, simulation, stupid, annoying
p332.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, input, decimal fractions, good, excellent
p957.cpp: //easy, scanline
p10644.cpp: //hard, dp, floor tiles, polyominoes
p10508.cpp: //medium, strings, word morphing, efficiency, good, excellent
p11414.cpp: //medium, graphs, graphic sequence, degree sequence, classic
p10814.cpp: //medium, big int, gcd, reducing fractions
p10239.cpp: //medium, dp, good
p121.cpp: // easy, geometry
p10461.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs, dfs, flood fill, transitive closure
p10290.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, short, good, excellent
p10297.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, geometry
p10161.cpp: //easy, short, math, snake walk, good, excellent
p550.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, rotamult, modular arithmetic, good, excellent
p684.cpp: //medium, math, determinant, linear algebra, matrices, good
p165.cpp: //hard, ridiculously hard, dp, stamps, math, combinatorics, backtracking, precomputation, coins, good, excellent
p10535.cpp: //medium, geometry, line segment intersection, good, excellent
p11095.cpp: //hard, graphs, vertex cover, split-and-merge, bidirectional search, dp, good, excellent
p10194.cpp: //easy, sorting, input, getline, bad, horrible
p10372.cpp: //easy, math, geometry
p313.cpp: //medium, geometry, sorting, scanline, UNSOLVED: WA?! Ok...
p10764.cpp: //medium, math, bases, signed digit number system, good, educational, gotcha
p10815.cpp: //easy, trivial, set, strings
p11572.cpp: //easy, greedy, scanline, insane input
p10670.cpp: //easy, math, sorting, good, excellent
p10699.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, primes, sieve, good
p11174.cpp: //hard, dp, number of topological sorts of a forest, efficiency, good, excellent
p349.cpp: #include 
p629.cpp: //medium, misc, graphs, union-find, interesting, weird
p454.cpp: //multiple input, easy, trivial, anagrams, sorting
p11173.cpp: //easy, gray codes, bitmasks, short, tiny
p10030.cpp: //multiple input, medium, graphs, bipartite graphs, misc, guessing game, good, excellent, awesome!
p10220.cpp: //medium, big int
p10205.cpp: //easy, simulation, permutations, shuffling cards
p10499.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, geometry, short (3 lines), good, excellent
p11541.cpp: //easy, trivial, input
p377.cpp: //easy, calculations in base 4, math
p11538.cpp: //easy, math
p11714.cpp: //medium, math, short
p663.cpp: //hard, good, bipartite matching
p460.cpp: //multiple input, easy, trivial, geometry in integers, short
p11063.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10010.cpp: //easy, grids, linear boggle, good
p11313.cpp: //easy, trivial, math
p10879.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, factoring
p257.cpp: //medium, trick
p10234.cpp: //medium, strings, efficiency, hashtable, UNSOLVED: PE 
p11064.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, euler phi, totient function, number of divisors
p337.cpp: //easy, parsing, fsa, simulation
p124.cpp: //medium, permutations, recursive, sorting, io, getline, good, excellent
p10554.cpp: #include 
p10894.cpp: //easy, simulation, output, memory, careful programming, tricky, sneaky, good, excellent
p11151.cpp: //medium, dp, palindromes
p10504.cpp: //medium, misc, squares on a grid, good
p643.cpp: //medium, simulation, dp, careful programming
p10058.cpp: //medium, parsing, recursive descent, context-free grammars, good
p10125.cpp: //medium, misc, sets, datastructures, tricky, good, excellent
p10802.cpp: //medium, graphs, dfs, lex smallest drive
p10283.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, circles inscribed in circles
p10113.cpp: //medium, graphs, math, number theory, reachability, floyd-warshall, gcd, rational
p11777.cpp: //easy, trivial, simulation, careful coding
p10069.cpp: //medium, big int, dp, subsequences, memory efficiency, good, excellent
p11530.cpp: //easy, trivial, simulation
p10486.cpp: //medium, graphs, prim's, good
p10865.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, brute force
p10659.cpp: //easy, simulation, text
p10549.cpp: //hard, dp, lis, lcs, stacking boxes, good, UNSOLVED: WA. Kill me. Kill me now!
p208.cpp: //hard, graphs, dfs, lex path listing, backtracking, pruning, good, excellent
p11311.cpp: //medium, dp, minimax, game
p254.cpp: //medium, big int, math, number theory, towers of hanoi, classic, good, excellent
p220.cpp: //medium, simulation, game, reversi, othello, good, excellent
p10868.cpp: //easy, misc, physics, careful coding, good, excellent
p397.cpp: // parsing, io, algebra, trees
p10469.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, tiny, 1 line, math, good, excellent
p944.cpp: //easy, math, brute force, dfs, happy numbers
p10621.cpp: //hard, graphs, shortest path, minimum spanning tree, minimization, good, UNSOLVED: TLE
p10512.cpp: //medium, math, quadratic equations, UNSOLVED: WAAAA.
p10338.cpp: //easy, combinatorics, math, number theory
p308.cpp: //medium, geometry, flood fill, limiting attention to endpoints, dfs, bfs, good, excellent
p10480.cpp: //hard, graphs, maximum flow, minimum cut, classic, good
p11149.cpp: //medium, divide-and-conquer, matrix powers, good
p382.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, math, number theory, perfect numbers
p10003.cpp: //medium, dp, good, excellent, short
p10820.cpp: //math, number theory, euler phi, totient function, good, excellent
p907.cpp: //medium, binary search, greedy
p10348.cpp: //medium, geometry, line segment intersection, point in polygon
p10704.cpp: //hard, bfs, puzzle, brute force, UNASOLVED: WA, of all things!
