(UVA) Online Judge Problem Archive Mirror

This is a subset of the OnlineJudge (formerly UVA) web site.

Local Mirror Index

10536 - Game of Euler
AC (983)
PE (18)
WA (675)
ML (2)
TL (156)
RE (29)
CE (77)
SE (13)
ANSI C (222)
JAVA (69)
C++ (1236)
PASCAL (120)
C++11 (304)
PYTH3 (2)
Total Submissions Users that tried it Users that solved it
1953 643 579
Top 20
Ranking Submission User Run Time Language Submission Date
1 17175529 sgtlaugh 0.000 ANSI C 2016-04-09 22:20:30
2 18128724 Alberto Verdejo 0.000 C++11 2016-10-06 09:06:28
3 18132922 Marco 0.000 C++ 2016-10-06 20:59:55
4 19295512 feodorv 0.000 ANSI C 2017-05-01 07:30:10
5 24791953 Pedro 0.000 C++ 2020-03-30 22:09:35
6 17229341 mahbubcseju 0.010 C++11 2016-04-19 19:51:32
7 17405795 Lyc 0.010 C++11 2016-05-23 13:51:38
8 18117177 Anjupiter 0.010 C++11 2016-10-04 14:09:02
9 19295374 黄汉升 0.010 C++11 2017-05-01 07:03:59
10 16799163 Luis Rivera 0.019 C++ 2016-02-03 21:27:35
11 17402151 Omar Khaled 0.020 C++11 2016-05-22 18:37:23
12 17833179 Ⲡⲓϣⲱⲓ 0.020 C++11 2016-08-13 12:41:20
13 18066276 Antonius 0.020 C++11 2016-09-26 13:31:52
14 18104385 Nergi Rahardi 0.020 C++11 2016-10-02 10:25:48
15 18458289 Sacha Bartholmé 0.020 C++ 2016-12-05 18:10:43
16 18524614 Dude what 0.020 C++ 2016-12-20 11:50:31
17 18524759 Doan Phu Duc 0.020 C++ 2016-12-20 12:36:46
18 18850166 Willson Wijaya 0.020 C++11 2017-02-26 05:07:49
19 19158184 Amr Hassan 0.020 C++11 2017-04-12 05:02:47
20 19454575 Saúl Germán Gutiérrez Calderón 0.020 C++11 2017-06-02 00:03:47