(UVA) Online Judge Problem Archive Mirror

This is a subset of the OnlineJudge (formerly UVA) web site.

Local Mirror Index

10974 - The Ridiculous Game
Total Submissions Users that tried it Users that solved it
148 22 8
Top 20
Ranking Submission User Run Time Language Submission Date
1 12103818 try 0.036 C++ 2013-07-25 16:26:02
2 4349450 joachim wulff 0.059 ANSI C 2006-02-20 13:39:01
3 4466308 Bofu Chen 0.064 C++ 2006-04-01 10:57:03
4 4316817 Yiu Cho Leung 0.068 ANSI C 2006-02-07 15:35:56
5 7267712 Josh Bao 0.136 C++ 2009-07-23 06:18:30
6 14101290 Nariyoshi Chida 0.519 C++ 2014-08-27 06:05:36
7 15041805 Brian Fry 0.982 C++ 2015-02-26 01:19:03
8 4300448 Mohammad Tavakoli Ghinani 1.826 C++ 2006-02-01 12:24:54