p11666.cpp: //easy, math, brute force
p116.cpp: //medium, dp, minimum weight left-right path through matrix, good, excellent
p10106.cpp: //medium, big int, multiplication
p583.cpp: //medium, math, dp, memoization, number theory, factors, primes, factorization, good, optimization
p626.cpp: //medium, graphs, brute force, tricky, all 3-cycles
p841.cpp: //hard, backtracking, UNSOLVED: TLE: ID+BnB didn't work. Need ideas...
p542.cpp: //easy, tournament, probability
p10722.cpp: //medium, big int, dp, good, combinatorics
p10083.cpp: //medium, math, algebra, big int, division, big time horner's rule, good, excellent
p662.cpp: //hard, dp, good, excellent
p10475.cpp: //medium, misc, careful programming, good
p10860.cpp: //medium, strings, substring check, dp, efficiency
p11614.cpp: //easy, trivial, math
p10870.cpp: //medium, math, matrix powers, successive squaring, fibonacci
p497.cpp: //multiple input, medium, good dp, p231
p447.cpp: //medium, multiple input, conway's life, simulation, getline
p161.cpp: //easy, simulation, brute force, traffic lights
p10178.cpp: //easy, math, graphs, euler's formula, union-find, gotcha, tricky, nasty, good, excellent
p166.cpp: //medium, dp, coins
p606.cpp: //multiple input, medium, haskel, functional, math, infinite lists, good, oop
p10816.cpp: //hard, graphs, shortest path, spanning trees, mst, binary search, good, excellent
p786.cpp: //hard, graphs, bellman-ford, negative weight cycles, UNSOLVED: Reading input takes over 2 seconds
p10192.cpp: //easy, strings, longest common subsequence, bad
p858.cpp: //medium, geometry, line segment intersection, line intersection
p10173.cpp: //hard, geometry, convex hull
p107.cpp: //hard, math, algebra, number theory, trees, cats and hats, i hate this thing!
p10570.cpp: //medium, sorting, minimum number of swaps, permutations, classic
p540.cpp: //easy, team queue, datastructure, simulation, linked list, good, excellent
p11308.cpp: //easy, simulation
p10302.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, long long
p10889.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, good
p921.cpp: //hard, brute force, backtracking, branch-and-bound, careful coding
p226.cpp: //medium, fast io, tricky, bad
p11567.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, greedy
p469.cpp: //multiple input, medium, io, getline, dfs, flood fill, good memoization!
p10585.cpp: //medium, geometry, center of symmetry, set
p10871.cpp: //medium, number theory, primes, sieve, brute force
p476.cpp: //easy, doubles
p785.cpp: //easy, flood fill, weird input
p615.cpp: //medium, graphs, is directed tree
p10037.cpp: //hard, misc, bridge, good, excellent
p10746.cpp: //hard, graphs, weighted matching, maximum weighted bipartite matching, hungarian algorithm, min cost max flow, minimum cost maximum flow, good
p739.cpp: //easy, soundex, io, good, useful, cute
p905.cpp: //easy, simulation, geometry
p913.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, short
p947.cpp: //medium, brute force, simulation, mastermind, UNSOLVED: I've never understood mastermind rules.
p11111.cpp: //medium, stack, careful coding, gotcha, good, excellent
p10720.cpp: //hard, math, graphs, combinatorics, graphic sequence, good, UNSOLVED: just doing Erdos-Gallai... should be right.
p10852.cpp: //easy, number theory, primes, sieve
p10843.cpp: //medium, math, graphs, combinatorics
p869.cpp: //easy, graphs, connectivity, floyd-warshall, transitive closure
p10637.cpp: //medium, math, recursive, backtracking, gcd, brute force
p11428.cpp: //easy, number theory, brute force
p10668.cpp: //medium, geometry, binary search
p10716.cpp: //medium, palindromes, greedy, good, excellent
p436.cpp: //medium, graphs, negative weight cycles, Floyd-Warshall
p403.cpp: //easy, parsing, ugly
p483.cpp: //easy, trivial, io, getline, bad
p592.cpp: //medium, logic, brute force, truth table, good, long
p453.cpp: //medium, geometry, ugly, classic, circle intersection, bad, horrible, UNSOLVED: wrong judge
p853.cpp: //easy, maps, datastructures, good
p426.cpp: //multiple input, medium, parsing, io, printf
p10460.cpp: //medium, math, permutations, recursive, good
p11101.cpp: //hard, bfs, shortest path, memory efficiency, bad, impossible with decent test data
p466.cpp: //easy
p536.cpp: //medium, graphs, trees, binary tree reconstruction, good, excellent
p10137.cpp: //medium, misc, coin transfer, bad, horrible
p11040.cpp: //easy, math
p10093.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, horner's rule, modular arithmetic, bases, divisibility, good
p10260.cpp: //easy, trivial, soundex
p111.cpp: //medium, misc, lis, longest increasing subsequence, fucked up beyond belief
p10693.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, calculus, short, tiny
p10330.cpp: //hard, graphs, maximum flow, ford-fulkerson, good
p232.cpp: //easy, careful coding
p371.cpp: #include 
p338.cpp: //easy, io, output, long multiplication, bad, horrible, UNSOLVED: shoot the problem setter!!!
