
Room Dimensions Square Feet
Kitchen 13' 5" x 9' 5" (161 x 113) 127 (18193)
Dining Room 9' 10" x 12' 6" (118 x 150) 123 (17700)
Living Room 20' 9" x 12' 8" (249" x 152") 263 (37848)
Front Bedroom 13' 0" x 15' 3" + 4' 3" x 3' 1" (156 x 183 + 51 x 37) 212 (30435)
Middle Bedroom 10' 5" x 12' 0" (125 x 144) 125 (18000)
Back Bedroom 12' 5" x 13' 0" (149 x 156) 162 (23244)
Hall 3' 9" x 17' 0" + 10' 5" x 3' 3"(45 x 154 + 125 x 39) 82 (11805)
Middle Bathroom 6' 0" x 5' 6" (72 x 66) 33 (4752)
Back Bathroom 6' 0" x 8' 4" (72 x 100) 50 (7200)
Office 21' 0" x 12' 2" (252 x 122) 427 (61488)
Laundry Room
Master Bedroom
Master Bath

Total from above: 1604

Guesstimate that Master Bedroom + Laundry + Bathroom is:
28' x 22' (336 x 264) == 616 (88704)

Total would be 2220 (at least 2400 square feet)

Vendor SKU Description Warranty Price Total
Lumber Liquidators 10040836 Coreluxe Ultra 7mm Old Country Oak EVP lifetime $1.89 $4536
Lumber Liquidators 10041177 Coreluxe 4mm Hay Bale Oak EVP $2.06 $4944
Lumber Liquidators 10036176 Dream Home 8mm+pad Fairfield County Hickory Laminate $0.99 ($0.85) $2376 ($2020)
Lumber Liquidators
Lumber Liquidators
Lumber Liquidators
Lumber Liquidators