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Class 00: 15-January-2013
- briefly covered class rules
- welcomed Randal and Stephen
- If you do not know the rules -- how are you going to win the game? -- read the Student Handbook
- Explained rules for improving grades (preview, view, review)
- talked about hardware/firmware/software being a continuum
- Discussed early PC vs Macintosh motherboards
- communication
- Thoughts get translated when you saythem (the words you say rarely exactly match the thought you were trying to convey)
- Listening: When some one speaks, you automatically "color" the words abused on your preconceptions about that person.
- conscious vs subconscious mind, single core vs parallel computing, control vs chaos
- Deloitte Invitational contest coming up
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Class 01: 22-January-2013
- Gained Mitchell (to go along with Randall and Steph(v)en).
- Reading code: If a would be author claimed to write a novel but said that he had not read other novels, he would be laughed at. Why
do programmers not feel a need to read code?
- Spent a few minutes asking if anyone had ideas about making schools safer
- more guards and metal detectors (if you spend enough, you can lay all of the teachers off)
- what if you went to electronic textbooks? No more backpacks, no more lockers, ...
- Reminder that the folks in the room are the future...
- problem 628 (passwords) turns out to have an ugly underbelly. The correct answer requires ugly loops.
- Problem 619 (numerically speaking) is a big integer problem, it also has a data input that is tricky.
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Class 02: 29-January-2013
- acm meeting
- Deloitte contest
- talk about problems from last week
- uva
- homework submission
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Class 03: 5-February-2013
- Microsoft was scheduled to come at 7:30, so I started with problems instead of ending with problems
- Problems this week:
- David Daniels of Microsoft came by and talked a little bit. High notes I remember:
- MS wants good folks for internships -- particularly in Software Development.
- Do extra things to differentiate yourself from your classmates and other potential candidates
- programming contest
- Competitve learning class
- software projects - modile app, ...
- If your resume says proficient in a language, be prepared to discuss multiple large projects you have done in it (not just the class you learned the language in)
- Don't stick to the one page rule on a resume, if you need more room to explain your uniqueness, go for it (up to 1-3 pages)
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Class 04: 19-February-2013
- Announcements:
- ACM Meeting 1 week from Thursday
- Lan Party scheduled for March 02, 2013
- ACM/IEEE BBQ scheduled for TBA (maybe Wed before Spring Break)
- Lan Party scheduled for March 23, 2013
- Contest at Deloitte coming up
- Problem discussed:
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Class deloitte: 23-February-2013
- The contest happened.
- We had three teams.
- They all solved at least one problem!!!
- Out of about
twenty teams, we placed: 11th, 6th and first.
- Problem set was much better this year. I found no mistakes. It did rely on parsing input quite a bit.
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Class 05: 26-February-2013
- Announce the Thursday ACM Meeting
- Announce change in location of LAN Party
- talk about Deloitte contest
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Class 06: 5-March-2013
- So what to do if you do not know how to solve a problem or your solution does not work?
- Put it down and then come back to it later
- Ask someone to listen for you to step through the code
- Manually step through the data and see that you get right answer
- Step through your code and make sure it gets same results you do manually
- Will a debugger catch an invalid memory reference?
- Run it on another machine
- Look at the tools below
- Tools/references
- Problem discussed:
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Class 07: 12-March-2013
- Talked about networking (layers 1, 2, 3)
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Class 08: 19-March-2013
- Announcements:
- ACM Lan Party
- Microsoft training
- Ethernet overview
- Discussion on DMCA, phone unlocking, ...
- Would you buy a car and then steal gas? Buy a computer and steal software?
- Problem discussed:
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Class 09: 26-March-2013
- Announcements:
- ACM Meetings:
- ACM Elections
- Spring Break -- no class next week
- Last time we talked about convex polygons. The solution we spend the most time on is named
Gift Wrapping.
- I mentioned (again) the Introduction to Algorithms text.
- MIT Introduction to Algorithms online course. (skip first 18 minutes of first video to miss grading policy, ...).
- Harry Chapin, Thanksgiving food drive, what to eat rest of year, baby, self-sufficient, surplus, need help again
- Problem discussed:
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Class 10: 9-April-2013
- Announcements
- IBM Information Session
Date: Thursday, April 11th
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Location: Patrick F Taylor Hall Room 1106
- ACM Meeting: ??
- ACM Elections
- Sign up for Fall 2014 class (Wed night)
- UVA Fund Raising
- Programming: Art or Science
- Problems discussed:
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Class 11: 16-April-2013
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Class 12: 23-April-2013
- Reviewed class web site
- Went through class outline and confirmed that we covered the topics on the list
- Next week is final
- Did not ge tot below
- Style
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Class 13: 30-April-2013
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