p493.cpp: //easy, gcd, memoization
p555.cpp: //easy, sort, sorting, cards
p11774.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, permutations, gcd
p423.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs, single-source shortest path, bellman-ford, dijkstra
p10276.cpp: //medium, simulation, math, number theory, precomputation
p10715.cpp: //medium, coins with recovery
p10487.cpp: //easy, datastructure, binary search
p10744.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, dot product, median, nth_element, good
p136.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, number theory, primes, precomputation, pre-computation
p870.cpp: //medium, rectangle intersecitons, flood fill, metagrid
p11725.cpp: //medium, dp, bitmasks
p11059.cpp: //easy, trivial, brute force
p10334.cpp: #include 
p10392.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, factoring
p10377.cpp: //easy, simulation, input, getline, robot in a maze
p10779.cpp: //hard, graphs, maximum flow, tricky, good, excellent
p10457.cpp: //hard, graphs, mst, bfs, binary search
p10282.cpp: //easy, trivial, map, input, io, getline, short, tiny
p10193.cpp: //easy, math, horner's rule, number theory, gcd, good
p11634.cpp: //easy, brute force, simulation
p174.cpp: //hard, parsing, simulation
p11736.cpp: //easy, input, simulation
p137.cpp: //hard, geometry, cut polygon, convex polygon intersection
p10808.cpp: //hard, gaussian elimination, linear system, big int, rational, graphs, resistors, UNSOLVED: MLE
p11045.cpp: //medium, graphs, bipartite matching
p10036.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, modular arithmetic, bfs, coins, good, excellent
p10218.cpp: //medium, probability, dp, memoization, binomial distribution, bad, UNSOLVED: WA
p250.cpp: //easy, brute force, good
p10541.cpp: #include 
p11728.cpp: //easy, brute force
p120.cpp: //medium, sorting, flip sort, io, getline, good, excellent
p10197.cpp: //easy, parsing, io, portuguese verb conjugation
p10134.cpp: //easy, simulation
p10459.cpp: //hard, graphs, trees, dfs, tree diameter, best tree root, worst tree root, good, UNSOLVED: TLE with a linear-time algorithm on n=5000
p10739.cpp: //medium, dp, palindromes, short, good, excellent
p818.cpp: //medium, graphs, union-find, brute force, reconnecting chains
p10026.cpp: //medium, sorting, short, good, excellent
p231.cpp: //medium, longest increasing subsequence, dp, nlogn
p343.cpp: //easy, brute force, horner
p492.cpp: //easy, trivial, parsing, getline
p752.cpp: //easy, quad trees, image decryption, good, excellent
p721.cpp: //hard, graphs, cactus, shortest path, dijkstra, efficiency, good, UNSOLVED: everything is too slow
p10024.cpp: //multiple input, medium, math, paper cube, dfs
p10365.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, number theory, factoring, mod, divisibility, good
p10594.cpp: //hard, graphs, min cost max flow, minimum cost maximum flow, good
p11119.cpp: //hard, greedy, stable marriage, good, excellent
p10299.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, euler phi, totient function
p10333.cpp: #include 
p264.cpp: //easy, binary search, math, number theory
p716.cpp: //hard, math, combinatorics, permutations, 15 puzzle, good, classic, excellent, UNSOLVED: hard
p755.cpp: //multiple input, easy, io, printf, efficiency, map
p10102.cpp: //easy, graphs, bfs, multiple-source shortest paths, good
p271.cpp: //easy, fsm or recursive parsing
p102.cpp: //easy, short
p392.cpp: //easy, io
p10488.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, careful programming, doubles
p904.cpp: //medium, geometry, parallelepiped intersection, pseudogrid, limiting attention to endpoints, classic
p10371.cpp: //medium, misc, parsing, time zones, careful coding, good
p11517.cpp: //easy, dp, coins
p10018.cpp: //easy, brute force, math, good, gotcha
p10331.cpp: //medium, graphs, all-pairs shortest path, floyd-warshall
p418.cpp: //medium, brute force, small crossword
p10408.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, farey sequences
p11413.cpp: //easy, binary search, greedy
p11122.cpp: //hard, geometry, triangle intersection, good, excellent
p11152.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, geometry
p10105.cpp: //easy, math, combinatorics, factorial, binomial coefficient, short
p10242.cpp: //medium, geometry, vector addition, fourth point in a parallelogram, careful coding
p11654.cpp: //medium, dp
p10719.cpp: //medium, math, input, getline
p10350.cpp: //medium, dp
p11427.cpp: //medium, dp, math, probability
p10346.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, number theory, integer division, mod, good, excellent
p10162.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, modular arithmetic, euler's theorem, bad
p425.cpp: //easy, parsing, io, cute, crypt
p713.cpp: //medium, math, big int
p10576.cpp: //medium, misc, brute force, bitmasks
p925.cpp: //medium, graphs, transitive closure, floyd-warshall, greedy, sorting, stl, good
p650.cpp: //hard, io, bowling score, ugly, long, tedious, hardest problem ever, UNSOLVED: WA
p11140.cpp: //easy, simulation, brute force
p10603.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, dijkstra, good
p10415.cpp: //easy, simulation, io, getline
p187.cpp: //easy, io, input, scanf, printf
p10495.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, conic distance
p10287.cpp: //hard, math, geometry, 4 circles packed into a hexagon, short, good, excellent
p10181.cpp: //hard, backtracking, 15 puzzle, classic, good, UNSOLVED: they want an actual winning strategy?! Jeez!
