Computer Programming Contest Preparation

ToolBox - Source for: 101/10142/f.c

    1 #include <stdio.h>
    2 #include <string.h>
    3 #include <sys/types.h>
    4 #include <sys/stat.h>
    5 #include <fcntl.h>
    6 #include <stdlib.h>
    7 #include <math.h>
    8 #include <stdint.h>
   10 #define TRUE  (1 == 1)
   11 #define FALSE (1 != 1)
   13 #define DEBUG if (FALSE)
   15 #define MAXINT 2147483647
   16 #define LINESIZE 256
   17 #define MAX_CANDIDATES 22
   18 #define MAX_BALLOTS 1002
   20 /* fprintf(stderr, "functionName: message", varslist); */
   22 /*
   23  *  Author:
   24  *    Date:
   25  * Purpose:
   26  * Problem:
   27  */
   29 /*
   30  * This template reads data a specified number of times.
   31  */
   33 int numberOfTimes;
   34 int numCandidates;
   35 char candidates[MAX_CANDIDATES][LINESIZE];
   36 int numBallots;
   37 int ballots[MAX_BALLOTS][MAX_CANDIDATES]; /* table of all ballots cast by all voters */
   38 char line[LINESIZE];
   39 int elect[MAX_CANDIDATES];  /* current vote total */
   40 int minWin;
   41 int maxFound;
   42 int minFound;
   43 int winner;
   44 int stillInRace[MAX_CANDIDATES];
   46 void init()
   47 {
   48     /* FUNCTION init */
   49     scanf("%d ", &numberOfTimes);
   50 } /* FUNCTION init */
   52 void dump()
   53 {
   54     /* FUNCTION dump */
   55     int i;
   56     int v;
   58     printf("dump\n");
   59     printf("Number of Candidates: %d\n", numCandidates);
   60     for (i=1; i<=numCandidates; i++)
   61         {
   62             /* for */
   63             printf("%d:[%s] %d\n", i, candidates[i], elect[i]);
   64         } /* for */
   65     printf("Number of Votes: %d\n", numBallots);
   66     printf("minFound = %d\n", minFound);
   67     printf("maxFound = %d\n", maxFound);
   68     for (v=1; v<=numBallots; v++)
   69         {
   70             /* for */
   71             for (i=1; i<=numCandidates; i++)
   72                 {
   73                     /* for */
   74                     printf("%d ",ballots[v][i]);
   75                 } /* for */
   76             printf("\n");
   77         } /* for */
   79 } /* FUNCTION dump */
   81 int getline()
   82 {
   83     /* FUNCTION getline */
   84     int i;
   85     int ret = FALSE;
   87     if ( fgets(line, 255, stdin) )
   88         {
   89             /* if */
   90             i = strchr(line, '\n') - line;
   91             if ((0>i) || (255<i))
   92                 {
   93                     i=0;
   94                 }
   95             line[i] = '\0';
   96             ret = (0 < strlen(line));
   97         } /* if */
   99     return ret;
  100 } /* FUNCTION getline */
  102 void getInput()
  103 {
  104     /* FUNCTION getInput */
  105     int i;
  106     int v;
  107     int more;
  109     /* how many candidates */
  110     scanf("%d ",&numCandidates);
  111     /* grab all of the candidates */
  112     for (i=1; i<=numCandidates; i++)
  113         {
  114             /* for */
  115             scanf("%[^\n] ",candidates[i]);
  116         } /* for */
  117     /* grab all of the ballots */
  118     more = getline();
  119     v = 1;
  120     while (more)
  121         {
  122             /* while */
  123             sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d",
  124                    &ballots[v][1],  &ballots[v][2],  &ballots[v][3],  &ballots[v][4],  &ballots[v][5],
  125                    &ballots[v][6],  &ballots[v][7],  &ballots[v][8],  &ballots[v][9],  &ballots[v][10],
  126                    &ballots[v][11], &ballots[v][12], &ballots[v][13], &ballots[v][14], &ballots[v][15],
  127                    &ballots[v][16], &ballots[v][17], &ballots[v][18], &ballots[v][19], &ballots[v][20]);
  128             v++;
  129             more=getline();
  130         } /* while */
  131     numBallots = v - 1;
  132 } /* FUNCTION getInput */
  134 void tally()
  135 {
  136     /* FUNCTION tally */
  137     /* tally up current votes into elect */
  138     int i;
  140     for (i=1; i<=numCandidates; i++)
  141         {
  142             /* for */
  143             elect[i] = 0;
  144         } /* for */
  146     for (i=1; i<=numBallots; i++)
  147         {
  148             /* for */
  149             elect[ballots[i][1]]++;
  150         } /* for */
  151 } /* FUNCTION tally */
  154 int checkWin()
  155 {
  156     /* FUCNTION checkWin */
  157     int i;
  159     winner = -1;
  160     for (i=1; (i<=numCandidates)  && (-1 == winner); i++)
  161         {
  162             /* for */
  163             if (minWin <= elect[i])
  164                 {
  165                     /* winner found */
  166                     winner = i;
  167                 } /* winner found */
  168         } /* for */
  169     return (-1 != winner);
