Computer Programming Contest Preparation

ToolBox - Source for: 103/10315/b.c

    1 #include <stdio.h>
    2 #include <string.h>
    3 #include <sys/types.h>
    4 #include <sys/stat.h>
    5 #include <fcntl.h>
    6 #include <stdint.h>
    7 #include <math.h>
    8 #include <stdlib.h>
   10 #define TRUE  (1 == 1)
   11 #define FALSE (1 != 1)
   13 #define DEBUG if (FALSE)
   14 #define DEBUG1 if (FALSE)
   16 #define NCARDS 52
   17 #define NSUITS 4
   19 typedef struct
   20 {
   21     int suits[4];
   22     int values[13];
   23     int cardHash;
   24     int pairs;
   25     int triple;
   26     int quad;
   27     int flush;
   28     int straight;
   29     int total;
   30 } evalStruct;
   32 char cards[] = "23456789TJQKA";
   33 int values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
   34 char suits[] = "CDHS";
   36 int blackHand[5];
   37 int whiteHand[5];
   38 evalStruct white;
   39 evalStruct black;
   41 /*
   42  *  Author: Isaac Traxler, Josh Abadie
   43  *    Date: 20080324
   44  * Purpose:
   45  * Problem: 10315
   46  */
   48 /*
   49  * This template reads data until a terminating value is reached.
   50  */
   52 int rank_card(char value, char suit)
   53 {
   54     /* FUNCTION rank_card */
   55     /* adapted from Programming Challenges */
   56     int k; /* counters */
   57     int i = -1;
   58     int j = -1;
   60     for (k=0; (strlen(cards)>k) && (-1 == i); k++)
   61         {
   62             /* for */
   63             if (value == cards[k])
   64                 {
   65                     i = values[k];
   66                 }
   67         } /* for */
   68     for (k=0; (strlen(suits)>k) && (-1 == j); k++)
   69         {
   70             /* for */
   71             if (suit == suits[k])
   72                 {
   73                     j = k;
   74                 }
   75         } /* for */
   76     DEBUG printf("%c %c - %d %d %d\n",value, suit, i, j, i * NSUITS + j);
   77     return (i * NSUITS + j);
   78 } /* FUNCTION rank_card */
   80 int suitIndex(int card)
   81 {
   82     /* FUNCTION suit */
   83     /* adapted from Programming Challenges */
   84     return (card % NSUITS);
   85 } /* FUNCTION suit */
   87 int cardIndex(int crd)
   88 {
   89     /* FUNCTION card */
   90     /* adapted from Programming Challenges */
   91     return (values[crd/NSUITS]);
   92 } /* FUNCTION card */
   94 void init()
   95 {
   96     /* FUNCTION init */
   97     int i;
   99     for (i=0; 4>i; i++)
  100         {
  101             /* for */
  102             white.suits[i] = 0;
  103             white.values[i] = 0;
  104             black.suits[i] = 0;
  105             black.values[i] = 0;
  106         } /* for */
  107     for (i=4; 13>i; i++)
  108         {
  109             /* for */
  110             white.values[i] = 0;
  111             black.values[i] = 0;
  112         } /* for */
  113 } /* FUNCTION init */
  115 void dump()
  116 {
  117     /* FUNCTION dump */
  118     int i;
  120     printf("black: ");
  121     for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
  122         {
  123             printf("   %d", blackHand[i]);
  124         }
  125     printf("\n");
  126     printf("white: ");
  127     for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
  128         {
  129             printf("   %d", whiteHand[i]);
  130         }
  131     printf("\n");
  132 } /* FUNCTION dump */
  134 void dump1()
  135 {
  136     /* FUNCTION dump1 */
  137     int i;
  139     printf("black:\n");
  140     printf("pairs:%d\n", black.pairs);
  141     printf("triple:%d\n", black.triple);
  142     printf("quad:%d\n", black.quad);
  143     printf("straight:%d\n", black.straight);
  144     printf("flush:%d\n", black.flush);
  145     for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
  146         {
  147             printf("   %d", black.suits[i]);
  148         }
  149     printf("\n");
  150     for (i = 0; i < 13; i ++)
  151         {
  152             printf("   %d", black.values[i]);
  153         }
  154     printf("\n");
  155     printf("white:\n");
  156     printf("pairs:%d\n", white.pairs);
  157     printf("triple:%d\n", white.triple);
  158     printf("quad:%d\n", white.quad);