p11715.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, bad, numerical errors
p11359.cpp: //medium, bfs
p413.cpp: //medium, stupid, ugly
p624.cpp: //easy, partition, brute force, np-complete, good
p475.cpp: //medium, dp, longest common subsequence, wildcard matching, good, excellent, UNSOLVED: can't be judged :-(
p10882.cpp: //easy, math, misc
p10363.cpp: //easy, math or precomputation, tic-tac-toe
p10328.cpp: #include 
p496.cpp: //easy, trivial, very good sets
p10569.cpp: //hard, big int, math, number theory, sum of cubes
p10096.cpp: //medium, geometry, circle intersection, UNSOLVED: WA, ugly geometry
p10074.cpp: //hard, largest empty rectangle, good, excellent
p1008.cpp: //medium, simulation
p10182.cpp: //medium, bee numbers, grids, classic
p402.cpp: //easy, math, josephus-like
p621.cpp: //easy, trivial, stupid, bad, poorly defined
p10409.cpp: //easy, rolling die
p10327.cpp: //easy, sorting, math, bubble sort, flip sort, good, excellent
p10215.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, geometry, calculus, short, tiny, rounding, bad
p11066.cpp: //medium, geometry, line segment intersection
p718.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, graphs, diophantine equations, bfs, dfs, connectivity, good
p10229.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, modular fibonacci, memoization, good, excellent, educational
p379.cpp: //easy, simulation
p10410.cpp: //hard, recursive, trees, tree reconstruction, classic, good, excellent, UNSOLVED: hard
p311.cpp: //medium, math, box packing, greedy, good
p10681.cpp: //medium, graphs, adjacency matrix powers, dp
p11448.cpp: //medium, big int, subtraction
p10115.cpp: //easy, strings, io, getline, substring, find
p895.cpp: //medium, strings, sorting, anagrams
p10078.cpp: //easy, geometry, convex polygons, checking convexity, cross product, short, good, excellent
p10071.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, short, tiny, the shortest program ever
p10500.cpp: //easy, simulation, io, robot map, UNSOLVED: io problems
p11097.cpp: //medium, graphs, DP, shortest path
p11733.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, minimum spanning tree, kruskal's
p11561.cpp: //easy, bfs, dfs
p10271.cpp: //hard, ridiculously hard, dp, good, short
p11646.cpp: //easy, short, math, geometry
p551.cpp: //easy, stack, matching brackets, nested parentheses
p10401.cpp: //hard, chess, divide and conquer, memoization, 8 queens variation
p10685.cpp: //medium, graphs, union-find, connected components, bad description
p637.cpp: //easy, math, io
p10057.cpp: //medium, math, median, good, very tricky
p750.cpp: //multiple input, easy, classic, next_permutation, 8 queens, good
p216.cpp: //easy, trivial, brute force, hamiltonian path
p11551.cpp: //easy, successive squaring, matrix multiplication
p670.cpp: //multiple input, hard, graph, bipartite matching
p10013.cpp: //medium, big int
p11088.cpp: //medium, dp, bitmasks
p665.cpp: //multiple input, easy, good brute force, false coin, coin weighings, balance
p703.cpp: //meidum, careful programming, misc, ordeing triples, good
p586.cpp: //medium, parsing, io, stack, code complexity, recursive descent, print polynomials
p139.cpp: //hard, map, io, input, output, getline, printf, gotcha, bad, horrible, stupid
p133.cpp: //easy, misc, math, mod, josephus-like
p590.cpp: //medium, graphs, dp, shortest path of a given length, matrix multiplication, good, excellent
p10062.cpp: //easy, cryptography, cryptanalysis, frequency analysis, maps, sorting
p11332.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10354.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, floyd-warshall, all vertices belonging to any shortest path, good, excellent
p416.cpp: //easy
p559.cpp: //hard, good, excellent, geometry, the squares game, limiting attention to endpoints
p490.cpp: //easy, trivial, io, getline
p10536.cpp: //medium, dp, game, game of euler
p213.cpp: //easy, encryption, bit patterns
p11661.cpp: //easy, trivial, short
p157.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, dijkstra
p10502.cpp: //medium, misc, sub-rectangles in a grid
p10263.cpp: //medium, geometry, distance from a point to a line segment
p10660.cpp: //easy, brute force
p10128.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, permutations, good
p245.cpp: //medium, data structure, simulation, list, iterators, UNSOLVED: WA
p10238.cpp: //hard, math, big int, dp, probability, throwing dice, classic, UNSOLVED: hard as hell
p10015.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, primes, sieve, brute force
p701.cpp: //medium, math, stupid, bad
p672.cpp: //multiple input, medium, dp, limiting attention to endpoints, bad
p10081.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, dp, good
p10553.cpp: //medium, geometry, point to line segment distance, good
p556.cpp: //easy, mazes, simulation
p11752.cpp: //medium, math, overflow
p160.cpp: //medium, math, factorials, output
p702.cpp: //medium, math, brute force, memoization, misc, vindictive coach, good
