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Class 00: 20-January-2015
- Announcements
- Class policy
- Grading policy
- Calendar
- web
- mailing list
- contests
- If you do not know the rules -- how are you going to win the game? -- read the Student Handbook
- 24 hours - 2 hours a week for a dozen weeks
- Explained rules for improving grades (preview, view, review)
- Talked a little about ACM
- Mentioned Quora - it has a collection of questions answered by various people. In particular, a lot of questions about how to win programming contests.
- Promoted contests as a way to periodically benchmark yourself to see if and how much you are learning each year.
- Explained a little about history of class.
- Potential contests this semester:
- North American Invitational/open
- High School Online
- LSU Online
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Class 01: 27-January-2015
- Second class - does not count as part of Digital Media Minor
- ACM Meeting --- Feb 11 (joint meeting with IEEE: EA Sports)
- North American Invitational Programming Contest will be on March 28 (we will signup for the open side)
- March 7: New Orleans Mini Maker Faire - Deadline to
register is February 1st!
- Global Game Jam was last weekend
- Arduino night -- TBA
- vim
- Cloud at Cost
- Diversion: code vs data
- Talked a little about continuum of data and code. I believe that a given problem can be solved
many ways. Each of these ways could be put on a line where one extreme is minimum data use and the
other extreme is minimum code use.
Example: Suppose you need to add random amounts to a total based on a value. Here are three examples that
do that:
Nested If Statements
if (1 == i)
{ total = total + 17; }
elseif (2 == i)
{ total = total + 29; }
elseif (3 == i)
{ total = total + 99; }
Case Stratement
switch (i)
{ // switch
Case 1: total = total + 17; break;
Case 2: total = total + 29; break;
Case 3: total = total + 99; break;
} // switch
Array Implementation
int ary[4] {0, 17, 29, 99};
total = total + ary[i];
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Class 02: 3-February-2015
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Class 03: 10-February-2015
- Announcements
- ACM Meeting tomorrow at 3:00 PM in PFT 1502.
- No class next week - Mardi gras
- No king cake this week :(
- udebug - sample data for some problems
- Problems talked about:
- Problem: 483
- Problem: 575
- Problem: 10041
- Problem: 10079
- Problem: 10812
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Class 04: 24-February-2015
- Announcements:
- Problems talked about:
- Problem: 382
- Problem: 10346
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Class 05: 3-March-2015
- Announcements
- Tomorrow: Arduino Night
- let me know who is going to the Maker Faire
- Faire is 10 AM to 5 PM
- Need folks from 9:00 AM to 5:30ish, I suggest all day or half a day, need a fe folks each ahlf
- You need to arrange your own transportation
- The Faire is in hte Tulane Student Union (Lavin-Bernick Center)
- Parking is in the parking garage (football field or so away)
- Folks that I think are going:
- Hunter
- Michael Z
- Aanchal
- Inna
- Steven T
- Alan Fos
- Josh
- North American Open Programming Contest
- Registration
- Contest: March 28, 2015
- practices: March 7, 14, 21
- Small turnout
- Video meeting
- TED talks and how neat they are
- Showed the fibonacci talk
- Learning math can be fun/neat if taught from why things work the way they do instead of from the perspectice of here is the process -- memorize it)
- I challenged folks to watch 1 ted talk a week (15 minutes). Some may not be so good from your perspective -- but a few are likely to change your view of the world.
- To get you started, here is a list of the 20 most popular of all time
- I can recommend How great leaders inspire action. His idea is that everybody looks at what/how/why. MOst people/companies know what and a lot of time they understand how. He believes the great folks of our time understand why first, then proceed to how and finally finish wiht what. Very interesting talk...
- I also showed the Sorenson OScon Keynote where he write a program live with commentary that in real time plays musc. This is incredible -- please watch it. We then talked about communicaiton.
- Problems talked about:
- Problem: 401
- Problem: 369
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Class 06: 10-March-2015
- Announcements
- ACM Meeting wednesday (DMC 234 at 6:00 PM)
- NAIPC practice this Saturday
- Problems from March 7 practice.
- Scoreboard from practice 1
- Problems talked about:
- Problem: 10970
- Problem: 10107
- Problem: 543
- Problem: 146
- Problem: 445
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Class 07: 17-March-2015
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Class 08: 24-March-2015
- Announcements
- NAIPC practice this Saturday noon-5:00 (actual full contest), I will be in Frey 101 for
folks that want to come and work. CASH PRIZES do exist! (based on random draw of teams that slve 2, 3 or 4 problems).
- Problems from March 21 practice.
- Scoreboard from practice 3
- Math Blog
- Problems talked about:
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Class 09: 31-March-2015