Computer Programming Contest Preparation

ToolBox - Source for: 100/10006/d.c

    1 #include <stdio.h>
    2 #include <string.h>
    3 #include <sys/types.h>
    4 #include <sys/stat.h>
    5 #include <fcntl.h>
    6 #include <stdint.h>
    7 #include <math.h>
    8 #include <stdlib.h>
   10 #define TRUE  (1 == 1)
   11 #define FALSE (1 != 1)
   13 #define DEBUG if (FALSE)
   15 /*
   16  *  Author: Isaac Traxler
   17  *    Date: 2015-03-30
   18  * Purpose:
   19  * Problem: 10006
   20  */
   22 /*
   23  * This template reads data until a terminating value is reached.
   25  561
   26  1105
   27  1729
   28  2465
   29  2821
   30  6601
   31  8911
   32  10585
   33  15841
   34  29341
   35  41041
   36  46657
   37  52633
   38  62745
   39  63973
   41  */
   43 #define MAX_PRIMES 6500
   44 #define MAX_SIZE 65000
   45 #define MAX_CAR 20
   47 int n;
   49 int buff[MAX_SIZE];
   50 int primes[MAX_PRIMES];
   51 int primeCnt;
   52 int car[MAX_CAR];
   53 int carCnt;
   55 void init()
   56 {
   57     /* FUNCTION init */
   58     int i;
   59     int j;
   61     buff[0] = 0;
   62     buff[1] = 0;
   63     buff[2] = 2;
   64     primeCnt = 0;
   66     /* sieve of erasthones */
   67     for (i=3; i<MAX_SIZE; i=i+2)
   68         {
   69             buff[i]=i;
   70             buff[i+1]=0;
   71         }
   72     for (i=3; i<MAX_SIZE; i=i+2)
   73         {
   74             /* loop through primes */
   75             if (0 != buff[i])
   76                 {
   77                     /* found a prime */
   78                     primes[primeCnt++] = i;
   79                     DEBUG printf("%d\n", i);
   80                     for (j=i+i+i; j<MAX_SIZE; j=j+i+i)
   81                         {
   82                             /* mark out multiples */
   83                             buff[j] = 0;
   84                         } /* mark out multiples */
   85                 } /* found a prime */
   86         } /* loop through primes */
   87     printf("pime cnt %d\n", primeCnt);
   88 } /* FUNCTION init */
   90 void dump()
   91 {
   92     /* FUNCTION dump */
   93 } /* FUNCTION dump */
   95 int getInput()
   96 {
   97     /* FUNCTION getInput */
   98     int dataReadFlag;
  100     scanf(" %d ", &n);
  101     dataReadFlag = (0 != n);
  102     return (dataReadFlag);
  103 } /* FUNCTION getInput */
  105 int prime(int x)
  106 {
  107     /* FUNCTION prime */
  108     return (0 != buff[x]);
  109 } /* FUNCTION prime */
  111 void initCar()
  112 {
  113     /* FUNCTION initCar */
  114     int success;
  115     int i;
  116     int j;
  117     unsigned long tot;
  118     int k;
  120     /* a^n % n = a */
  121     carCnt = 0;
  122     for (k=2; k<MAX_SIZE; k++)
  123         {
  124             /* for k */
  125             if (prime(k))
  126                 {
  127                     /* number is prime, no need to test */
  128                     success = FALSE;
  129                 } /* number is prime, no need to test */
  130             else
  131                 {
  132                     /* non prime -- check it */
  133                     success = TRUE;
  134                     for (i=0; (success) && (primes[i]<k); i++)
  135                         {
  136                             /* try each number less than n */
  137                             tot = primes[i];
  138                             for (j=1; j<k; j++)
  139                                 {
  140                                     /* multiply k times */
  141                                     //    DEBUG printf("i(%d) j(%d) tot = %d\n", i, j, tot);
  142                                     tot = (tot * primes[i]) % k;
  143                                 } /* multiply n times */
  144                             // DEBUG printf("k(%d) i(%d) tot = %d\n", k, i, tot);
  145                             success = success && (primes[i] == tot);
  146                         } /* try each number less than n */
  147                 } /* non prime -- check it */
  148             if (success)
  149                 {
  150                     car[carCnt++] = k;
  151                 }
  152         } /* for k */
  153 } /* FUNCTION initCar */
  155 void process()
  156 {
  157     /* FUNCTION process */
  158     int i;
  159     int match = FALSE;
  161     for (i=0; (! match) && (i<carCnt); i++)
  162         {
  163             /* for */
  164             match = car[i] == n;
  165         } /* for */
  166     if (match)
  167         printf("The number %d is a Carmichael number.\n", n);
  168     else
  169         printf("%d is normal.\n", n);
  170 } /* FUNCTION process */
  172 int main()
  173 {
  174     /* main */
  175     int moreToDo;
  177     init();
  178     initCar();
  179     moreToDo = getInput();
  180     while (moreToDo)
  181         {
  182             /* while */
  183             process();
  184             moreToDo = getInput();
  185         } /* while */
  187     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  188 } /* main */