p10789.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, primes
p395.cpp: //easy, board game
p10212.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, last non-zero digit, factorial, primes, sieve, efficiency, good, UNSOLVED: WA :-(
p128.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, horner's rule, output, printf, short, good
p10061.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, factoring, factorials, number of digits, trailing zeros, bad, wrong judge
p11076.cpp: //medium, math, permutations
p568.cpp: //easy, number theory, math, factorials, last nonzero digit, io, printf, short, dp, good
p516.cpp: //easy, primes, sieve
p910.cpp: //easy, dp, graphs
p10792.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, trigonometry, short, good, excellent
p10491.cpp: //easy, math, probability, 3 doors problem, good, short, tiny
p11084.cpp: //hard, dp, math, permutations, split-and-merge, bidirectional search, dp, good, excellent
p839.cpp: //easy, recursion, recursive, trees, mobile, good, excellent
p10104.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, extended gcd, euclidean algorithm, good
p10426.cpp: //medium, bfs, shortest path, brute force, steiner tree, UNSOLVED: crazy huge input
p11703.cpp: //easy, memoization
p291.cpp: //easy, dfs, no input, precomputation, euler cycle
p11514.cpp: //medium, dp, bad
p10574.cpp: //hard, geometry, number of rectangles formed by a set of points, efficiency
p619.cpp: //medium, big int, math, good, excellent, dictionary index, horner
p11078.cpp: //easy, trivial
p11554.cpp: //easy, combinatorics, triangles out of sticks
p11723.cpp: //easy, trivial, short
p11730.cpp: //easy, bfs, dp
p10566.cpp: //medium, geometry, binary search, newton's method, two ladders, classic, good
p10471.cpp: //medium, graphs, trees, recursive, recursion, math, good
p10883.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, logs, binomial coefficients
p651.cpp: //easy, math, harmonic numbers, io, hanging cards, short
p484.cpp: //easy, map, multiset
p256.cpp: //easy, brute force, io
p499.cpp: //easy, trivial, map, character frequencies
p375.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, inscribed circle, wrong judge, bad, horrible
p10800.cpp: //easy, trivial, io
p10619.cpp: //medium, binary search, good, excellent
p11129.cpp: //medium, tricky, a-ha, good, excellent, beautiful, antiarithmetic sequence
p603.cpp: //multiple input, easy, simulation, queue, bad, poorly defined, trick, gotcha, UNSOLVED
p685.cpp: //medium, graphs, weird all-pairs shortest path, edge-graph, floyd-warshall
p740.cpp: //easy, io, reading bit sequences, baudot code, useful
p612.cpp: //multiple input, easy, stable sort, short, good
p482.cpp: //multiple input, easy, trivial
p763.cpp: //medium, math, fibonacci, long addition, fibinary numbers, good
p11718.cpp: //easy, math
p10748.cpp: //hard, misc, knight reachability, UNSOLVED: Holy shit! That's some Polish input!
p541.cpp: //easy, bad
p10804.cpp: //hard, graphs, bipartite matching, binary search
p10012.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, circle packing, brute force, good, excellent
p11511.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, brute force
p10465.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, gcd, diophantine equations, brute force
p737.cpp: //easy, trivial, geometry, min, max, cube intersection, cute
p11548.cpp: //easy, trivial, brute force
p10677.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, horner's rule, base conversion, good, excellent
p149.cpp: //hard, geometry, interval set
p10252.cpp: //easy, math, sets, set intersection, gotcha
p823.cpp: //medium, geometry, good, 3 circles in a triangle
p495.cpp: //medium, big int addition
p11093.cpp: //medium, driving around a circle with gas stations, classic
p10608.cpp: //medium, union-find, good, excellent
p417.cpp: //medium, math, tricky
p450.cpp: //easy, trivial, io, parsing, sort
p145.cpp: //easy, trivial, output, bad
p326.cpp: //medium, extrapolation, matrix, matrices, gauss, gaussian elimination
p833.cpp: //easy, simulation, geometry
p706.cpp: //easy, careful programming, misc, big letter printing, LC-Display
p10308.cpp: //medium, graphs, trees, recursive, longest path in a tree, classic, good
p478.cpp: //easy, geometry, oop, good, pure virtual functions
p10405.cpp: //easy, dp, longest common subsequence, good, short
p10343.cpp: //easy, parsing, bitmasks
p10732.cpp: //medium, binary search, good
p131.cpp: //medium, cards, brute force, poker hands, long
p11130.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, geometry
p10738.cpp: //medium, number theory, primes, sieve, mobius function, mertens function, good, excellent
p10019.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, horner, bases, bit counting, good
p855.cpp: //easy, sorting, median
p10866.cpp: //hard math, number theory, primes, primitive roots
p10575.cpp: //medium, geometry, polygon axis of symmetry, reflection, UNSOLVED: It's late and I'm tired.
