- Geometry and Computational Geometry References
- Area of Polygon
- Equation of a Line
- Is a Point ona Line?
- Intersecton of Two Lines
- Intersection of a Line and a Circle
- Points clockwise, colinear or countr clockwise
Geometry and Computational Geometry References
- Brief summary of Geometry stuff (3 pages) by Eugene Fink
- Competitive Programmer’s Handbook by Antti Laaksonen (see pages 265-280)
- Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, ... (Computational Geometry Section)
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Area of a Polygon
Taken from Competitive Programmer’s Handbook Page 266.
- assume you have N points
- area = (x1*y2 - x2*y1 + x2*y3 - x3y2 ... + xn*y1 - x1-yn) / 2
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Equation of a Line
What is equation for a line given 2 points?
Given 2 points: (x1,y1) (x2,y2) if (x1 == x2) then line is vertical and slope is undefined x = x1 else m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) b = y2 - m*x2 y = m*x + b ==> y = ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*x + (y2 - ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*x2) fi
What is equation of a line given a point and the slope?
Given a slope and a point: m (x1, y1) b = y1 - m*x1 y = m*x + b ==> y = m*x + y1 - m*x1
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Is a point on a line?
Given a line and a point: y = mx + b (x1,y1) if (y1 == (m*x1 + b)) then the point is on the line else if (y1 < (m*x1 + b)) then the point is below the line else the point is above the line fi fi
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Given two lines, what is their intersection point?
Given two lines: y = m1*x + b1 y = m2*x + b2 If the lines have the same slopes, they do not intersect unless they are the same line. if (m1 == m2) then if (b1 == b2) then they are same line -- they intersect at all points else they have same slope but do not ever intersect fi else m1*x + b1 = m2*x + b2 m1*x - m2*x = b2 - b1 (m1 - m2) * x = b2 - b1 x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2) y = m1*x + b1 fi
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Intersection of a Line and a Circle
Wolfram Circle line IntersectionReturn to Top of Page
Points clockwise, colinear or countr clockwise
Consider two points: P1, P2. If you consider these points as vectors anchored at the origin, the P2 must be counter clockwise, colinear or clockwise of P1. Two questions should spring to your mind:
- Why do we care?
- How do we figure it out?
The why is because it is useful for numerouse reasons (some of which will be shown shortly).
The how is a lot easier than it might seem. You use cross product:
(X1 * Y2) - (X2 * Y1)
- If the result is positive, then P2 is counter-clockwise of P1.
- If the result is zero, then P2 is colinear with P1.
- If the result is negative, then P2 is clockwise of P1.
- (0, 0)
- P1
- P1 + P2
- P2
One really useful place for this is in finding the smallest (in area) convex polygon that contains all the points in a list.
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