- Class 00 - 22-August-2023
- Class 01 - 29-August-2023
- Class 02 - 5-September-2023
- Class 03 - 12-September-2023
- Class 04 - 19-September-2023
- Class 05 - 26-September-2023
- Class 06 - 3-October-2023
- Class 07 - 10-October-2023
- Class 08 - 17-October-2023
- Class 09 - 24-October-2023
- Class 10 - 31-October-2023
- Class 11 - 7-November-2023
- Class 12 - 14-November-2023
- Class 13 - 21-November-2023
- Class 14 - 28-November-2023
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Class 00: 22-August-2023
- Class cancelled today due to power outage
- Intro (to Isaac and class)
- Class policy
- Class outline/policy
- Intro/purpose (ICPC Facts (pdf))
- Grading policy
- Calendar
- web
- mailing list (icpc-practice)
- Office hours
- Homework
- go to UVA Online judge and sign up for an account
- Send an e-mail to class@isaac.lsu.edu with your name and your UVA ID (numeric number, not username)
- Read student code of conduct, read Faculty handbook (pdf)
- Review class summary (which you are doing now)
- Class outline/policy
- Upcoming Events
- ICPC Career Fair ?
- Typical Class
- Annoucements
- Humble Bundle
- PackT Pub books
- Person of the day -- importance of history, context
- Lecture/discussion
- Problem Analysis
- Annoucements
- Game - most things can be considered a game (if not all). Games tend to have the following attributes:
- Goal
- Rules
- Skill enhanced with practice
- Knowing the rules often enhances chances of succeeding in a game (for example: Reading the student handbook is a good way to improve your chances at succeeding at being a student).
- Quote: 20 hours at the keyboard can save you 2 hours of planning
- UVA Yearly submisson statistics
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Class 01: 29-August-2023
- Class cancelled -- I am sick.
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Class 02: 5-September-2023
- Intro (to Isaac and class)
- Class policy
- Class outline/policy
- Intro/purpose (ICPC Facts (pdf))
- Grading policy
- Calendar
- web
- mailing list (icpc-practice)
- Office hours
- Homework
- go to UVA Online judge and sign up for an account
- Send an e-mail to class@isaac.lsu.edu with your name and your UVA ID (numeric number, not username)
- Read student code of conduct, read Faculty handbook (pdf)
- Review class summary (which you are doing now)
- Class outline/policy
- Upcoming Events
- ICPC Career Fair ?
- Typical Class
- Annoucements
- Humble Bundle
- PackT Pub books
- Person of the day -- importance of history, context
- Lecture/discussion
- Problem Analysis
- Annoucements
- Game - most things can be considered a game (if not all). Games tend to have the following attributes:
- Goal
- Rules
- Skill enhanced with practice
- Knowing the rules often enhances chances of succeeding in a game (for example: Reading the student handbook is a good way to improve your chances at succeeding at being a student).
- Quote: 20 hours at the keyboard can save you 2 hours of planning
- UVA Yearly submisson statistics
- Covered day 0
- Online judge, udebug, uhint
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Class 03: 12-September-2023
- Annoucements
- Humble Bundle
- PackT Pub books
- NAQ (September 30, 2023)
Person of the day
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Network design, World Wide Web, HTTP
- wikipedia
- wikiquote
- Cool URIs don't change
- Awards:
- Knighted by Queen Elizabeth
- Turing Award
- Online judge, udebug, uhint
- Problem Categories
- Continuum
- Arrays
- Coding Style
- Reading Code
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Class 04: 19-September-2023
- Annoucements
- Humble Bundle
- PackT Pub books
- NAQ (September 30, 2023)
Person of the day
- Binary Storage
- Flood Fill
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Class 05: 26-September-2023
- Annoucements
- Humble Bundle
- PackT Pub books
- NAQ (September 30, 2023)
Person of the day
- Richard Stallman
- Fundamental idea: Free as in beer
In a nutshell, the word "free" has a couple of meanings and it's not always possible to tell in context which one the user meant. "Free as in beer" refers to the cost (i.e. money) of the software, while "free as in speech" refers to what you are allowed to do with the software.
- His personal Page
- Wikipedia
- WikiQuote
- GNU Project
- Free Software Foundation
- A look back at 40 Years of GNU and the Free Software Foundation
- Fundamental idea: Free as in beer
- Surprise visit from Ian Nezat (student for 3 semesters ending in 2020)
- Flood Fill
- Number Theory
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Class 06: 3-October-2023
- Annoucements
Person of the day
- A look back at 40 Years of GNU and the Free Software Foundation
- Music
- TED Talks
- Rules to get better grades wiuth less effort
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Class 07: 10-October-2023
- Annoucements
Person of the day
- Dr. Isaac Asimov
- wikipedia
- wikiquote
- Three Laws of Robotics
- Prolific writer of Science, Science Fiction, Mystery and many other types of books
Person of the day
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- Operating Systems, Minix, Linux, microkernels
A refund for defective software might be nice, except it would bankrupt the entire software industry in the first year.
