(UVA) Online Judge Problem Archive Mirror

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Local Mirror Index

10177 - (2/3/4)-D Sqr/Rects/Cubes/Boxes?
Total Submissions Users that tried it Users that solved it
5285 2280 2134
Top 20
Ranking Submission User Run Time Language Submission Date
1 548054 Yeung Kam Wah 0.000 ANSI C 2001-09-06 18:22:54
2 549922 Yiu Wai-keung 0.000 C++ 2001-09-08 09:28:34
3 550636 Tinchoi To 0.000 ANSI C 2001-09-08 17:46:21
4 642603 !! Nanyang Optimizers !! 0.000 C++ 2001-11-08 06:07:15
5 689551 Meng-Sung Wu 0.000 ANSI C 2001-12-20 06:48:47
6 710446 Roger Hsu 0.000 ANSI C 2002-01-16 06:36:38
7 904810 許肇南 0.000 ANSI C 2002-06-15 16:49:08
8 948359 S.A.M Harun 0.000 C++ 2002-07-13 12:17:17
9 948361 Hijbul 0.000 C++ 2002-07-13 12:18:14
10 1273476 Anadan 0.000 C++ 2002-12-02 08:10:59
11 1279419 Meng-Tsung Tsai 0.000 C++ 2002-12-05 14:43:59
12 1346685 Amitav Barman 0.000 C++ 2003-01-20 06:49:30
13 1350690 Emon Khastagir 0.000 C++ 2003-01-22 04:09:17
14 1536983 Learn from world, not from institution 0.000 C++ 2003-04-22 10:00:20
15 1598239 Mind is ocean where you can swim - Ohona 0.000 C++ 2003-05-19 10:36:13
16 1598241 i'm !\!obody (IIUC) 0.000 C++ 2003-05-19 10:37:12
17 1603529 Farhana Haider 0.000 C++ 2003-05-21 21:05:27
18 1688931 Eugene Hwang 0.000 C++ 2003-06-29 07:56:27
19 1689277 SukMin @ YONSEI 0.000 ANSI C 2003-06-29 11:15:17
20 1739197 Duval 0.000 ANSI C 2003-07-22 10:43:17