Competitive/Collaborative Programming Class

ICPC Computer Programming Contest Prep

Problem Solving in Computer Science

Spring 2012 -- CSC 2700 Section 04

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   CSC 2700 Section 04
   Tureaud 109
   5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
   2011 Fall

Computational Geometry

As a starting point, I briefly covered the Computational Geometry section of Introduction to Algorithms.

More to come...

Line Segment Properties

It turns out that Line Segments have some interesting properties and that some simple tests can tell you a lot about them.

Relative direction - Suppose you have 2 points P1 and P2. If you treat those 2 points as vectors (where the first point is the origin), you can now have some fun.

P0 is (0,0)
P1 is (X1,Y1)
P2 is (X2,Y2)
Now let:
V1 be P0P1 and V2 be P0P2
V1 is either clockwise or counterclockwise of V2

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