There are a number of references that you should look into. Below is a short list to start with.
- Books
Psychology of Computer Programming - Silver Anniversary Editioni
Author: Gerald M. Weinberg
Publisher: Dorset House
ISBN: 0-932633-42-0
Description: This book was first written over 25 years ago - and it is possibly more correct
now than when it was written. Even though some of the examples seem a little dated, if you
plan to make a living in the computer field, you should read this book. The Silver Anniversary
Edition includes chapter-by-chapter updates by the original author.
- Introduction to Algorithms (Amazon)
Authors: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein
Publisher: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0-07-013151-1
Description: This is the book to get and study. If you know the material in this book (and can understand the book), you
are ready to go out and design/implement software. This should be your bible (at least a good starting place).
- Programmers At Work
Author: Lammers Susan
Description: Interview with some of the people who shaped the computer industry. Out of Print. Dr. Dobbs Journal
offers a CD including the full text of the book and other interviews for $25.
- Programming Challenges by Steven S. Skiena and Miguel Revilla
- Art of Programming Contest by Ahmed Shamsul Arefin
- Problems on Algorithms by Ian Parberry
- Competitive Programming by Steven Halim, Felix Halim
- Web Articles about Programming Contests
- Other Programming Contest Classes
- Useful Web Sites
- Contest Stratedgy, Hints
- Referenced Slashdot articles:
- Cheat Sheets
- Cheat Sheet indicies
- C/C++ sheets
- Perl
- Python
- Regular Expressions
- Unix/Linux
- Vi/Vim
- Linux/Bash
- Regular Expressions
- Contest News