  170 } /* FUNCTION checkWin */
  172 int checkTie()
  173 {
  174     /* FUCNTION checkTie */
  175     int i;
  177     maxFound = -1;
  178     minFound = MAXINT;
  179     for (i=1; (i<=numCandidates); i++)
  180         {
  181             /* for */
  182             DEBUG printf("i=%d elect[%d]=%d minFound=%d maxFound=%d\n", i, i, elect[i], minFound, maxFound);
  183             if (0 != stillInRace[i])
  184                 {
  185                     /* candidate can be looked for */
  186                     if (elect[i] > maxFound)
  187                         {
  188                             /* if */
  189                             maxFound = elect[i];
  190                         } /* if */
  191                     if (elect[i] < minFound)
  192                         {
  193                             /* if */
  194                             minFound = elect[i];
  195                         } /* if */
  196                 } /* candidate can be looked for */
  197         } /* for */
  198     DEBUG printf("i=%d elect[%d]=%d minFound=%d maxFound=%d\n", i, i, elect[i], minFound, maxFound);
  199     return (minFound == maxFound);
  200 } /* FUNCTION checkTie */
  202 void cleanse(int ballotToProcess, int location)
  203 {
  204     /* FUNCTION cleanse */
  205     int i;
  207     DEBUG printf("cleanse: ballotToProcess=%d location=%d\n", ballotToProcess, location);
  208     i = location;
  209     if (i == numCandidates)
  210         {
  211             /* eliminate last guy */
  212             ballots[ballotToProcess][i] = ballots[ballotToProcess][i-1];
  213         } /* eliminate last guy */
  214     else
  215         {
  216             /* promote votes */
  217             while (i < numCandidates)
  218                 {
  219                     /* while */
  220                     ballots[ballotToProcess][i] = ballots[ballotToProcess][i+1];
  221                     i++;
  222                 } /* while */
  223         } /* promote votes */
  225 } /* FUNCTION cleanse */
  227 void eliminate()
  228 {
  229     /* FUNCTION eliminate */
  230     int i;
  231     int j;
  233     for (i=1; i<=numBallots; i++)
  234         {
  235             /* for -- inspect each ballot */
  236             for (j=1; j<=numCandidates; j++)
  237                 {
  238                     /* for each vote cast */
  239                     DEBUG printf("minFound=%d i=%d j=%d ballots[%d][%d]=%d elect=%d\n", minFound, i, j, i, j, ballots[i][j], elect[ballots[i][j]]);
  240                     if (minFound == elect[ballots[i][j]])
  241                         {
  242                             /* get rid of this guy */
  243                             stillInRace[ballots[i][j]] = 0;
  244                             cleanse(i, j);
  245                         } /* get rid of this guy */
  246                 } /* for each vote cast */
  247         } /* for -- inspect each ballot */
  248 } /* FUNCTION eliminate */
  251 void process()
  252 {
  253     /* FUNCTION process */
  254     int i;
  256     for (i=1; i<= numCandidates; i++)
  257         {
  258             /* enable all candidates */
  259             stillInRace[i] = 1;
  260         } /* enable all candidates */
  261     minWin = (numBallots / 2) + 1;
  262     tally();
  263     DEBUG        dump();
  264     while ((! checkWin()) && (! checkTie()))
  265         {
  266             /* while */
  267             DEBUG printf("in loop when no tie or win\n");
  268             eliminate();
  269             DEBUG printf("returned from  eliminate\n");
  270             DEBUG        dump();
  271             DEBUG printf("calling tally\n");
  272             tally();
  273         } /* while */
  275     if (-1 != winner)
  276         {
  277             /* winner */
  278             printf("%s\n\n", candidates[winner]);
  279         } /* winner */
  280     else
  281         {
  282             /* tie */
  283             for (i=1; i<numCandidates; i++)
  284                 {
  285                     /* for */
  286                     if (maxFound == elect[i])
  287                         {
  288                             /* print tie-er */
  289                             printf("%s\n", candidates[i]);
  290                         } /* print tie-er */
  291                 } /* for */
  292             printf("\n");
  293         } /* tie */
  295 } /* FUNCTION process */
  297 int main ()
  298 {
  299     /* main */
  300     int i;
  302     init();
  303     for (i=1; i<=numberOfTimes; i++)
  304         {
  305             /* while */
  306             getInput();
  307             process();
  308         } /* while */
  310     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  311 } /* main */