1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <sys/types.h>
4 #include <sys/stat.h>
5 #include <fcntl.h>
6 #include <stdint.h>
7 #include <math.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #define TRUE (1 == 1)
11 #define FALSE (1 != 1)
13 #define DEBUG1 if (FALSE)
14 #define DEBUG if (TRUE)
17 /*
18 * Author: Isaac Traxler
19 * Date: 2015-10-06
20 * Purpose: fun
21 * Problem: 12640 - Largest Sum Game (worst part is input)
22 */
24 /*
25 * Hard part here is processing it as a line at a time
26 */
28 /*
29 * This template reads lines of data at a time until end of file.
30 */
32 #define DASH '-'
33 #define SPACE ' '
35 int endOfLine;
36 int endOfFile = FALSE;
38 int getNum()
39 {
40 /* FUNCTION getNum */
41 int num = 0;
42 int neg = FALSE;
43 int chr;
45 chr = getchar();
46 if (feof(stdin))
47 {
48 endOfFile = TRUE;
49 endOfLine = TRUE;
50 return -1;
51 }
52 DEBUG printf("skipping: [");
53 while ((! isdigit(chr)) && (DASH != chr))
54 {
55 /* skip any leading whitespace */
56 DEBUG1 printf("%c", chr);
57 chr = getchar();
58 } /* skip any leading whitespace */
59 /* handle negative sign */
60 if (DASH == chr)
61 {
62 /* found a negative sign */
63 neg = TRUE;
64 chr = getchar();
65 DEBUG printf(" [negative number] ");
66 } /* found a negative sign */
67 /* get each digit */
68 while (isdigit(chr))
69 {
70 /* found another digit */
71 num = (num * 10) + (chr - '0');
72 chr = getchar();
73 } /* found another digit */
74 printf("char after last digit: %d\n", chr);
75 if (SPACE == chr)
76 {
77 /* more numbers on line */
78 endOfLine = FALSE;
79 endOfFile = FALSE;
80 } /* more numbers on line */
81 else
82 {
83 /* end of something */
84 endOfLine = TRUE;
85 endOfFile == feof(stdin);
86 } /* end of something */
87 if (neg)
88 {
89 num = 0 - num;
90 }
91 DEBUG printf("num = %d\n", num);
92 return num;
93 } /* FUNCTION getNum */
95 void process()
96 {
97 /* FUNCTION process */
98 int mx = -999999;
99 int cur = 0;
100 int tmp;
102 printf("Start line\n");
103 tmp = getNum();
104 while (! endOfLine)
105 {
106 /* something to process */
107 tmp = getNum();
108 } /* something to process */
109 } /* FUNCTION process */
111 int main()
112 {
113 /* main */
115 while (! endOfFile)
116 {
117 /* while */
118 process();
119 } /* while */
121 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
122 } /* main */