p344.cpp: //easy, roman numerals, brute force
p10473.cpp: //easy, io, base conversion, scanf, trivial
p10370.cpp: //easy, trivial, short, math, statistics, stats, mean, median, good, excellent
p552.cpp: //medium, set, brute force, bit arithmetic
p10578.cpp: //medium, game, minimax, dp, good, excellent
p10506.cpp: //hard, math, iterative, backtracking, ouroboros numbers, de bruijn sequence, classic, good, excellent
p10375.cpp: //medium, n choose k, binomial coefficient, good
p906.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, brute force
p10688.cpp: //medium, dp, good
p101.cpp: //easy, simulation
p10518.cpp: //hard, math, successive squaring, recurrence, closed form, fibonacci, matrix powers, good
p10635.cpp: //easy, longest common subsequence, lcs
p11067.cpp: //easy, dp, number of monotone paths on a grid
p268.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, classic, good
p10622.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, successive squaring, perfect powers
p150.cpp: //medium, calendar, dates, precomputation
p1009.cpp: //easy, geometry, brute force, tricky
p10264.cpp: //easy, simulation, spacial thinking, bit masks, good
p10177.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, precomputation
p10763.cpp: //medium, greedy
p144.cpp: //easy, simulation
p929.cpp: //hard, very hard, graphs, shortest path, bucket dijkstra's, efficiency, ridiculous input
p514.cpp: //easy, simulation, stack
p437.cpp: //medium, stacking boxes, dp, sort, longest increasing subsequence
p11553.cpp: //easy, graphs, weighted matching, hungarian, brute force
p664.cpp: //hard, math, trees, probability, recursive, good
p11168.cpp: //hard, geometry, convex hull, best supporting line
p653.cpp: //medium, bitset, math, number theory, factoring, bad, wrong problem statement
p10527.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, persistent numbers
p10534.cpp: //hard, longest increasing subsequence, wavio sequences, good, excellent
p118.cpp: //easy, simulation, bad, unclear instructions
p390.cpp: //easy
p11521.cpp: //hard, very hard, dp, double dp, string compression
p11133.cpp: //medium, math, dp, eigensequences, e-transform, good, excellent
p10759.cpp: //medium, rational numbers, rationals, math, combinatorics, dp, UNSOLVED: hard
p10673.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, diophantine equations, extended gcd, euclid's algorithm, good, excellent
p10579.cpp: //medium, big int, fibonacci numbers, good
p11584.cpp: //medium, dp, strings, palindromes, good
p10369.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, minimum spanning tree, kruskal, good, excellent
p632.cpp: //multiple input, medium, io, sort, stupid, annoying io
p10676.cpp: //easy, brute force, output, advanced printf, UNSOLVED: WA. No clue.
p11327.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, sieve, totient function, euler phi function
p10005.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, smallest enclosing circle, circle through 3 points, good
p10482.cpp: //hard, dp, coins, good
p10845.cpp: //hard, ridiculously hard, graphs, maximum flow, backtracking, branch and bound, UNSOLVED: Rodrigo's brute force problem :-0
p10589.cpp: //medium, geometry, doubles, solving in integers, tricky, good
p10634.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, binomial coefficients, pascal's triangle, polynomials, good, short
p142.cpp: //easy, geometry, simulation
p110.cpp: //medium, misc, sorting, code generation
p897.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, primes, sieve, good
p10291.cpp: //easy, math, simulation, geometry, greedy, point in polygon
p170.cpp: #include 
p10543.cpp: // medium, graphs, all-pairs shortest path, floyd-warshall, adjacency matrix powers
p11070.cpp: //medium, parsing, expression evaluation
p10493.cpp: //easy, math, trees, number of nodes in an N-ary tree with M leaves, cats and hats, short (4 lines), good
p799.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, factoring
p11054.cpp: //easy, greedy, scanline, math, good, short
p10101.cpp: //easy, io, bad description
p315.cpp: //medium, graph, dfs with a trick
p10316.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, great circle
p10658.cpp: //medium, math, combinatorics, towers of hanoi, good, excellent
p884.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, sieve, factoring, primes, factorial, good, excellent
p647.cpp: //easy, sim, simulation, snakes and ladders
p10886.cpp: //hard, simulation, math, statistics, random numbers
p10407.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, gcd, short, good, excellent
p11760.cpp: //easy, trivial
p11048.cpp: //hard, strings, efficiency, memory, careful coding
p10130.cpp: //medium, knapsack, dp, coins
p899.cpp: //easy, bfs
p815.cpp: //easy, binary search, sort, water level on a terrain, good, excellent
p10167.cpp: //easy, geometry, left turn test, cross product
p604.cpp: //easy, boggle, set, sort, io, input, graphs, dfs
p10285.cpp: //medium, bfs, dp, longest downhill path on a grid, good, excellent
p830.cpp: //medium, flood fill, bad
p10195.cpp: //easy, geometry, inscribed circle in a triangle, gotcha, good
p10859.cpp: //hard, graphs, dp, minimum vertex cover on a tree
p11586.cpp: //easy, graphs, eulerian cycle
p926.cpp: //medium, dp
p10874.cpp: //easy, dp, good, excellent
p318.cpp: //medium, graphs, dijkstra
p10519.cpp: //medium, math, big int, good, excellent, short, tiny, 2 lines
p10020.cpp: //medium, geometry, scanline, sorting, UNSOLVED: I can only prove my code is correct.