- Notion of "intelligent design", as applied to software
- Isolate components from each other so that they cannot interfere with each other - or even communicate unless there is a reason to do so
- Stick to the "principle of least authority"; no component should have more privilege than it needs to get the job done
- The failure of one component should not cause others to fail
- The health of components should be monitored; if one stops operating properly, the system should know about it
- One must be prepared to replace components in a running system
- wikipedia
- wikiquote
- Dr. Isaac Asimov
- How to approach a Programming Contest
- ProblemSet Compostiotn
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Class 08: 17-October-2023
- Annoucements
Person of the day
- Donald Knuth
- Stanford web page (where he is Professor Emeritus)
- Wikipedia
- Art of Computer Programming
- WikiQuotes
- More quotes
- xkcd
- ACM Turing Award
- Brief biography
- Books
- Amazon -- Knuth books
- Kindle Store
- Articles about "The Art of Computer Programming"
- Overleaf (One of many online TeX services for collaboration)
- Donald Knuth
- How to solve
- (*) 568 - Just the Facts Online Judge Cached , this one has a small trick - I kept only 3 digits in my example but you need more than that
- (*) 10170 - The Hotel with Infinite Rooms Online Judge Cached
- (!) 10179 - Irreducable Basic Fractions Online Judge Cached , hint
- (*) 11687 - Digits Online Judge Cached
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Class 09: 24-October-2023
- Annoucements
Person of the day
- Niklaus Wirth
- (*) 568 - Just the Facts Online Judge Cached , this one has a small trick - I kept only 3 digits in my example but you need more than that
- (*) 10170 - The Hotel with Infinite Rooms Online Judge Cached
- (!) 10179 - Irreducable Basic Fractions Online Judge Cached , hint
- Showed some of the ways I approach coding a problem
- Using templates to get started (evolved into talk about structured programming)
- Code Folding in VIM
- Avoid putting memory address first in comaprison (in C/C++)
- use of DEBUG macro in C
- utest script to test code against uDebug test files
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Class 10: 31-October-2023
- Class cancelled -- I am sick
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Class 11: 7-November-2023
- Annoucements
Person of the day
- Vint Cerf
- Network design, TCP/IP
- wikipedia
- wikiquote
- Awards:
- Fellow of the ACM
- Turing Award
- Vint Cerf
- (*) 10170 - The Hotel with Infinite Rooms Online Judge Cached
- (*) 11687 - Digits Online Judge Cached
- (*) 12478 - Hardest Problem Ever (Easy) Online Judge Cached
- (*) 1203 - Argus Online Judge Cached
- Dave's Garage - Inside the new IBM Mainframe
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Class 12: 14-November-2023
- Annoucements
- Humble Bundle
- PackT Pub books
- LSU Solvers - Have you finished your homework?
Person of the day
- Kenneth Iverson
- wikipedia
- wikiquote
- IBM Selectric (golf ball) typewriter was side project
- Awards:
- IBM Fellow, IBM
- Harry H. Goode Memorial Award, IEEE Computer Society
- Member, National Academy of Engineering (USA)
- Turing Award, Association for Computing Machinery
- Computer Pioneer Award (Charter recipient), IEEE Computer Society
- The Lasting Lessons of John Conway’s Game of Life
- Conway's Game of Life
- (!) 10285 - Longest Run on a Snowboard Online Judge Cached
- (*) 11716 - Digital Fortress Online Judge Cached
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Class 13: 21-November-2023
- Annoucements
- Humble Bundle
- PackT Pub books
- LSU Solvers - Have you finished your homework?
Person of the day
- Brian Kernigham
- Dennis Ritchie
- Ken Thompson
- Creator/co-creator of Unix, B (predecessor of C), GO, Plan 9, QED, ed, utf-8,
- grep
- Lot of work on regular expressions
- Wikipedia
- Awards include: Turing Award, IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal, Fellow of the Computer History Museum, National Medal of Technology, Tsutomu Kanai Award, Japan Prize
- Chess
- Creation of endgame tablebase
- Creator of Belle
- Wrote "chess" for Unix (early chess program)
- Wikiquote
On page 23 of the class text (Competitive Programmer’s Handbook) is a chart indicating runtime efficiency for Big O use
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Class 14: 28-November-2023
- Final!
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