Competitive/Collaborative Programming Class

ICPC Computer Programming Contest Prep

Problem Solving in Computer Science

Fall 2014 -- CSC 2700 Section 01

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   Archive Mirror
   NA Qualifier
   Names (you should know)
   CSC 2700 Section 01
   Patrick Taylor 3142 (CEBA)
   6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
   2013 Fall
   2013 Spring
   2012 Fall
   2012 Spring
   2011 Fall


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Software Development Life Cycle

Class 00: 26-August-2014

  • Announcements
  • Class policy
    • Grading policy
    • Calendar
    • web
    • mailing list
    • contests
  • Showed Sorenson OSCON Keynote Music video - discussed the video, commuication
  • If you do not know the rules -- how are you going to win the game? -- read the Student Handbook
  • 24 hours - 2 hours a week for a dozen weeks
  • Problems for this week

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Class geauxhack: 30-August-2014

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Class 01: 2-September-2014

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Class 02: 9-September-2014

  • Announcements
    • famous folks in computing
    • You would not buy a book from an author who wrote a book without ever reding other books. Why do you think you can code wthout reading other folks code?

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Class 03: 16-September-2014

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Class makerfaire: 20-September-2014

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Class 04: 23-September-2014

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Class qualifier: 27-September-2014

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Class 05: 30-September-2014

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Class break: 2,3-October-2014

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Class regional: 3,4-October-2014

  • ACM ICPC South Central Regional Programming Contest (during Fall Break)

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Class 06: 7-October-2014

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Class 07: 14-October-2014

  • Talked about the infamous tree problem
  • talked about difference between compiling and interpreting
  • Discussed java's hybrid mode, jvm sits in instruction cache while your code and data share the data cache
  • Scheduled a UVA Hack-a-thon on October 26 -- details to follow
  • Talked about problem Of Circles and Squares, this problem Gavin has fastest time ever for, this led to discussion of optimizing for speed

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Class 08: 21-October-2014

  • Announcements:
    • ACM Meeting
    • ACM BBQ - Thursday
    • UVA Hack-a-thon - Sunday

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Class 09: 28-October-2014

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Class 10: 4-November-2014

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Class 11: 11-November-2014

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Class 12: 18-November-2014

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Class 13: 25-November-2014

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Class 14: 2-December-2004

  • Final taken this day
  • Fudge (planned)
  • Apples to Apples (planned)

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