Computer Programming Contest Preparation

ToolBox - Source for: 109/10977/a.c

    1 #include <stdio.h>
    2 #include <string.h>
    3 #include <sys/types.h>
    4 #include <sys/stat.h>
    5 #include <fcntl.h>
    6 #include <stdint.h>
    7 #include <math.h>
    8 #include <stdlib.h>
   10 #define TRUE  (1 == 1)
   11 #define FALSE (1 != 1)
   13 #define DEBUG1 if (FALSE)
   14 #define DEBUG2 if (FALSE)
   15 #define DEBUG3 if (TRUE)
   17 /*
   18  *  Author:
   19  *    Date:
   20  * Purpose:
   21  * Problem: 10977
   22  */
   24 /*
   25  * This template reads data until a terminating value is reached.
   26  */
   28 #define MAXSIZE 205
   29 #define MASKSIZE 102
   30 #define BLOCKED1 -1
   31 #define BLOCKED2 -2
   32 #define BLOCKED3 -3
   34 int R;
   35 int C;
   36 int M;
   38 int ef[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE];
   39 int mask[MASKSIZE][MASKSIZE];
   41 void dump()
   42 {
   43     /* FUNCTION dump */
   44     int i;
   45     int j;
   47     for (i=0; i<(R+2); i++)
   48         {
   49             for (j=0; j<(C+2); j++)
   50                 {
   51                     printf("%5d ", ef[i][j]);
   52                 }
   53             printf("\n");
   54         }
   55     printf("\n");
   56 } /* FUNCTION dump */
   58 void dumpMask()
   59 {
   60     /* FUNCTION dumpMask */
   61     int i;
   62     int j;
   64     for (i=0; i<10; i++)
   65         {
   66             for (j=0; j<10; j++)
   67                 {
   68                     printf("%3d ", mask[i][j]);
   69                 }
   70             printf("\n");
   71         }
   72     printf("\n");
   73 } /* FUNCTION dumpMask */
   75 void init()
   76 {
   77     /* FUNCTION init */
   78     int i;
   79     int j;
   80     int t1;
   81     int t2;
   82     int start;
   84     memset(mask, 0, sizeof(mask));
   85     for (i=0; i<MASKSIZE; i++)
   86         {
   87             t1 = i * i;
   88             for (j=0; j<MASKSIZE; j++)
   89                 {
   90                     t2 = t1 + j * j;
   91                     mask[i][j] = t2;
   92                     DEBUG2 printf("[%d][%d] = %d\n", i, j, mask[i][j]);
   93                 }
   94         }
   95     DEBUG2 dumpMask();
   96 } /* FUNCTION init */
   98 void doPuff(int a, int b, int c)
   99 {
  100     /* BEGIN FUNCTION doBuff */
  101     int i;
  102     int j;
  103     int c2;
  105     c2 = c * c;
  106     DEBUG2 dump();
  107     for (i=0; i<=c; i++)
  108         {
  109             /*
  110                     for (j=0; (j<c) && (ef[i][j]<c2); j++)
  111             */
  112             for (j=0; j<=c; j++)
  113                 {
  114                     if (c2 >= mask[i][j])
  115                         {
  116                             DEBUG2 printf("%d block %d-%d:%d\n", c2, i, j, mask[i][j]);
  117                             ef[a+i][b+j] = BLOCKED3;
  118                             ef[a-i][b+j] = BLOCKED3;
  119                             ef[a+i][b-j] = BLOCKED3;
  120                             ef[a-i][b-j] = BLOCKED3;
  121                         }
  122                 }
  123         }
  124     DEBUG2 dump();
  125 } /* END FUNCTION doBuff */
  129 int getInput()
  130 {
  131     /* FUNCTION getInput */
  132     int dataReadFlag;
  133     int i;
  134     int j;
  135     int a;
  136     int b;
  137     int c;
  138     int puffs;
  140     scanf("%d %d\n", &R, &C);
  141     if ((0 != R) && (0 != C))
  142         {
  143             /* something to do */
  144             dataReadFlag = TRUE;
  145             memset(ef,0,sizeof(ef));
  146             /* mark bounds */
  147             for (i=0; i<(C+2); i++)
  148                 {
  149                     /* outer loop */
  150                     ef[0][i] = BLOCKED1;
  151                     ef[R+1][i] = BLOCKED1;
  152                 } /* outer loop */
  153             for (i=0; i<(R+2); i++)
  154                 {
  155                     /* outer loop */
  156                     ef[i][0] = BLOCKED1;
  157                     ef[i][C+1] = BLOCKED1;
  158                 } /* outer loop */
  159             /* do blocks */
  160             scanf("%d\n", &M);
  161             for (i=0; i<M; i++)
  162                 {
  163                     /* each block */
  164                     scanf("%d %d\n", &a, &b);
  165                     ef[a][b] = BLOCKED2;
  166                 } /* each block */
  167             /* do the puffs */
  168             scanf("%d\n", &puffs);
  169             for (i=0; i<puffs; i++)
  170                 {
  171                     /* each puff */
  172                     scanf("%d %d %d\n", &a, &b, &c);
  173                     doPuff(a, b, c);
  174                 } /* each puff */
  175         } /* something to do */
  176     else
  177         {
  178             /* nothing read */
  179             dataReadFlag = FALSE;
  180         } /* nothing read */
  181     return (dataReadFlag);
  182 } /* FUNCTION getInput */
  184 int doit(int i, int j)
  185 {
  186     /* BEGIN FUNCTION doit */
  187     int tmp;
  188     int retVal = 0;
  190     if (0 == ef[i+1][j])
  191         {
  192             ef[i+1][j] = ef[i][j] + 1;
  193             retVal = 1;
  194         }
  195     if (0 == ef[i-1][j])
  196         {
  197             ef[i-1][j] = ef[i][j] + 1;
  198             retVal = 1;
  199         }
  200     if (0 == ef[i][j+1])
  201         {
  202             ef[i][j+1] = ef[i][j] + 1;
  203             retVal = 1;
  204         }
  205     if (0 == ef[i][j-1])
  206         {
  207             ef[i][j-1] = ef[i][j] + 1;
  208             retVal = 1;
  209         }
  211     tmp = ef[i][j] + 1;
  212     if (tmp < ef[i+1][j])
  213         {
  214             ef[i+1][j] = tmp;
  215             retVal = 1;
  216         }
  217     if (tmp < ef[i-1][j])
  218         {
  219             ef[i-1][j] = tmp;
  220             retVal = 1;
  221         }
  222     if (tmp < ef[i][j+1])
  223         {
  224             ef[i][j+1] = tmp;
  225             retVal = 1;
  226         }
  227     if (tmp < ef[i][j-1])
  228         {
  229             ef[i][j-1] = tmp;
  230             retVal = 1;
  231         }
  233 } /* END FUNCTION doit */
  235 void floodFill()
  236 {
  237     /* BEGIN FUNCTION floodFill */
  238     int i;
  239     int j;
  240     int impossible = FALSE;
  241     int cr;
  242     int cc;
  243     int chg;
  245     if ((0 !=ef[1][1]) || (0 !=ef[R][C]))
  246         {
  247             /* entrance or exit blocked */
  248             ef[R][C] = BLOCKED1;
  249         } /* entrance or exit blocked */
  250     else
  251         {
  252             /* start is clear */
  253             chg = 1;
  254             while (0 != chg)
  255                 {
  256                     chg = 0;
  257                     cr = 1;
  258                     cc = 1;
  259                     ef[cr][cc] = 1;
  260                     for (i=0; i<=R; i++)
  261                         {
  262                             /* row */
  263                             for (j=0; j<=R; j++)
  264                                 {
  265                                     /* col */
  266                                     if (0 < ef[i][j])
  267                                         {
  268                                             /* at a valid place */
  269                                             chg = chg + doit(i,j);
  270                                             printf("\ni=%d(%d)   j=%d(%d)\n",i,R,j,C);
  271                                             dump();
  272                                         } /* at a valid place */
  273                                 } /* col */
  274                         } /* row */
  275                 } /* start is clear */
  276         }
  277 } /* END FUNCTION floodFill */
  279 void process()
  280 {
  281     /* FUNCTION process */
  282     floodFill();
  283     if (1 > ef[R][C])
  284         printf("Impossible.\n");
  285     else
  286         printf("%d\n", ef[R][C]-1);
  287 } /* FUNCTION process */
  289 int main ()
  290 {
  291     /* main */
  292     int moreToDo;
  294     init();
  295     moreToDo = getInput();
  296     while (moreToDo)
  297         {
  298             /* while */
  299             process();
  300             DEBUG2 dump();
  301             moreToDo = getInput();
  302         } /* while */
  304     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  305 } /* main */