1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <sys/types.h>
4 #include <sys/stat.h>
5 #include <fcntl.h>
6 #include <stdint.h>
7 #include <math.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #define TRUE (1 == 1)
11 #define FALSE (1 != 1)
13 #define DEBUG if (FALSE)
15 #define NCARDS 52
16 #define NSUITS 4
18 typedef struct
19 {
20 int hand[5]; /* holds number of each card in players hand */
21 int suits[4]; /* has count of how of each suit in players hand */
22 int values[13]; /* has count of how many of each value in players hand */
23 int cardHash; /* 6 hex digit number, first digit is how hand evaluates,
24 next 5 digits are the value of each card */
25 int pairs; /* how many pairs are in hand */
26 int triple; /* how many 3 of a kinds in hand */
27 int quad; /* how many 4 of a kinds in hand */
28 int flush; /* 0 if not flush, 1 is a flush - how many flushes in hand */
29 int straight; /* 0 if not straight, 1 if straight */
30 } evalStruct;
32 char cards[] = "23456789TJQKA";
33 char suits[] = "CDHS";
34 int result[35];
36 evalStruct white;
37 evalStruct black;
39 /*
40 * Author: Isaac Traxler, Josh Abadie
41 * Date: 20080324
42 * Purpose:
43 * Problem: 10315
44 */
46 void init()
47 {
48 /* FUNCTION init */ /* initialize state table */
49 result[3] = 9; /* straight flush */
50 result[4] = 8; /* four of a kind */
51 result[6] = 8;
52 result[24] = 7; /* full house */
53 result[26] = 7;
54 result[2] = 6; /* flush */
55 result[10] = 6;
56 result[18] = 6;
57 result[34] = 6;
58 result[1] = 5; /*straight */
59 result[8] = 4; /* three of a kind */
60 result[32] = 3; /* two pair */
61 result[16] = 2; /* pair */
62 result[0] = 1; /* high card */
63 } /* FUNCTION init */
65 int rankCard(char value, char suit)
66 {
67 /* FUNCTION rankCard */
68 int k; /* counters */
69 int i = -1;
70 int j = -1;
72 for (k=0; (strlen(cards)>k) && (-1 == i); k++)
73 {
74 /* for */
75 if (value == cards[k])
76 {
77 i = k;
78 }
79 } /* for */
80 for (k=0; (strlen(suits)>k) && (-1 == j); k++)
81 {
82 /* for */
83 if (suit == suits[k])
84 {
85 j = k;
86 }
87 } /* for */
88 return (i * NSUITS + j);
89 } /* FUNCTION rankCard */
91 int suitIndex(int card)
92 {
93 /* FUNCTION suit */
94 return (card % NSUITS);
95 } /* FUNCTION suit */
97 int cardIndex(int crd)
98 {
99 /* FUNCTION card */
100 return (crd/NSUITS);
101 } /* FUNCTION card */
103 void initStruct(evalStruct *p)
104 {
105 /* FUNCTION initStruct */
106 int i;
108 for (i=0; 4>i; i++)
109 {
110 /* for */
111 p->suits[i] = 0;
112 p->values[i] = 0;
113 } /* for */
114 for (i=4; 13>i; i++)
115 {
116 /* for */
117 p->values[i] = 0;
118 } /* for */
119 } /* FUNCTION initStruct */
121 int getInput()
122 {
123 /* FUNCTION getInput */
124 int dataReadFlag = TRUE;
125 char buffer[5];
126 int i;
128 if (EOF == scanf(" %s ", buffer))
129 {
130 /* at EOF */
131 dataReadFlag = FALSE;
132 } /* at EOF */
133 else
134 {
135 /* reading in the rest */
136 black.hand[0] = rankCard(buffer[0], buffer[1]);
137 for (i = 1; i < 5; i ++)
138 {
139 /* input loop */
140 scanf(" %s ", buffer);
141 black.hand[i] = rankCard(buffer[0], buffer[1]);
142 } /* input loop */
143 for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
144 {
145 /* input loop */
146 scanf(" %s ", buffer);
147 white.hand[i] = rankCard(buffer[0], buffer[1]);
148 } /* input loop */
150 } /* reading in the rest */
152 return (dataReadFlag);