p10156.cpp: //easy, simulation, good, excellent
p10112.cpp: //easy, geometry, triangle area, point-edge sidedness, cross product, left turn, integers, good
p11364.cpp: //easy, trivial
p859.cpp: //medium, bfs, shortest path, chinese checkers move
p10168.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, primes, sieve, goldbach
p331.cpp: //medium, sorting, bubble sort, combinatorics, good, excellent
p10556.cpp: //medium, geometry, dot product, cross product, similar polygons
p350.cpp: //easy, brute force, memoization, short
p948.cpp: //medium, math, fibonacci numbers, greedy, good, excellent
p340.cpp: //easy, simulation
p10785.cpp: //easy, simulation, sorting, good
p638.cpp: //easy, trivial, brute force
p10295.cpp: //easy, io
p922.cpp: //medium, geometry, area of a polygon
p280.cpp: //easy, graphs, floyd-warshall, bfs, dfs
p845.cpp: //medium, math, recursive, modified next permutation, good, excellent
p10312.cpp: //hard, super-catalan numbers, good dp
p10213.cpp: //hard, math, combinatorics, recurrence, big int, geometry, complete graph embeddings
p438.cpp: //easy, geometry, circle through 3 points, matrix, matrices
p10133.cpp: //medium, io, dp, anal input, good
p427.cpp: //hard, geometry, io, ternary search
p10097.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs, shortest path
p732.cpp: //easy, simulation, brute force, stack, anagrams, io, good
p10246.cpp: //hard, graphs, all pairs shortest path, dijkstra, strange, original, good, excellent
p580.cpp: //medium, good, excellent, good dp, dp, memoization, math, number theory, combinatorics, good example
p11085.cpp: //easy, brute force, 8 queens
p489.cpp: //easy, trivial, good set application, simulation
p10347.cpp: //hard, geometry, triangle area from 3 medians, short, bad
p11099.cpp: //medium, number theory, factoring, sieve, efficiency
p130.cpp: //medium, math, mod, josephus
p10854.cpp: //medium, dp, number of execution paths
p10891.cpp: //medium, dp, game, minimax
p10708.cpp: //easy, math, geometry, closest point on a line, pursuit lines, UNSOLVED: WA
p113.cpp: //hard, math, big int, n'th root, roots, log, cheated with long doubles
p10374.cpp: //easy, elections, map, io, input, output, careful reading, good, excellent
p10356.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path, shortest even-length path, dijkstra, good
p11727.cpp: //easy, trivial
p186.cpp: //medium, graphs, shortest path with path recovery
p10718.cpp: //easy, bitmasks, bit masks, greedy, careful programming, short
p918.cpp: //math, complex numbers, mandelbrot set, fractals, doubles, useful
p574.cpp: //medium, dp, partition, coins, math, stl, iterators, reverse iterators
p123.cpp: //medium, sorting, stable sort, parsing, good, excellent
p10103.cpp: //hard, simulation, brute force
p333.cpp: //easy, input, getline, parsing, good, excellent
p11748.cpp: //easy, graphs, bfs, elections, good, excellent
p10008.cpp: //easy, trivial, datastructures, map, cryptanalysis, good, excellent, short
p10198.cpp: //medium, math, dp, big int, partition special case
p294.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, primes, sieve, factoring, number of divisors, good, excellent
p641.cpp: //medium, good, short, math, number theory, gcd, inverse, euclid
p11518.cpp: //easy, graphs, flood fill, dfs, bfs
p10284.cpp: //medium, careful coding
p10088.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, number theory, gcd, pick's theorem, polygon area, good, excellent
p915.cpp: //medium, geometry, simulation, bad
p11523.cpp: //medium, dp, blocks
p10324.cpp: //medium, optimization, running sum
p376.cpp: //easy, geometry, triangles, output, bad
p10361.cpp: //easy, parsing
p741.cpp: //hard, strings, burrows-wheeler transform, encryption, cool, good, excellent, useful
p523.cpp: //multiple input, hard, graphs, all pairs shortest path, floyd-warshall with path recovery, good
p10810.cpp: //hard, bubble sort, permutations, number of swaps, good, excellent
p10596.cpp: //easy, graphs, union-find, euler path
p10032.cpp: //medium, coins, dp
p11092.cpp: //medium, grids, spirals, hexagonal grid, classic
p519.cpp: //hard, backtracking, brute force, jigsaw puzzle
p10694.cpp: //medium, big int, math, combinatorics, binomial coefficients
p11150.cpp: //medium, greedy, dp, simulation, good, excellent
p11609.cpp: //easy, math, combinatorics, number theory, successive squaring
p571.cpp: //medium, math, water jugs, dp, memoization, number theory, good, bfs, excellent, macros
p297.cpp: //medium, quad trees, image encoding, recursive, good, excellent
p10153.cpp: //medium, geometry, spherical coordinates, UNSOLVED: WA. no idea why.
p11717.cpp: //easy, simulation
p324.cpp: //medium, big int, factorial
p531.cpp: //medium, dp, lcs, longest common subsequence, path recovery, classic
p10573.cpp: //medium, geometry, circles inscribed in circles
p10165.cpp: //easy, math, nim, game, good, excellent, short, tiny
p588.cpp: //easy, geometry, star polygon on just rectangles, good, excellent
p11081.cpp: //medium, dp, lcs, longest common subsequence
p736.cpp: //multiple input, easy, word search on a grid while skipping space, barely fast enough
p10066.cpp: //easy, dp, lcs, longest common subsequence, good
p11716.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10183.cpp: //easy, math, fibonacci, big int, binary search, good
p11068.cpp: //easy, geometry, line intersection
p10298.cpp: //medium, strings, see 455
p424.cpp: //medium, big int
p11176.cpp: //hard, dp, probability, good, excellent
p10147.cpp: //multiple input, medium, mst, kruskal's, good
p10179.cpp: //easy, number theory, euler phi, totient function
p11687.cpp: //easy, simulation, tricky
p431.cpp: //medium, dp, knapsack
p10002.cpp: //medium, math, geometry, center of mass of a convex polygon
p11353.cpp: //medium, sieve, primes, sort
p11743.cpp: //easy, trivial
p11534.cpp: //hard, game theory, nimbers, sprague-grundy numbers, good
p10118.cpp: //medium, dp, memoization, good, excellent
p11080.cpp: //medium, graphs, bfs, dfs, bipartite graphs
p140.cpp: //medium, graphs, permutation, brute force, bandwidth, speed
p10532.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, combinatorics, dp, memoization, good
p11042.cpp: //easy, math, complex numbers, brute force
p725.cpp: //easy, brute force, map, io, good, cute
p320.cpp: //easy, simulation, border colouring
p10077.cpp: //easy, math, binary search, stern-brocot fractions, short, good, excellent
p635.cpp: //easy, simulation, cards, careful programming
p533.cpp: //medium, parsing, infix expressions, UNSOLVED: Fails before the end of the line?!
