Computer Programming Contest Preparation

ToolBox - Source for: 102/10245/z.cpp

    1 /*
    2  * Luke Duncan
    3  * CIS 306 - Discrete Math II
    4  * Fall 2009
    5  *
    6  * Term Project Part 1
    7  * UVa 10245 - The Closest Pair Problem
    8  */
   11 // HEADERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   12 #include<iostream>
   13 #include<vector>
   14 #include<algorithm>
   15 #include<cmath>
   16 #include<cstdio>
   17 using namespace std;
   20 // DATA STRUCTURES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
   21 struct point
   22 {
   23     double x;
   24     double y;
   25 };
   27 double calcDistance(point p1, point p2);
   28 void splitVector(vector<point> allPoints, vector<point> &left, vector<point> &right, int line);
   29 double closestPairPlaneSweep(vector<point> allPoints, double delta);
   30 double closestPair(vector<point> allPoints);
   32 // CUSTOM SORTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   33 bool sortByX (point p1, point p2)
   34 {
   35     return (p1.x < p2.x);
   36 }
   37 bool sortByY (point p1, point p2)
   38 {
   39     return (p1.y < p2.y);
   40 }
   41 bool sortByXY (point p1, point p2)
   42 {
   43     if (p1.x == p2.x) return (p1.y < p2.y);
   44     else return (p1.x < p2.x);
   45 }
   47 // CLOSEST PAIR ALGO'S /////////////////////////////////////////////
   48 double calcDistance(point p1, point p2)
   49 /*
   50  * Pre:        Two points are passed
   51  * Post:    The distance between them is calculated using Pathagorean Theorem
   52  */
   53 {
   54     double a;
   55     double b;
   57     a = p1.x - p2.x;
   58     b = p1.y - p2.y;
   60     return sqrt(a*a + b*b);
   61 }
   63 void splitVector(vector<point> allPoints, vector<point> &left, vector<point> &right, int line)
   64 /*
   65  * Pre:        A vector X is passed, with two empy vectors L and R
   66  * Post:    The left half of X is stored in L and the right in R.
   67  */
   68 {
   69     for (int i=0; i<allPoints.size(); i++)
   70         {
   71             if (i<line) left.push_back(allPoints[i]);
   72             else right.push_back(allPoints[i]);
   73         }
   75 }
   77 double closestPairPlaneSweep(vector<point> allPoints, double delta)
   78 /*
   79  * Pre:        A vector of points, sorted by Y-coordinates, is passed by Divide-and-Conquer
   80  *             algo
   81  * Post:    The shortest distance between any two points is returned as a double
   82  */
   83 {
   84     for (int i=0; i<allPoints.size(); i++)
   85         {
   86             for (int j=i+1; j<allPoints.size() && (allPoints[j].y > (allPoints[i].y - delta)); j++)
   87                 // Check everything in front of the current point
   88                 // stoping when the Sweeping line is greater than delta away from the point
   89                 {
   90                     double curDelta = calcDistance(allPoints[i], allPoints[j]);
   91                     delta = min(delta, curDelta);
   92                 }
   93         }
   94     return delta;
   95 }
   97 double closestPair(vector<point> allPoints)
   98 /*
   99  * Pre:        A vector of points, sorted by X-Coordinates, is passed
  100  * Post:    A Divide-and-Conquer closest pair algorithm calculates the
  101  *             the smallest distance between any two points.  A double is returned
  102  */
  103 {
  104     if (allPoints.size() == 1) return 10000;
  106     int seperationLine = (allPoints.size())/2;
  107     vector<point> left;
  108     vector<point> right;
  109     double deltaLeft;
  110     double deltaRight;
  111     double delta;
  112     double deltaMid;
  113     double deltaMidLeft;
  114     double deltaMidRight;
  116     splitVector(allPoints, left, right, seperationLine);
  117     deltaLeft = closestPair(left);
  118     deltaRight = closestPair(right);
  119     delta = min(deltaLeft, deltaRight);
  121     deltaMid = double(allPoints[seperationLine].x);
  122     deltaMidLeft = deltaMid - delta;
  123     deltaMidRight = deltaMid + delta;
  125     while (!(allPoints[0].x >= deltaMidLeft && allPoints[0].x <= deltaMidRight))
  126         // Delete everything to the left and not in delta
  127         {
  128             allPoints.erase(allPoints.begin());
  129         }
  131     while (!(allPoints[allPoints.size()-1].x >= deltaMidLeft && allPoints[allPoints.size()-1].x <= deltaMidRight))
  132         // Delete everything to the right and not in delta
  133         {
  134             allPoints.erase(allPoints.end()-1);
  135         }
  138     sort(allPoints.begin(), allPoints.end(), sortByY);
  141     return closestPairPlaneSweep(allPoints, delta);
  142 }
  144 // DRIVER //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  146 int main()
  147 /*
  148  * Pre:        The program is started
  149  * Post:    The program successfully computes the shortest distance for each graph
  150  *             for a pair of points
  151  */
  152 {
  153     int N;
  155     while (cin >> N && N)
  156         {
  157             vector<point> allPoints;
  158             for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
  159                 {
  160                     point curPoint;
  161                     cin >> curPoint.x >> curPoint.y;
  162                     allPoints.push_back(curPoint);
  163                 }
  164             sort(allPoints.begin(), allPoints.end(), sortByX);
  165             double closest = closestPair(allPoints);
  166             if (closest < 10000)
  167                 {
  168                     cout.precision(4);
  169                     cout  << fixed << closest << endl;
  170                 }
  171             else
  172                 {
  173                     cout << "INFINITY\n";
  174                 }
  175         }
  177     return 0;
  178 }