153 } /* FUNCTION getInput */
156 int detTest(int * ary, int count)
157 {
158 /* FUNCTION detTest */
159 int i;
160 int toReturn = 0;
162 for (i = 0; 13 > i; i ++)
163 {
164 /* for loop */
165 if (ary[i] == count)
166 {
167 /* found a match */
168 toReturn++;
169 } /* found a match */
170 } /* for loop */
171 return toReturn;
172 } /* FUNCTION detTest */
174 int detFlush(int * ary)
175 {
176 /* FUNCTION detFlush */
177 int i;
178 int toReturn = 0;
180 for ( i = 0; 4 > i; i ++)
181 {
182 /* for */
183 if (5 == ary[i])
184 {
185 /* flush found */
186 toReturn = 1;
187 } /* flush found */
188 } /* for */
189 return toReturn;
190 } /* FUNCTION detFlush */
192 int detStraight(int * ary)
193 {
194 /* FUNCTION detStraight */
195 int i = 0;
196 int toReturn = -1;
197 int count = 0;
199 while (-1 == toReturn)
200 {
201 /* while */
202 if (ary[i] == 1)
203 {
204 count ++;
205 if (5 == count)
206 {
207 /* straight found */
208 toReturn = 1;
209 } /* straight found */
210 }
211 else
212 {
213 if (0 < count)
214 {
215 /* bail out */
216 toReturn = 0;
217 } /* bail out */
218 }
219 i++;
220 } /* while */
221 return toReturn;
222 } /* FUNCTION detStraight */
224 int calcHash(evalStruct eval)
225 {
226 /* FUNCTION calcHash */
227 int i,j,k;
228 int toReturn;
230 toReturn = eval.cardHash; /* start wih kind of hand and then append each card */
231 for (j = 4; 0 < j; j --)
232 {
233 /* for number of matching cards */
234 for (i = 12; -1 < i; i --)
235 {
236 /* values */
237 if (eval.values[i] == j)
238 {
239 /* add to array */
240 for (k = 0; k < j; k ++)
241 {
242 /* handle each card */
243 toReturn = toReturn *16 + i;
244 } /* handle each card */
245 } /* add to array */
246 } /* values */
247 } /* for number of matching cards */
248 return toReturn;
249 } /* FUNCTION calcHash */
251 void evaluateHand(evalStruct *eval)
252 {
253 /* FUNCTION evaluateHand */
254 int i;
256 for (i=0; 5>i; i++)
257 {
258 /* for */
259 eval->suits[suitIndex(eval->hand[i])]++;
260 eval->values[cardIndex(eval->hand[i])]++;
261 } /* for */
262 /* determine number of pairs */
263 eval->pairs = detTest(eval->values, 2);
264 /* determine 3 of a kind */
265 eval->triple = detTest(eval->values, 3);
266 /* determine 4 of a kind */
267 eval->quad = detTest(eval->values, 4);
268 /* determine flush */
269 eval->flush = detFlush(eval->suits);
270 /* determine straight */
271 eval->straight = detStraight(eval->values);
272 eval->cardHash = result[(eval->pairs * 16) + (eval->triple * 8) +
273 (eval->quad * 4) + (eval->flush * 2) +
274 (eval->straight)];
275 eval->cardHash = calcHash(*eval);
276 } /* FUNCTION evaluateHand */
278 void process()
279 {
280 /* FUNCTION process */
281 initStruct(&black);
282 initStruct(&white);
283 evaluateHand(&black);
284 evaluateHand(&white);
285 if (white.cardHash > black.cardHash)
286 {
287 /* white wins */
288 printf("White wins.\n");
289 } /* white wins */
290 else if (black.cardHash > white.cardHash)
291 {
292 /* black wins */
293 printf("Black wins.\n");
294 } /* black wins */
295 else
296 {
297 /* tie for hands */
298 printf("Tie.\n");
299 } /* tie for hands */
300 } /* FUNCTION process */
302 int main ()
303 {
304 /* main */
305 int moreToDo;
307 init();
308 moreToDo = getInput();
309 while (moreToDo)
310 {
311 /* while */
312 process();
313 moreToDo = getInput();
314 } /* while */
316 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
317 } /* main */