p10345.cpp: //hard, geometry, packing, UNSOLVED: difficult little bugger
p449.cpp: //medium, parsing, io, ugly, careful programming
p388.cpp: //medium, bfs, graphs
p11106.cpp: //medium, greedy, sorting, geometry, good
p11729.cpp: //easy, scheduling
p11123.cpp: //medium, geometry, sorting, the number of trapezoids formed out of n points, UNSOLVED: TLE
p148.cpp: //hard, strings, anagrams, backtracking
p530.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, pascal, pascal's triangle, binomial
p534.cpp: //medium, graphs, mst, kruskal's, shortest path, dijkstra, classic, good, excellent
p11628.cpp: //easy, gcd, useless input
p10065.cpp: //medium, geometry, convex hull, area of a polygon
p11776.cpp: //easy, scanline, sorting
p12764.cpp: //easy, trivial, output
p782.cpp: //easy, dfs, bfs, flood fill, bad
p10150.cpp: //hard, graphs, bfs, shortest path, words, efficiency, UNSOLVED: too slow with strings
p167.cpp: //easy, brute force, 8 queens
p274.cpp: //easy, graphs, bfs, dfs, flood fill
p11165.cpp: //hard, bfs, lbfs minus, breadth-first search of the complement
p10222.cpp: //easy, trivial, short
p201.cpp: //medium, brute force, squares
p11301.cpp: //medium, dp
p816.cpp: //hard, graphs, bfs, shortest path, UNSOLVED: 
p10509.cpp: //easy, math, approximate cubic root, good
p686.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, sieve, primes, goldbach, precomputation
p10620.cpp: //easy, math, number theory, modular arithmetic, brute force
p394.cpp: //easy
p11121.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, base conversion
p11117.cpp: //medium, recursive, recursion, parsing
p963.cpp: //hard, strings, trie, efficiency, ridiculous input
p263.cpp: //easy, simulation, math, sorting
p115.cpp: //easy, trees, genealogy, good, excellent
p668.cpp: //multiple input, hard, math, number theory, number partitions, brute force, memoization, optimization
p10336.cpp: //easy, dfs, flood fill, sorting
p900.cpp: //easy, math, dp, good
p10006.cpp: //medium, precomputation, carmichael numbers
p704.cpp: //hard, backtracking, simulation, puzzle game, UNSOLVED: too slow.
p11689.cpp: //easy, simulation
p620.cpp: //easy, trivial, recursive, parsing, stupid, bad, poorly defined
p787.cpp: //medium, dp, brute force, maximum substring product, maximum substring sum
p11074.cpp: //easy, trivial
p10892.cpp: //hard, math, number theory, factoring, lcm cardinality
p11610.cpp: //hard, sieve, data structure, tournament trees
p134.cpp: //medium, parsing, grammars, cfl, cfg, good, long
p10805.cpp: //hard, graphs, minimum diameter spanning tree
p10139.cpp: //medium, math, number theory, factorials, mod, m divides n!, good, excellent
p10625.cpp: //medium, grammars, simulation
p10378.cpp: //medium, math, complex numbers, output
p11326.cpp: //easy, trivial, math, geometry
p10793.cpp: //medium, graphs, all-pairs shortest path, floyd-warshall
p242.cpp: //medium, coins, stamps, dp, classic
p10651.cpp: //medium, bitmasks, dp, precomputation, good
p11105.cpp: //easy, sieve, number theory
p11096.cpp: //medium, geometry, convex hull, classic, gotcha
p11103.cpp: //easy
p10878.cpp: //easy, trivial, parsing, bitmasks, ascii, cypher
p610.cpp: //medium, graphs, dfs, undirected to directed, good
p10884.cpp: //hard, math, big int, dp
p10842.cpp: //medium, graphs, bottleneck spanning tree, minimum spanning tree
p10769.cpp: //easy, brute force, set
p412.cpp: //easy, trivial, gcd, number theory, brute force
p11094.cpp: //easy, flood fill, evil, gotcha

1406 results match.

grep+ searches the database of Valladolid problems that I solved (or tried to). You can give it keywords like "dp", "graphs", "math", "brute force", etc. and it will give you a list of problem numbers that (in my opinion) match the keywords. The database contains 1408 problems.

Please ignore anything that appears after "UNSOLVED:". As you probably know, not being able to solve a problem after many attempts can be very frustrating.