(UVA) Online Judge Problem Archive Mirror

This is a subset of the OnlineJudge (formerly UVA) web site.

Local Mirror Index

12164 - The Great Game
Total Submissions Users that tried it Users that solved it
120 25 5
Top 20
Ranking Submission User Run Time Language Submission Date
1 13202194 try 0.099 C++ 2014-02-24 06:02:29
2 28497691 darrencai 0.520 C++ 2023-05-25 08:47:10
3 10288820 Josh Bao 0.676 C++ 2012-07-04 08:35:29
4 28497671 马化腾 1.330 C++ 2023-05-25 08:40:10
5 10237463 dreamoon 5.764 C++ 2012-06-18 22:24:25