  159     printf("straight:%d\n", white.straight);
  160     printf("flush:%d\n", white.flush);
  161     for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
  162         {
  163             printf("   %d", white.suits[i]);
  164         }
  165     printf("\n");
  166     for (i = 0; i < 13; i ++)
  167         {
  168             printf("   %d", white.values[i]);
  169         }
  170     printf("\n");
  171 } /* FUNCTION dump1 */
  173 int getInput()
  174 {
  175     /* FUNCTION getInput */
  176     int dataReadFlag = TRUE;
  177     char buffer[5];
  178     int i;
  180     if (EOF == scanf(" %s ", buffer))
  181         {
  182             /* at EOF */
  183             dataReadFlag = FALSE;
  184         } /* at EOF */
  185     else
  186         {
  187             /* reading in the rest */
  188             blackHand[0] = rank_card(buffer[0], buffer[1]);
  189             for (i = 1; i < 5; i ++)
  190                 {
  191                     /* input loop */
  192                     scanf(" %s ", buffer);
  193                     blackHand[i] = rank_card(buffer[0], buffer[1]);
  194                 } /* input loop */
  195             for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
  196                 {
  197                     /* input loop */
  198                     scanf(" %s ", buffer);
  199                     whiteHand[i] = rank_card(buffer[0], buffer[1]);
  200                 } /* input loop */
  202         } /* reading in the rest */
  204     return (dataReadFlag);
  205 } /* FUNCTION getInput */
  208 int detTest(int * ary, int count)
  209 {
  210     /* FUNCTION detTest */
  211     int i;
  212     int toReturn = 0;
  214     for (i = 0; 13 > i; i ++)
  215         {
  216             /* for loop */
  217             if (ary[i] == count)
  218                 {
  219                     /* found a match */
  220                     toReturn++;
  221                 } /* found a match */
  222         } /* for loop */
  223     return toReturn;
  224 } /* FUNCTION detTest */
  226 int detFlush(int * ary)
  227 {
  228     /* FUNCTION detFlush */
  229     int i;
  230     int toReturn = 0;
  232     for ( i = 0; 4 > i; i ++)
  233         {
  234             /* for */
  235             if (5 == ary[i])
  236                 {
  237                     /* flush found */
  238                     toReturn = 1;
  239                 } /* flush found */
  240         } /* for */
  241     return toReturn;
  242 } /* FUNCTION detFlush */
  245 int detStraight(int * ary)
  246 {
  247     /* FUNCTION detStraight */
  248     int i;
  249     int toReturn = -1;
  250     int count = 0;
  252     i = 0;
  253     while (-1 == toReturn)
  254         {
  255             /* while */
  256             if (ary[i] == 1)
  257                 {
  258                     count ++;
  259                     if (5 == count)
  260                         {
  261                             /* straight found */
  262                             toReturn = 1;
  263                         } /* straight found */
  264                 }
  265             else
  266                 {
  267                     if (0 < count)
  268                         {
  269                             /* bail out */
  270                             toReturn = 0;
  271                         } /* bail out */
  272                 }
  273             i++;
  274         } /* while */
  275     return toReturn;
  276 } /* FUNCTION detStraight */
  278 int calcHash(evalStruct eval)
  279 {
  280     /* FUNCTION calcHash */
  281     int i,j,k;
  282     int toReturn = 0;
  284     for (j = 4;  0 < j; j --)
  285         {
  286             /* for number of matching cards */
  287             for (i = 12; -1 < i; i --)
  288                 {
  289                     /* values */
  290                     if (eval.values[i] == j)
  291                         {
  292                             /* add to array */
  293                             for (k = 0; k < j; k ++)
  294                                 {
  295                                     /* handle each card */
  296                                     toReturn = toReturn *16 + i;
