Competitive/Collaborative Programming Class

ICPC Computer Programming Contest Prep

Problem Solving in Computer Science

Fall 2011 -- CSC 2700 Section 02

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   CSC 2700 Section 02
   Coates 103
   6:10 PM - 8:10 PM

Problem Categories

Programming Contest problems come in many shapes and sizes. One step that can help in successfully solving a problem is to determine the nature of that problem. One of the easiest ways for people to do this is to make up a list of categories and then decide which category(s) the problem fits into. So here is a first cut in making a list of categories.
Problem Categories
Category Distinguishing Features
Packing Problems Fitting some shaped item into another shaped item
2-D Can 2-D object X fit in/pass through 2-D object Y
3-D Perspective What is visible, are two items the same
Combinations/Permutations Solve some puzzle that requires calculation/production of acombination/permutation of items
Network Minimum/maximum distance...
Inventory Classic start with a list, add/remove/modidy list, display list of state whether operations are possible
Simultaneous Equations Solve a situation with N unknowns (inequalities also)
String Containment Is some string(s) contained in another string(s)/matrix
Rotation/Transformation What happens when a series of rotations/transformations are applied to an object
Clock Arithmetic Take the Nth item
Numerical Relationship Primes, Pascal's triangle, Fibanacci Series, Factorial
Trig Relations Problems tht require trig relationships to solve

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