(UVA) Online Judge Problem Archive Mirror

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Local Mirror Index

721 - Invitation Cards
Total Submissions Users that tried it Users that solved it
4213 987 736
Top 20
Ranking Submission User Run Time Language Submission Date
1 25723595 Sampson_YW 0.040 C++ 2020-11-14 16:08:50
2 26715435 lfxxx 0.050 C++ 2021-08-24 11:13:23
3 21812513 aoweiyin 0.060 C++ 2018-08-16 02:38:36
4 26375061 CWsSBDB1111 0.060 C++11 2021-05-06 11:19:19
5 26616691 Akoasm_X 0.060 C++ 2021-07-26 12:10:14
6 26851832 聂天泽 0.060 C++11 2021-10-09 06:29:24
7 27636485 DDK 0.060 C++11 2022-07-09 13:37:10
8 27991638 cuiyanhao 0.060 C++11 2022-11-10 15:01:42
9 22967991 sunyufei 0.070 C++11 2019-03-14 10:13:35
10 23083404 sjh2021 0.070 C++ 2019-03-30 22:40:00
11 24637966 晏开文 0.070 C++ 2020-03-01 11:38:37
12 25262689 ccliangbo 0.070 C++ 2020-07-17 08:42:18
13 25691062 cgpsysu 0.070 C++11 2020-11-04 13:34:24
14 26366558 周舟 0.070 C++11 2021-05-04 06:45:23
15 26568420 clear439666 0.070 C++ 2021-07-13 16:14:44
16 26712650 hehe 0.070 C++11 2021-08-23 11:29:12
17 27030943 杨铭宇 0.070 C++11 2021-12-06 05:36:29
18 27705872 Alex Shao 0.070 C++11 2022-08-05 12:21:37
19 28081168 zzq_666 0.070 C++11 2022-12-09 10:26:37
20 28128196 向硕 0.070 C++11 2022-12-28 06:48:58