1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <sys/types.h>
4 #include <sys/stat.h>
5 #include <fcntl.h>
6 #include <stdint.h>
7 #include <math.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #define TRUE (1 == 1)
11 #define FALSE (1 != 1)
13 #define DEBUG if (FALSE)
15 /*
16 * Author: Isaac Traxler
17 * Date: 2013-01-25
18 * Purpose: fun
19 * Problem: 619 - Numerically Speaking
20 */
22 /*
23 * This template reads data until a terminating value is reached.
24 */
26 #define BASE 26
27 #define BUCKETS 40
28 #define MAX_VALUE 999
29 #define NUM_DIGITS 3
30 #define MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH 40
32 /* global variables */
33 int num[BUCKETS+1];
34 char buff[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
35 char cuff[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH];
36 int based[BUCKETS];
38 /* start code */
39 void init()
40 {
41 /* FUNCTION init */
42 int i;
44 for (i=0; i<=BUCKETS; i++)
45 {
46 /* for each bucket */
47 num[i] = 0;
48 based[i] = 0;
49 } /* for each bucket */
50 } /* FUNCTION init */
52 int notZero()
53 {
54 /* FUNCTION notZero */
55 int zero = TRUE;
56 int i = 0;
58 while ((zero) && (BUCKETS>i))
59 {
60 /* while */
61 zero = (0 == based[i++]);
62 } /* while */
63 return (! zero);
64 } /* FUNCTION notZero */
66 void addDigit(int digit, int base)
67 {
68 /* FUNCTION addDigit */
69 int i;
70 int carry;
72 for (i=0; i<BUCKETS; i++)
73 {
74 /* for each bucket */
75 num[i] = num[i] * base;
76 } /* for each bucket */
77 num[0] = num[0] + digit;
78 for (i=0; i<BUCKETS; i++)
79 {
80 /* for each bucket */
81 if (MAX_VALUE < num[i])
82 {
83 /* we have a carry */
84 carry = num[i] / (MAX_VALUE + 1);
85 num[i] = num[i] % (MAX_VALUE + 1);
86 num[i+1] = num[i+1] + carry;
87 } /* we have a carry */
88 } /* for each bucket */
89 } /* FUNCTION addDigit */
91 char divideBased(int base)
92 {
93 /* FUNCTION divideBased */
94 int i;
95 int carry = 0;
97 for (i=BUCKETS; 0<=i; i--)
98 {
99 /* for each bucket */
100 based[i] = based[i] + carry * (MAX_VALUE + 1) - 1;
101 carry = based[i] % base + 1;
102 based[i] = based[i] / base;
103 } /* for each bucket */
105 return (carry + 'a' - 1);
106 } /* FUNCTION divideBased */
108 void baseIt()
109 {
110 /* FUNCTION baseIt */
111 int i;
112 char tmp;
113 int sl;
115 /* copy num to based -- because we will need num to print out */
116 for (i=BUCKETS; 0<=i; i--)
117 {
118 /* for each bucket */
119 based[i] = num[i];
120 } /* for each bucket */
121 /* convert the number to a string */
122 i = 0;
123 while (notZero())
124 {
125 /* more to convert */
126 buff[i++] = divideBased(BASE);
127 } /* more to convert */
128 buff[i] = '\0';
129 /* reverse the string -- came out backwards above */
130 sl = strlen(buff) - 1;
131 for (i=0; ((strlen(buff)+1)/2) > i; i++, sl--)
132 {
133 /* for */
134 tmp = buff[i];
135 buff[i] = buff[sl];
136 buff[sl] = tmp;
137 } /* for */
138 } /* FUNCTION baseIt */
140 void dumpNum()
141 {
142 /* FUNCTION dumpNum */
143 int i;
144 int comma = FALSE;
146 for (i=(BUCKETS-1); 0<=i; i--)
147 {
148 /* for */
149 if (comma)
150 {
151 /* print regardless of value */
152 printf(",%03d", num[i]);
153 } /* print regardless of value */
154 else if (0 < num[i])
155 {
156 /* time to start printing */
157 printf("%d", num[i]);
158 comma = TRUE;
159 } /* time to start printing */
160 } /* for */
161 } /* FUNCTION dumpNum */
163 void dump()
164 {
165 /* FUNCTION dump */
166 } /* FUNCTION dump */
168 int getInput()
169 {
170 /* FUNCTION getInput */
171 int dataReadFlag;
173 fgets(buff, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, stdin);
174 dataReadFlag = ('*' != buff[0]);
175 buff[strlen(buff)-1] = '\0'; /* take care of newline */
176 return (dataReadFlag);
177 } /* FUNCTION getInput */
179 void processWord()
180 {
181 /* FUNCTION processWord */
182 int i;
183 int t;
185 for (i=0; i<strlen(buff); i++)
186 {
187 /* process each character */
188 if (('a' <= buff[i]) && ('z' >= buff[i]))
189 {
190 /* ignore invalid characters */
191 t = buff[i] - 'a' + 1;
192 addDigit(t, BASE);
193 } /* ignore invalid characters */
194 } /* process each character */
195 } /* FUNCTION processWord */
197 void processNumber()
198 {
199 /* FUNCTION processNumber */
200 int i;
201 int t;
203 /* translate input into num format */
204 for (i=0; i<strlen(buff); i++)
205 {
206 /* for */
207 cuff[i] = buff[i];
208 t = buff[i] - '0';
209 addDigit(t, 10);
210 } /* for */
211 cuff[i]='\0';
212 /* convert num format to array in base 26 */
213 baseIt();
214 } /* FUNCTION processNumber */
216 void process()
217 {
218 /* FUNCTION process */
219 int i, k;
220 if (isdigit(buff[0]))
221 {
222 /* read in a number */
223 processNumber();
224 printf("%-20s ", buff);
225 if (TRUE)
226 {
227 /* leading zero input */
228 i = ((strlen(cuff) - 1) % 3) + 1;
229 for (k=0; k<i; k++)
230 {
231 printf("%c", cuff[k]);
232 }
233 if (3 < strlen(cuff))
234 {
235 /* more to do */
236 for (; k<strlen(cuff); k=k+3)
237 {
238 /* dump 3 digits */
239 printf(",%c%c%c", cuff[k], cuff[k+1], cuff[k+2]);
240 } /* dump 3 digits */
241 } /* more to do */
242 } /* leading zero input */
243 else
244 {
245 /* normal print */
246 dumpNum();
247 } /* normal print */
248 } /* read in a number */
249 else
250 {
251 /* read in a word */
252 processWord();
253 printf("%-20s ", buff);
254 dumpNum();
255 } /* read in a word */
256 printf("\n");
257 } /* FUNCTION process */
259 int main ()
260 {
261 /* main */
262 int moreToDo;
264 moreToDo = getInput();
265 while (moreToDo)
266 {
267 /* while */
268 init();
269 process();
270 moreToDo = getInput();
271 } /* while */
273 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
274 } /* main */