1 /*
2 Jason
3 Judged correctly on 20090909
4 */
6 import java.util.Scanner;
7 import java.util.ArrayList;
9 public class Main
10 {
12 public static void main(String[] args)
13 {
14 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
15 int count = in.nextInt();
17 while (count != 0)
18 {
19 // advance the scanner line token
20 in.nextLine();
21 // holds the counts of the spaces for the lines
22 ArrayList<Integer> lineCounts = new ArrayList<Integer>();
23 // instance var holds lowest number spaces for given set
24 int lowestNumberSpaces = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
25 // for each line
26 for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
27 {
28 // get the next line
29 String line = in.nextLine();
30 // instance var holds the number of spaces in current line
31 int spaces = 0;
32 // for each character in line, check for spaces
33 for (int x = 0; x < line.length(); x++)
34 {
35 if (' ' == line.charAt(x))
36 {
37 spaces++;
38 }
39 }
40 // put the spaces data in the lineCounts
41 lineCounts.add(c, spaces);
42 // if this line has the lowest number of spaces, then set
43 if (spaces < lowestNumberSpaces)
44 {
45 lowestNumberSpaces = spaces;
46 }
47 }
48 int totalSpaces = 0;
49 for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
50 {
51 totalSpaces = totalSpaces + lineCounts.get(c) - lowestNumberSpaces;
52 }
53 System.out.println(totalSpaces);
54 // advance to next input set
55 count = in.nextInt();
56 }
57 }
58 }