(UVA) Online Judge Problem Archive Mirror

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Local Mirror Index

10585 - Center of symmetry
Total Submissions Users that tried it Users that solved it
3467 962 887
Top 20
Ranking Submission User Run Time Language Submission Date
1 17296182 EatingChipmunk 0.000 C++11 2016-05-02 01:32:32
2 17521455 Jian Lee 0.000 C++11 2016-06-15 04:23:23
3 17550799 Morass 0.000 C++11 2016-06-20 22:44:07
4 17616741 Radu 0.000 C++ 2016-07-04 09:06:37
5 17826664 the_knight_of_night 0.000 C++11 2016-08-12 07:34:07
6 17846714 bogoi smaranda 0.000 C++11 2016-08-16 06:06:53
7 17867787 Edson Alves 0.000 C++11 2016-08-19 23:30:46
8 17913996 duente_1 0.000 C++11 2016-08-28 20:36:21
9 17919156 Pedro de Lyra Pereira 0.000 C++11 2016-08-29 18:08:22
10 17929749 Renata Soares 0.000 C++11 2016-08-31 17:22:55
11 17936409 feodorv 0.000 ANSI C 2016-09-01 22:24:30
12 17998389 duente_2 0.000 C++11 2016-09-14 00:14:00
13 18000217 Igor Ribeiro Barbosa Duarte 0.000 C++11 2016-09-14 12:50:11
14 18001261 Matheus Miranda Lacerda 0.000 C++11 2016-09-14 16:47:09
15 18002651 Marcelo Ferreira 0.000 C++11 2016-09-15 00:32:05
16 18002877 Marcelo Augusto 0.000 C++11 2016-09-15 02:00:37
17 18002894 Vitor Barbosa 0.000 C++11 2016-09-15 02:08:57
18 18003398 Andre Bernardes Soares Guedes 0.000 C++11 2016-09-15 04:06:03
19 18004876 Joao 0.000 C++11 2016-09-15 11:38:15
20 18007992 Nolram 0.000 C++11 2016-09-16 02:00:54