Competitive/Collaborative Programming Class

ICPC Computer Programming Contest Prep

Problem Solving in Computer Science

Spring 2025 -- CSC 2700 Section 01
1212 Patrick Taylor, 6:30 PM - 8:20 PM


Music has two (at least) ties to computing. One is that it is a great background for preparing future computing people. A second is the merger of computing and music.

A successful music student develops two skills that are very useful for future software developers:

To be successful in software design/programming one must practice a lot. Basics must come to you as if in muscle memory (the way playing certain things comes to a musician). A successful student of music has accepted that countless hours of practice are necessary. More importantly, they also invest thise hours.

Practice can produce an excellent, skilled instrument player. Clearly this is good. Cleary it is an important goal. But a student of music must do more than just faithfully reproduce the past. They must introduce newness into music. They must be able to produce new sequences that are pleasing. This creative piece separates the instrumentalist (capable instrument player) from the composer (creator of new compositions). The same is true in computing. Programmers merely produce code based on algorithms provided to them. Software developers, engineers, analysts, ... differ in that they produce algorithms.

Music and Computing

Under the merger of computing and music, here are a few interesting links: