Computer Programming Contest Preparation

ToolBox - Source for: 114/11405/11405.cpp

    1 #include <iostream>
    3 #define MAX_INT 3207
    4 char board[8][8];
    5 int table[9][9];
    7 int pawns[8][2];
    8 int moveLimit;
   10 void printBoard()
   11 {
   12     for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
   13         {
   14             for(int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
   15                 {
   16                     std::cerr << board[x][y];
   17                 }
   18             std::cerr << std::endl;
   19         }
   20     std::cerr << std::endl;
   21 }
   22 /* returns minimum number of length for knight to get between points*/
   23 int knightCapability(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int totalLength)
   24 {
   25     if(totalLength > moveLimit+9)
   26         {
   27             //std::cerr << "move limit exceeded" << std::endl;
   28             return MAX_INT-3;
   29         }
   30     if(x1 < 0 || y1 < 0 || x1 > 7 || y1 > 7)
   31         {
   32             //std::cerr << "out of bounds" << std::endl;
   33             return MAX_INT-2;
   34         }
   35     if(board[x1][y1] != '.' && board[x1][y1] != 'k' && board[x1][y1] != 'P')
   36         {
   37             //std::cerr << "not . or P" << std::endl;
   38             return MAX_INT-4;
   39         }
   40     if(x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)
   41         {
   42             return totalLength;
   43         }
   44     //std::cerr << "(" << x1 << ", " << y1 << ")" << std::endl;
   45     //printBoard();
   46     int minimum = 77777;
   47     int moveLength[8];
   48     char temp = board[x1][y1];
   49     board[x1][y1] = '`';
   50     //std::cerr << "---------------" << std::endl;
   51     moveLength[0] = knightCapability(x1-2, y1-1, x2, y2, totalLength+1);
   52     moveLength[1] = knightCapability(x1-2, y1+1, x2, y2, totalLength+1);
   53     moveLength[2] = knightCapability(x1+2, y1-1, x2, y2, totalLength+1);
   54     moveLength[3] = knightCapability(x1+2, y1+1, x2, y2, totalLength+1);
   55     moveLength[4] = knightCapability(x1-1, y1-2, x2, y2, totalLength+1);
   56     moveLength[5] = knightCapability(x1-1, y1+2, x2, y2, totalLength+1);
   57     moveLength[6] = knightCapability(x1+1, y1-2, x2, y2, totalLength+1);
   58     moveLength[7] = knightCapability(x1+1, y1+2, x2, y2, totalLength+1);
   59     //std::cerr << "+++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
   60     board[x1][y1] = temp;
   61     for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
   62         {
   63             if(moveLength[x] < minimum)
   64                 {
   65                     minimum = moveLength[x];
   66                 }
   67         }
   68     //std::cerr << "found min: " << minimum << std::endl;
   69     return minimum;
   70 }
   72 int main()
   73 {
   74     int cases;
   75     std::cin >> cases;
   76     while(cases > 0)
   77         {
   78             int pawnCount = 1;
   79             std::cin >> moveLimit;
   80             for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
   81                 {
   82                     for(int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
   83                         {
   84                             std::cin >> board[x][y];
   85                             if(board[x][y] == 'k')
   86                                 {
   87                                     pawns[0][0] = x;
   88                                     pawns[0][1] = y;
   89                                 }
   90                             if(board[x][y] == 'P')
   91                                 {
   92                                     pawns[pawnCount][0] = x;
   93                                     pawns[pawnCount][1] = y;
   94                                     pawnCount++;
   95                                 }
   96                             std::cerr << board[x][y];
   97                         }
   98                     std::cerr << std::endl;
   99                 }
  100             for(int x = 0; x < pawnCount; x++)
  101                 {
  102                     std::cerr << "Pawn " << x << ": " << pawns[x][0] << ", " << pawns[x][1] << std::endl;
  103                 }
  104             for(int x = 0; x < pawnCount; x++)
  105                 {
  106                     for(int y = 0; y < pawnCount; y++)
  107                         {
  108                             //distance from pawn/knight x to pawn/knight y
  109                             if(x == y) table[x][y] = 0;
  110                             else
  111                                 {
  112                                     table[x][y] = knightCapability(pawns[x][0],
  113                                                                    pawns[x][1],
  114                                                                    pawns[y][0],
  115                                                                    pawns[y][1], 0);
  116                                 }
  117                             std::cerr << "Calculated distance from pawns[" << x << "]: " << pawns[x][0] << ", " << pawns[x][1] << " to pawns[" << y << "]: " << pawns[y][0] << ", " << pawns[y][1] << " = " << '\'' << table[x][y] << '\'' << std::endl;
  118                         }
  119                 }
  120             --cases;
  121         }
  122     return 0;
  123 }