Computer Programming Contest Preparation

ToolBox - Source for: 7/782/b.c

    1 #include <stdio.h>
    2 #include <string.h>
    3 #include <sys/types.h>
    4 #include <sys/stat.h>
    5 #include <fcntl.h>
    6 #include <stdlib.h>
    7 #include <math.h>
    8 #include <stdint.h>
   10 #define TRUE  (1 == 1)
   11 #define FALSE (1 != 1)
   13 #define DEBUG if (FALSE)
   15 /* fprintf(stderr, "functionName: message", varslist); */
   17 /*
   18  *  Author: Isaac Traxler
   19  *    Date:2019-10-05
   20  * Purpose: fun
   21  * Problem: 782
   22  */
   24 /*
   25  * This template reads data a specified number of times.
   26  */
   28 #define MAX_WIDTH 100
   29 #define MAX_HEIGHT 33
   30 #define BLANK ' '
   31 #define GOAL '*'
   32 #define SET '#'
   33 #define LINE '_'
   34 #define NL '\n'
   35 #define ZERO 0
   37 #define maxx(a,b) ( { a>b ? a :b; } )
   39 int numberOfTimes;
   40 char map[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH];
   41 int lineCnt;
   42 int goalCol;
   43 int goalRow;
   44 char chr;
   45 int maxWidth;
   46 char divider[MAX_WIDTH];
   48 void init()
   49 {
   50     /* FUNCTION init */
   51     scanf("%d", &numberOfTimes);
   52 } /* FUNCTION init */
   54 void init1()
   55 {
   56     /* FUNCTION init1 */
   57     int i;
   58     int j;
   60     for (i=0; MAX_HEIGHT>i; i++)
   61         {
   62             /* for i */
   63             for (j=0; MAX_WIDTH>j; j++)
   64                 {
   65                     /* for j */
   66                     map[i][j] = BLANK;
   67                 } /* for j */
   68         } /* for i */
   69     lineCnt = 1;
   70     maxWidth=0;
   71 } /* FUNCTION init1 */
   73 void dump()
   74 {
   75     /* FUNCTION dump */
   76     int i;
   77     int j;
   79     DEBUG printf("Contour char [%c], start is at (%d, %d)\n", chr, goalCol, goalRow);
   80     for (i=1; lineCnt>i; i++)
   81         {
   82             /* for each row */
   83             DEBUG printf("|");
   84             for (j=2; ZERO != map[i][j]; j++)
   85                 {
   86                     /* for each col */
   87                     printf("%c", map[i][j]);
   88                 } /* for each col */
   89             DEBUG printf("|");
   90             printf("\n");
   91         } /* for each row */
   92 } /* FUNCTION dump */
   94 void getInput()
   95 {
   96     /* FUNCTION getInput */
   97     int i;
   98     int j;
  100     init1();
  101     chr = GOAL;
  102     maxWidth = 0;
  103     fgets(&map[lineCnt][2], MAX_WIDTH-1, stdin);
  104     while (LINE != map[lineCnt][2])
  105         {
  106             /* while */
  107             for (i=0; MAX_WIDTH>i; i++)
  108                 {
  109                     /* for */
  110                     switch (map[lineCnt][i])
  111                         {
  112                         /* switch */
  113                         case GOAL:
  114                             goalCol=i;
  115                             goalRow=lineCnt;
  116                             break;
  117                         case BLANK:
  118                             break;
  119                         case NL:
  120                             map[lineCnt][i] = BLANK;
  121                             break;
  122                         case ZERO:
  123                             map[lineCnt][i] = BLANK;
  124                             maxWidth=maxx(maxWidth, i);
  125                             i = MAX_WIDTH;
  126                             break;
  127                         default:
  128                             chr = map[lineCnt][i];
  129                             break;
  130                         } /* switch */
  131                     DEBUG printf("[%c]\n", map[lineCnt][i]);
  132                 } /* for */
  133             DEBUG printf("!  maxWidth = %d\n", maxWidth);
  135             lineCnt++;
  136             fgets(&map[lineCnt][2], MAX_WIDTH-1, stdin);
  137         } /* while */
  138     /* save the divider line to output */
  139     for (i=2; ((BLANK == map[lineCnt][i]) || (LINE == map[lineCnt][i])); i++)
  140         {
  141             /* copy line */
  142             divider[i-2] = map[lineCnt][i];
  143         } /* copy line */
  144     divider[i-2] = ZERO;
  145     /* finished with divider */
  146     maxWidth=maxWidth+2;
  147     for (i=0; lineCnt>=i; i++)
  148         {
  149             /* make all lines same length */
  150             for (j=0; ZERO!=map[i][j]; j++) ; /* skip forward until end of line */
  151             while (maxWidth>j)
  152                 {
  153                     /* blank fill end of line */
  154                     map[i][j] = BLANK;
  155                     j++;
  156                 } /* blank fill end of line */
  157             map[i][maxWidth] = ZERO;
  158         } /* make all lines same length */
  159 } /* FUNCTION getInput */
  161 void clean()
  162 {
  163     /* FUNCTION clean */
  164     int i;
  165     int j;
  167     for (i=1; lineCnt>i; i++)
  168         {
  169             /* for each row */
  170             for (j=1; maxWidth>j; j++)
  171                 {
  172                     /* each column */
  173                     if ((SET == map[i][j]) &&
  174                             (chr != map[i-1][j]) &&
  175                             (chr != map[i+1][j]) &&
  176                             (chr != map[i][j-1]) &&
  177                             (chr != map[i][j+1]))
  178                         {
  179                             map[i][j] = BLANK;
  180                         }
  181                 } /* each column */
  182         } /* for each row */
  183 } /* FUNCTION clean */
  185 void fill1(int row, int col)
  186 {
  187     /* FUNCTION fill1 */
  188     DEBUG printf("map[%d][%d] = (%c)\n", row, col, map[row][col]);
  189     DEBUG dump();
  190     if ((0<row) && (0<col) && (maxWidth>col) && (lineCnt>row) && (BLANK == map[row][col]))
  191         {
  192             /* found a valid spot */
  193             DEBUG printf("Found (%d, %d) [%c]\n", row, col, map[row][col]);
  194             map[row][col] = SET;
  195             fill1(row+1, col);
  196             fill1(row-1, col);
  197             fill1(row, col+1);
  198             fill1(row, col-1);
  199         } /* found a valid spot */
  200 } /* FUNCTION fill1 */
  202 void process()
  203 {
  204     /* FUNCTION process */
  205     DEBUG dump();
  206     map[goalRow][goalCol] = BLANK;
  207     DEBUG dump();
  208     fill1(goalRow, goalCol);
  209     DEBUG dump();
  210     clean();
  211     dump();
  212     printf("%s\n", divider);
  213 } /* FUNCTION process */
  215 int main()
  216 {
  217     /* main */
  218     int i;
  220     init();
  221     for (i=0; i<numberOfTimes; i++)
  222         {
  223             /* while */
  224             getInput();
  225             process();
  226         } /* while */
  228     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  229 } /* main */