  297                                 } /* handle each card */
  298                         } /* add to array */
  299                 } /* values */
  300         } /* for number of matching cards */
  301     return toReturn;
  302 } /* FUNCTION calcHash */
  304 void evaluateHand(evalStruct *eval, int hand[5])
  305 {
  306     /* FUNCTION evaluateHand */
  307     int i;
  309     for (i=0; 5>i; i++)
  310         {
  311             /* for */
  312             eval->suits[suitIndex(hand[i])]++;
  313             eval->values[cardIndex(hand[i])]++;
  314         } /* for */
  315     /* determine number of pairs */
  316     eval->pairs = detTest(eval->values, 2);
  317     /* determine 3 of a kind */
  318     eval->triple = detTest(eval->values, 3);
  319     /* determine 4 of a kind */
  320     eval->quad = detTest(eval->values, 4);
  321     /* determine flush */
  322     eval->flush = detFlush(eval->suits);
  323     /* determine straight */
  324     eval->straight = detStraight(eval->values);
  325     eval->cardHash = calcHash(*eval);
  326     if ((1 == eval->straight) && (1 == eval->flush))
  327         {
  328             /* straight flush */
  329             eval->total = 52*8;
  330         } /* straight flush */
  331     else if (1 == eval->quad)
  332         {
  333             /* 4 of a kind */
  334             eval->total = 52*7;
  335         } /* 4 of a kind */
  336     else if ((1 == eval->triple) && (1 == eval->pairs))
  337         {
  338             /* full house(terrible show!) */
  339             eval->total = 52*6;
  340         } /* full house(terrible show!) */
  341     else if (1 == eval->flush)
  342         {
  343             /* flush */
  344             eval->total = 52*5;
  345         } /* flush */
  346     else if (1 == eval->straight)
  347         {
  348             /* straight */
  349             eval->total = 52*4;
  350         } /* straight */
  351     else if (1 == eval->triple)
  352         {
  353             /* 3 of a kind */
  354             eval->total = 52*3;
  355         } /* 3 of a kind */
  356     else if (2 == eval->pairs)
  357         {
  358             /* 2 pair */
  359             eval->total = 52*2;
  360         } /* 2 pair */
  361     else if (1 == eval->pairs)
  362         {
  363             /* 1 pair */
  364             eval->total = 52*1;
  365         } /* 1 pair */
  366     else
  367         {
  368             /* high card.  You lose! */
  369             eval->total = 52*0;
  370         } /* high card.  You lose! */
  371 } /* FUNCTION evaluateHand */
  373 void process()
  374 {
  375     /* FUNCTION process */
  376     init();
  377     DEBUG1 printf ("entering process\n");
  378     evaluateHand(&black, blackHand);
  379     evaluateHand(&white, whiteHand);
  380     if ( >
  381         {
  382             /* white wins */
  383             printf("White wins.\n");
  384         } /* white wins */
  385     else if ( >
  386         {
  387             /* black wins */
  388             printf("Black wins.\n");
  389         } /* black wins */
  390     else
  391         {
  392             /* tie for hands */
  393             if (white.cardHash > black.cardHash)
  394                 {
  395                     /* white wins */
  396                     printf("White wins.\n");
  397                 } /* white wins */
  398             else if (black.cardHash > white.cardHash)
  399                 {
  400                     /* black wins */
  401                     printf("Black wins.\n");
  402                 } /* black wins */
  403             else
  404                 {
  405                     /* tie! */
  406                     printf("Tie.\n");
  407                 } /* tie! */
  408         } /* tie for hands */
  410     DEBUG dump1();
  411     DEBUG dump();
  412 } /* FUNCTION process */
  414 int main ()
  415 {
  416     /* main */
  417     int moreToDo;
  419     moreToDo = getInput();
  420     while (moreToDo)
  421         {
  422             /* while */
  423             process();
  424             moreToDo = getInput();
  425         } /* while */
  427     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  428 } /* main */