Computer Programming Contest Preparation

ToolBox - Source for: 4/492/

    1 My Name ...... Is Sojol.....  * '';
    2 /-
    3 I'm From East West University,Bangladesh][][][>/ /.;';
    4 sfs/.
    5 hey!~!!!!!!!!!! this is actual  bash
    6 ';';;; ';; cadni rat a bodna hat a........        :
    7 '.'
    8 .'.;.'.;
    9 dhor cycle muita ashi/././.';';; ';'
   10 wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ';../.;p][]///// it's redicoulous.... . . . . .. ... .
   11 Apple
   12 This
   13 ; '/.,][                 -()*&^%$#@!
   14 A a            E       e o Oo U u i                            I
   15 The quIck brOwn fOx jumps OVER the LAzy doG       .
   16 well, are a good boy.
   18 Omg!!!! I have done it!!